Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 726 Broly's End

In the void, the storm of battle makes the peaceful universe turbulent.

Broly opened his mouth and let out a painful wailing, his muscles twitching and trembling constantly, and it was the end of the shot. He gasped violently, the grass-green energy on his body gradually dimmed, and slowly retreated from the super-transcendent state to the normal state, but even so, Broly's sanity still did not recover, and he was still roaring at Luo Lan like a beast.

"Can't you regain your sanity..."

Seeing Broly's brutal appearance, Luo Lan shook her head regretfully.

The Broly in front of him is not the sensible Broly in the seventh universe. Keeping him will only cause harm to the entire universe. Thinking of this, Luo Lan raised his palm, and a dark blue energy condensed in his palm.

"In that case, let me end your life!"

"Star Cannon!"

With a punch, the infinite starlight flickered.

An energy wave shining brilliantly was released, pierced through the void, and charged towards Broly.

"Do not!"

Looking at the energy wave coming in, Broly subconsciously felt dangerous, his eyes widened, and he shouted in disbelief.

There was a muffled sound, and the scorching air waves spread into the deep universe one by one. Luo Lan's attack did not completely destroy Broly's body, but flew towards a distant star against him. .

As in the theatrical version, Broly should end his life in the stars!

The distant beam of light took Broly and gradually disappeared at the end of the starry sky, and Luo Lan quietly waited for the moment when Broly's life ended.

at this time--

A green figure emerged from the shadows, Sharu looked at Broly with fiery eyes, and a greedy light flashed in his eyes. He had been hiding in the void for a long time, looking at Broly, who was so amazing. Jia's material was going to be buried in the stars, and he couldn't help jumping out of "love talent".

"Broly, be a part of my body!"

Sharu cautiously approached the star, and he tried his best to restrain his breath so that no one would find him.

He thought he was doing it carefully, but he didn't know that his every move was under Luo Lan's eyes.

"Sharu, this is a match between me and Broly, what are you doing here?" With a flash, Luo Lan came to Sharu's side, put a hand on Sharu's shoulder, and looked at him blankly. .

A cold voice suddenly sounded in his mind, Sharu snorted in his heart, and when he raised his eyes and saw Luo Lan, cold sweat broke out.

"Interfering in the game privately, your behavior has broken the rules of the game. I originally planned to leave you to deal with it after the game. Since you jumped out so quickly, then die with Broly."

"not good!!"

Shalu panicked and wanted to flee, but Luo Lan's palm grabbed his shoulder like a steel pincer, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

With an ugly expression on his face, Shalu wanted to plead with Luo Lan.

Luo Lan snorted coldly, a fist violently hit Sharu's abdomen, Sharu screamed "Ah", arched his body, and spit out a mouthful of bitter water.

"It's a waste to kill you directly. It's better to give it to Emma as a gift." He glanced at Sharu lightly, and the two eyes condensed into energy beams. He died, but it left him incapacitated.

Then teleport back to the competition planet, and throw Sharu in front of the devil Emma like throwing garbage.

"Emma, ​​this guy is a gift from me, enjoy it to the fullest."

"Ah, Luo Lan, you are so kind." The demon Emma looked at Luo Lan with a face of surprise, her charming and boneless body wrapped directly around Luo Lan's body, stroking Luo Lan's chest with her hands, her solid muscles full of The power of masculinity, the devil Emma blushed, as if she was electrocuted and excited.

"What a powerful body, it's more perfect than before, hehe." The demon Emma smiled unconsciously on her seductive face.

"Emma, ​​be more reserved."

Feluria frowned slightly and dragged the demon Emma off Roland's body.

"Hey, what's the matter!"

The Demon Emma smiled, not knowing what she was thinking, her azure blue eyes rippled with water waves, but after seeing Feluria's stern eyes, she stuck out her tongue and sneered, and went to the side to deal with Sharu, He threw a "prey" from his fingertips, and then turned him into a piece of dessert in Sharu's desperate eyes.

Picking up the dessert and eating it, the devil Emma had a happy smile on her face. This was the first gift that Luo Lan had given her!

So sweet!

"What's the matter with your form, Luo Lan?" Feluria asked instead.

"This is what it looks like after stimulating the power of the bloodline. Thanks to Broly, my body has been promoted to the first sequence. After I am thoroughly familiar with it, I can stabilize the power of the first sequence in daily life."

"God-level normal?"

"That's right." Luo Lan laughed heartily. It was a huge leap from the perfect normal state to the god-level normal state. Since he has mastered the god-level body, this process will be completed very quickly.

Feluria nodded, stroking Luo Lan's chest like the devil Emma, ​​her eyes lit up: "Your body is much stronger than before. You were a little thinner before, but now you look just right."

"That's it." The Demon Emma had already digested Sharu.

At this time, Vegeta said cheerfully: "I really want to fight with you quickly."

"You can look forward to drawing you and me in the next game." Luo Lan calmly faced Vegit's challenge. At this time, he was not at all timid even in the face of Vegit's full power.


"I can't feel Broly anymore."

The Great Realm King looked at the deep space with a solemn expression. After a long time, Broly's breath was gone, and he shook his head and sighed.

"The legendary Super Saiyan was actually defeated." The Eastern Realm King God and several other realm gods all showed a look of astonishment, and then smiled bitterly. Compared with those Saiyans, their realm Wang Shen suddenly lost his cards, but fortunately the crisis finally passed.

"Lord Dajie Wangshen, what about the next game?" The Varuga staff trotted over.

Taking a look at the half-collapsed, messy venue, the Great Realm King said, "The game will continue, and if the venue is to be placed in outer space!"

"Some players may not be able to adapt to fighting in a vacuum environment?" The Varuga said hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter, we can use the divine power of Kaiwangshen to temporarily give players the ability to survive in a vacuum." The Western Kaiwangshen said elegantly, the power of Kaiwangshen is the energy of the origin of life, and giving mortals a small amount can allow them to form within the body. Circulation, temporarily breathing without oxygen.

"Just do it!"

"According to the order!" The Varuga people retreated after receiving the order.

The game continued.

At this time, there were only seven players left on the field, namely: Luo Lan, Emma, ​​Veget, Sunbra, Super Buu, Gascaco, and Sun Wukong.

After drawing lots, the two sides of the next round of competition have been determined, Sunbra from Universe 16 will face Emma from Universe 16.

"It's our internal battle again!" Sun Bla was stunned when he heard the broadcast, and smiled. Sometimes it's not good to have too many masters. It's always a matter of one's own people bumping into one's own people, causing unnecessary internal friction.

"Emma, ​​don't use those cannibalistic tricks on me!"

Sunbra issued a warning before the game.

"Don't worry, I just ate it, and I won't eat it for now." The devil Emma blinked, licked her lower lip, and smiled, revealing sharp little tiger teeth.

I don't know why, seeing the expression on the Demon Emma's face, Sunbra looked terrified.

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