Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 701 Vegeta has something to hide

"The first-level sequence is the level of a higher-level god above mortals. It is divided into seven levels in total. Even the lowest-level first-level sequence has power far beyond the imagination of mortals, such as the devil in your world. Buu and others can be easily pinched to death with just one finger."

Syphilia briefly explained the division of power levels. Sun Wuhan and the others were completely stunned, they only felt that they were as small as a frog in the well.

"It's so strong!"

"Then Vegetto and Luo Lan are now the so-called first-level sequences."

Sun Wufan and the others couldn't help but be astonished. Only the lowest level of power left them behind. How terrifying the world of the strong is!

Everyone's eyes were dull, and the shock in their hearts could not be described in words.

"Hmph, I also reached the first-level sequence after I became Super Saiyan 2." Sun Bra raised his head proudly and looked at Sun Wuhan and the others defiantly. This time is different from the past. In the past, she had reached the level because of her out-of-control power. The first-level sequence is relatively reluctant, but now it is truly achieved.

Facing Sun Bra's provocative eyes, Sun Gohan smiled wryly and shook his head.


At this moment, the battlefield of the Realm King God Realm was changing rapidly.

Vegett, who became a Super Saiyan, fought fiercely with Luo Lan. Vegett's attacks belonged to a rough fighting mode, many of which were wide-area energy attacks and qigong waves. In comparison, Luo Lan's attacks It is necessary to be much more meticulous, and to make full use of every energy by using the wonder of the realm.

Boom! !


A huge shock wave erupted in the sky above the realm of the realm of the realm king, and the energy of the raging riot was violent, turning the whole realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm upside down.

"Hahaha, I'm so happy, I haven't had such a fun battle for many years." Vegeta laughed wildly, with some paint hanging on his body, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, and the training clothes on his body were also damaged.

On the other side, Luo Lan was also a little embarrassed, and the silver-white light floating on her body became a little dim.

Frankly speaking, Luo Lan couldn't compare to Vegeta in terms of energy.

After all, Vegeta's energy is a real first-level sequence. Although there is a suspicion of using the Super Saiyan transformation to forcibly increase it, the body's combat power has not reached the first-level sequence, but the energy after transformation is real.

On the other hand, Luo Lan's energy has not yet reached the first-level sequence, aside from the use of energy and the strengthening of the body by the Mega Realm.

This is also the reason why Luo Lan is eager to seek a breakthrough in ape transformation.

However, Luo Lan has always regarded Super Saiyan transformation as a "tool", and essentially relies on his own background. This idea is completely different from Veget.

"Hey, you see, Vegeta is actually injured, when was the last time he was injured?" Seeing the earth-shattering battle, Jabeet, who was standing with the old Kaiwang God, looked horrified.


The old god of the realm frowned, his aging face became even more old, and suddenly he said with a shocked expression: "No, there is no last time, this is the first time Vegeta has been injured."

From the day of his birth, Vegett has never been hurt.

The scene instantly fell into a long silence.

"Are the two of them evenly matched?" Jabbit stammered.

"This shouldn't be their ultimate power. Who knows how much Dad has hidden. After all, he hasn't used Super Saiyan 2 yet!" At this time, Sunbra snorted softly, feeling very unhappy. Looking at the fussing Jabbit god with contempt.

"Yeah, Vegeta may be able to turn into Super Saiyan 2."

The God of Jabbit was suddenly embarrassed. He, the god, had no cards in front of these Saiyans.


"Hahaha, Luo Lan, your movements are too flexible. Ordinary Super Saiyans are not your opponents, but if it is Super Saiyan 2, can you still dodge my attack!"

Vegeta wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was full of excitement, and then he screamed loudly, a strong fighting spirit burst out, his muscles instantly tense, and an even more terrifying force began to erupt.


The golden light that covered the sky continued to spread, and the silver electric light became denser, crackling and slapping, accompanied by bursts of air trembling murmurs, the golden hair became straighter, and endless energy flowed from Vegeta's body. It spewed out, and instantly turned into layers of substantial energy wrapped around the body.

Ultimate Vegeta, Super Saiyan 2 form.

"This is..." Piccolo took a breath and stared round.

Compared to just now, Vegeta's power became even more terrifying. At a distance of thousands of meters, he felt like he was being burned by fiery energy.

Feeling the scorching energy emanating from Vegett, Sun Gohan and the others continued to retreat for several thousand meters, and then placed a layer of energy shield to watch from afar.

"Veget actually turned into Super Saiyan 2, and his breath has doubled from just now."

"Sure enough, his strength is more than that."


"Sister, that Vegito's strength is almost beyond the first-level sequence." Meluria leaned next to Syphilia and said softly, in order to resist the pressure from a distance, they have become superhumans. Saiyan.

"The combined warriors of this universe are really powerful, and the Super Saiyan 2 state can't even be achieved by our fused Feluria." Syphilia's tone was solemn.

"Luo Lan should be able to withstand it, right?"

"No problem, don't forget our efforts in the Spiritual Time Room. Luo Lan alone can stop the combined attack of several of us, and it is not so easy to be defeated." Emma's thoughts are more optimistic, because she Knowing that Luo Lan and Super Saiyan are not useful, although that state is very violent and short-lived, it belongs to a temporary burst mode.

Sure enough, after seeing Vegeta transformed into Super Saiyan 2, and feeling that the perfect normal state and the mega-state could not defeat the opponent, Luo Lan held her breath for a while, grinning slightly.

"In this state, you should have done your best, and then I have to do my best!"

Luo Lan stared at Vegit with piercing eyes, and suddenly gave a light drink, and an equally violent force spurted out.

Under the maintenance of the Mega Realm, Luo Lan's Super Saiyan form's power continued to rise, and every trace of energy was perfectly utilized to burst out even more powerful effects.

An alternative aura with silver-gray rays of light rolled over in a mighty manner, accompanied by a low-pitched dragon roar, the dragon's power within the body also rolled over, and there was almost no obstacle, directly squeezing Vegett's momentum to aside.

Realm King God Realm rumbling, the sky seems to be collapsing.

The old Kaiwangshen and others had never seen such a situation. For a time, they thought that the world was about to collapse, and they were in a hurry with the God of Jabe.

"Ah, ah, it's over, the sky is about to fall."

"Old Ancestor, I may be the saddest realm god." God Jabe was terrified, and his voice trembled.

"Who said no!"

The old god of the realm was crying and feeling sad.

Seeing the full power displayed by Luo Lan, Vegeta widened his eyes and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, it turns out that you will also become a Super Saiyan!"

"If you have any power, use it!"

Vegeta's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, his fierce fighting intent was approaching Luo Lan, and then he stepped on the void, and Huo Di exploded in mid-air, and the transparent void immediately shattered like glass, cracking in all directions of cracks.

Facing Vegett's attack, Luo Lan's face turned straight, and his golden pupils looked at him leisurely, with a gleam of coldness flashing in his eyes.

Luo Lan stretched out a hand, clenched his fist, and the hard iron fist drew a dotted line in the air.

"Star Fist!"


Vegetto crossed his hands to block this attack, his face changed suddenly, he let out a long whistle, and his movements became more rapid.

The two moved quickly, and in the eyes of outsiders, they quickly disappeared, and at the same time they suddenly appeared in another place. With the visual effects of the collapse of the void, huge shell craters appeared in the realm of the King of God. On Shenxing, in fact, behind the simple attack, the two have fought each other many times.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"...

"Shockwave all day!"

"Void Replacement!"

"Turtle School Qigong!"

"Ultimate Flash!!"

The bright and dazzling light blazed out, and straight marks were drawn on the ground wherever it passed. This was the unique trick of Luo Lan and Veget.

The battle has come to an end here.

After seeing each other's tricks, the two sides already knew what they were doing, and knew that it was meaningless to continue fighting, so the two stopped tacitly.

Luo Lan and Vejit returned to normal. The intense energy consumption made them gasp for breath. Luo Lan ate a fairy bean and threw one at Vejit.

"Happy, this is the battle I want." After swallowing the fairy bean to regain his strength, Vegeta looked very happy.

"In the near future, there will be a more intense game where you can fight as much as you like."


Vegeta was a little surprised, but thought that Luo Lan was a Saiyan from another world, thinking that the other party knew what was going to happen in the future.

Luo Lan shrugged, saying that what she said was true.

Seeing this, Vegeta was shocked, laughed happily, and left the realm of the realm.

Seeing Vegett teleport away, Luo Lan and the others did not intend to stay in the realm of the realm, so they teleported away one after another, leaving only the old realm god and Jiebit.

Looking at the devastated realm of the Realm King God, full of large and small impact craters, the faces of the two realm king gods suddenly darkened, and they wanted to get angry, but when they thought of Luo Lan and their terrifying power, the two could only do it. With a helpless sigh, it is really sad that the Realm King God has done what they did.


"Luo Lan, that Vegito's strength is really strong. It is estimated that his strength is about to exceed the first-level sequence."

Back on Earth, Syphilia said with a serious face.

Luo Lan looked at the clear and flawless sky, and said lightly: "You missed it, Vegit's strength is not about to exceed the first-level sequence, but has already exceeded the first-level sequence!"

"What?" Sefilia and Meluria were stunned.

Emma opened her jewel-like blue eyes, put her index finger against her chin, and said incredulously, "You mean Vegeta has something to hide?"

"Well, I don't think he did his best, at least he didn't use all his strength. This Vegeta is very good at hiding!" Luo Lan sighed. According to his guess, Vegeta should also hide the Super Saiyan 3's Once the transformation skill is used, there is absolutely no problem in reaching the second-level sequence.

"So you are not even Luo Lan's opponent?"

"Not for the time being, unless I can comprehend the Super Saiyan God Realm (second-level sequence) or master the power of an ape Saiyan, and then use the mystery of the Mega Realm to directly break into the second-level sequence, otherwise I want to defeat Beibei Kit, it's almost impossible."

Hearing what Roland said, Syphilia, Meluria, and Emma were all speechless.

This Vegeta is too strong!

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