Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 700 The strongest vs. the strongest

In the sky, Veget and Luo Lan lifted off one after another to an altitude of more than 100 meters above the ground, and then confronted each other, exuding a strong fighting spirit.

Below, Sun Wuhan, Sun Bula and others looked up and watched, guessing the final victory.

At this time, the entire realm of the Realm King and God was filled with a tense atmosphere, the wind and clouds disappeared, the vast sky seemed to freeze, and the air shivered as the momentum of the two increased.

Everyone's eyes gathered, and Sun Wufan whispered to Bick: "Uncle Bick, who do you think will win between the two of them?"

Piccolo paid close attention, shook his head and said, "I can't tell, Vegett's strength is unquestionable, but that Saiyan is by no means simple, Gohan, can you see that, his form is fighting with you? The pattern is very similar, the normality is too calm.”

Sun Wufan stared earnestly, his face dignified, Luo Lan's current state was very similar to his mysterious state, but Sun Wufan knew that it was not a mysterious state.

"Maybe it's a deeper state."

"That's called perfect normality. It is said to be a state that absorbs the power of Super Saiyans into normality." Hearing the conversation between Son Gohan and Piccolo, Sun Bra's cold voice sounded.

Super Saiyan power into the norm!

Hearing Sun Bra's explanation, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Sun Gohan and Piccolo, especially when Sun Gohan compared his perfect normal state with his own mysterious state, and found that the other party's perfect normal state was more profound.

"It's about to start."

When the aura of Kaiwang Divine Realm reached its peak, Syphilia's red eyes lit up, and her voice calmed down. When everyone heard the words, they cheered up and looked seriously.

The whirlwind is habitual, rolling up a circle of waves.

In the sky, the oppressive atmosphere made the air freeze, and the two stood silently, looking at each other indifferently, but the constantly distorted space around them showed that both of them had boosted their energy to the extreme, and the terrifying coercion collided from the momentum of the two. Radiating in all directions, the entire sky seemed to be torn apart.

"Veget, do you want to fight me with normality?" A faint smile appeared on Luo Lan's mouth.

"Since it's a contest, of course we have to start from the most basic state." Vegito replied calmly, with a confident smile on his face.

"It's pretty self-confident, but I advise you to do your best, or it will be ugly after a while."

"You won't know until you hit it."

Vegetto said proudly, because it was not a battle of the enemy of life and death, he did not intend to show his strength from the beginning, and the battle of learning should naturally start from weak to strong, so that we could understand everything about the opponent in more detail.

It is the inherent practice of Earth Martial Daoist.

Seeing that Vegeta didn't plan to become a Super Saiyan, Luo Lan pouted. Every time he has to wait until he is beaten all over his body, he is willing to give his best. This problem of Sun Wukong has also been inherited from Veget, and I don't know when it will be able to change.

Well, then let you know the price of this stupidity!

Although Vegett's strength is also very strong in normal state, but facing Luo Lan's perfect normal state, that little power is really out of hand.

With a bang, Luo Lan was the first to move, and the speed seemed to exceed the speed of light.

The body became blurred, and a phantom disappeared in place. When it reappeared, it was already in front of Vegeta. The tip of the fist exposed the rough attack power, and a fist slammed down at Vegeta.

"So fast!"

Seeing Luo Lan's attack suddenly come, Vegeta was startled, and quickly reacted, putting his hands on his chest to block Luo Lan's attack.


A heavy force hit his chest, Vegeta's arms went numb, time seemed to freeze for a while, and the whole person turned into a flash of light and fell.


The earth trembled, and suddenly a huge impact crater with a diameter of over a thousand meters appeared. Vegeta was trapped in the crater, and the whole person seemed a little stunned.

"This guy is so strong, is this the perfect normal state?" He suddenly encountered Luo Lan's shocking attack. Although it was only a fist, Vegeta immediately knew that his normal state was definitely not the opponent's opponent.

Frowning his brows, Vegett jumped up from the mud pit, and his whole body began to shine with pale golden light.

"If that's the case, then let you see the power of Super Saiyans!"

"It's long overdue to become a Super Saiyan!"

Feeling the terrifying aura gradually rising from Vegeta, Luo Lan said calmly.

"You'll know it's great then."

Vegeta glanced at Luo Lan, and a calm voice sounded.

With a loud shout, an overwhelming momentum was released, and Vegeta immediately became a Super Saiyan state. Although it was only the most basic Super Saiyan form, the majestic power had already made the entire Kaiwang God. The world is trembling, and the power of terror is not weaker than the previous Super Saiyan 2 of Sunbra.

"As expected of Vegeta, only Super Saiyan 1 has reached the first-level sequence."

Feeling the endless power that erupted from Vegeta, Luo Lan's eyes lit up, and a strong fighting spirit burst forth.

Vegetto's use of Super Saiyan power far exceeds that of Sunbra, plus he has a very high normal combat power, and the battle after transformation directly exceeds the limit of ordinary life, reaching the first-level sequence.

It is indeed the most perfect fit warrior in history.

In the next second, Luo Lan also exerted all his strength, silver-gray light filled his body, and the mood of the whole body became more distant.


Luo Lan's body also moved naturally, fighting with Vegeta.

Vegeta was surprised by Luo Lan's state, and found that the opponent was just like a flexible loach. No matter how he changed his movements, his attack always rubbed against the opponent's body, and no substantial breakthrough was made.

What marvelous martial art is this!

In the blink of an eye, the two had fought for hundreds of rounds.

At this time, the battle between the two sides has entered a super high speed. Except for a few people such as Syphilia and Sun Wuhan, who can see their movements clearly, such as Sun Wutian, Trunks, and the old Kaiwangshen, they have completely Blind.

Looking at the huge bright spots constantly appearing in the sky and the vibrating air that sweeps over at any time, the old realm god helplessly watched the land of the realm of the realm being shoveled down layer by layer, his face full of horror.

"What terrifying power, the power of the two of them has completely exceeded my understanding of power." The old realm king said in a trembling voice.

"Dad always has reservations!"

Sunbra's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he felt like he was being tricked. We must know that Veget is only now showing the form of Super Saiyan 1. Who knows if there will be Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 in the future!

"Uncle Bick, they are so strong!"

Son Gohan watched in shock. Every time he saw Vegett and the others burst into full force, he felt a shock to his heart. Compared with them, he was too far behind.

"Yeah, I can't see their movements at all."

Piccolo shook his head, sadly finding that he was completely out of step with the times. In the past, he could still see the movements of Super Saiyan 3 clearly, but now Vegeta has become a Super Saiyan, and the speed of his movements has exceeded his perception ability.

"This is the power of the first-level sequence."

Syphilia said lightly.

"What is the first-level sequence?" Son Gohan asked suspiciously, and at this time, everyone except Sun Bra, Meluria and others pricked up their ears.

Especially the old world king god, he has never heard of the so-called first-level sequence.

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