Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 725 God-level Saiyan Power

God-level Saiyan.

As the name suggests, it is a Saiyan whose physical strength reaches the divine sequence.

Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan Red Saiyans with god-level strength can also be called god-level Saiyans, but Luo Lan's situation is a bit different from them, because they absorb blood from the blood. The most primitive fourth-level sequence of gods - Oreghi's afterimage power, Luo Lan's god-level state is purer than them.

black hair.

Kong Wu's powerful body.

It has an appearance similar to Super Saiyan 4, and maintains the purest human body shape. Every move is full of infinite power. All power is contained in the cells and can be controlled at will. This kind of free and carefree feeling is not a transformation state. comparable.

Feeling the endless power flowing in his body to his heart's content, Luo Lan feels great now.

"With a little bit of proficiency, these powers can be mastered completely."

This is the advantage of pure flesh-and-blood power, because it is not the power gained through transformation and augmentation, so these powers are real, and they can be integrated with just being skilled.

At the moment of becoming a god-level Saiyan, Luo Lan realized the next step in his cultivation direction - upgrading the perfect normal state to the god-level normal state.

The process will be quick.

Pale golden eyes looked at Broly, who was crazy in the distance but didn't dare to approach. Luo Lan smiled lightly, as if the super Saiyan's suppression of ordinary Saiyans, in his own god-level Saiyan. In front of them, Chuan Chao Saiyans will also be suppressed.

Facing Luo Lan, Broly instinctively felt a trace of fear.

Time to win this game.

Twisting his neck, a crackling sound like fried beans rang out. Every cell became active at this moment. He took a breath, and the silver-gray energy immediately enveloped Luo Lan's body, and the endless power burned in his chest. For a moment his strength increased again.

Just like water waves entering a small bay mouth, the back waves hit the front waves, and the initial waves continue to accumulate, and finally reach a qualitative change.


A touch of silver-gray light appeared on Luo Lan's body. With the blessing of the Mega Realm, Luo Lan's power naturally broke through to the second-level sequence.

Leaning slightly, hissing, an invisible microwave spread out, and Luo Lan's figure disappeared instantly.

Then appeared in front of Broly.

Dodge, appear, attack, punch.


A series of movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, no need for extra thinking, it seems to have become the instinct of the body.

Broly widened his eyes in disbelief, punched with a heavy punch, and slammed into an asteroid with a scream. With a bang, a huge fireball rose up, and Broly's body pierced through the asteroid and continued to fly upside down.

But at this moment, Luo Lan's figure appeared faster in front of Broly's flight path.

He folded his fist expressionlessly and slammed it down.

Bang! !

Broly's flight path bent ninety degrees and crashed in the other direction.

"Damn, roar!!" Broly shook his head, roared angrily, and then frantically increased his energy without limit.

Plop, plop, plop!

Broly's aura continued to rise, his muscles twitched as if about to burst, and a terrifying and ominous aura filled the entire space.

Luo Lan frowned and looked at Broly, "Don't die, even the legendary Super Saiyan has a limit."

The power of Super Saiyan mainly comes from the enhancement of transformation, and his body is still a mortal. As long as he is a mortal, his body will have a limit. An unlimited crazy boost like Broly will only destroy the structure of the body. The mind is restored, and the body is abolished.

Shaking his head, Broly now has become a monster who only knows how to fight, and he can't tell what to do or what not to do.

"Kill you!"

The grass-green energy rose up, and Broly let out a roar, put his hands together, and gathered shining energy balls one by one, and then charged towards Luo Lan.

"Blasting Meteor!"

Bright light shines.

"Seek your own way!"

With a cold snort, Luo Lan gently pushed aside the barrier of the void with his hand, diverted Broly's attack, and then teleported to Broly's side, raising his fist to attack Broly.


The two fists collided in the void, and the void universe was shaking slightly.

After the fierce collision, Luo Lan's face froze slightly, and a smile appeared on his face indifferently.

"Hahaha, as expected, the power of a God-level Saiyan is completely different from that of a Super Saiyan."

Strictly speaking, Luo Lan's previous perfect normal state was also a special state among Super Saiyans. The breath was longer than that of ordinary Super Saiyans. It's not far.

The ensuing battle became a one-sided ravage. The god-level power combined with the power of the Omen Realm made Luo Lan feel like a duck to water and had the advantage in the battle with Broly.

Although the victory was decided, Luo Lan didn't want to end the battle so early. First, he wanted to enjoy the battle, and secondly, he wanted to use the battle with Broly to master the power of a god-level Saiyan.


Pong! Pong! Pong!

The illusory afterimages spread all over the space, and the naked eye can no longer tell which one is real and which is illusory.

Looking at the picture of the fierce battle displayed on the crystal ball, everyone in the competition venue looked at it in astonishment. Although they could not hear the sound of the battle on the other side of the starry sky, everyone could feel the tremors in the void. A fierce attack between the two.

Fighting, separating, sprinting, a series of wonderful movements are integrated into one, without any pause, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Feluria stared at the battle between Roland and Broly in a stunned manner, her beautiful eyes twinkling with light.

"Luo Lan's new state is actually so strong, Broly has no power to fight back."

"This is the power of the second-level sequence."

Demon Emma smiled happily.

Vegetto and Sunbra's father and daughter looked at them seriously, their pupils flashed with fighting intent, and there was a feeling of blood boiling.

"Happy, pure violence, power beyond the limit of the body, this is the limit of a Super Saiyan." Vegett looked at it with bright eyes. In the picture, Luo Lan and Broly punched each other, sturdy The collision, in his eyes, was so pure that he wanted to go forward and experience it.

In Universe 18, Sun Wukong also looked excitedly.

When seeing Luo Lan and Broly roaring and rushing towards each other from the far ends, and a violent collision occurred, Sun Wukong was even more excited to be difficult for himself.

"Did you see Vegeta, this powerful form, I think this is the road after Super Saiyan 3, I think I have found a breakthrough direction."

After Super Saiyan 3, should it be named Super Saiyan 4?


Vegeta opened her mouth, unable to believe that a master as powerful as Broly would have a day of ravages, that Saiyan named Roland was too strong.

"Broley is screwed."

This was the consensus of everyone present. From the battle screen, it was already known that Luo Lan's victory had been decided.


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