Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 736: Defeating Vegeta

Not to mention the various complicated thoughts of the audience, the battle between Luo Lan and Veget now became more and more intense.

It may be because of the limited duration of his transformation, Vegeta gave up some unnecessary temptations, and tried his best to hit the key points with every attack, but Luo Lan's movements were very cunning, as if he knew Vegetto in advance. The same movements as his, whenever Vegett's attack was about to succeed, Luo Lan could always dodge with a small range of motion.

"Your movement is very strange. Even though your energy is slightly worse than mine, you can still fight with me until now." Veget's muscles tightened.

"Your stamina is starting to decline!"

Seeing the crystal sweat dripping down Veget's forehead, Luo Lan grinned, but she didn't dare to relax at all, and kept looking for flaws in the opponent.

Vegeta is a battle-hardened fighter. Decades of cultivation are not in vain. In addition, he has extremely high energy and cannot be underestimated. In fact, Luo Lan knows his current weaknesses in his heart. Although his strength has reached the second-level sequence , but it was improved by the blessing of the Mega Realm.

If the opponent is desperate and launches a wide-area attack, no matter how mysterious the movement skills are, it is still difficult to resist in the face of absolute destructive power.

After all, the "Mega Realm" he has mastered is only the primary application of Zizai Jiyi Gong, not the more advanced "Ultimate Realm" and "Artistic Realm!"

Often the more people worry about something, the more something will come.

Vegetto seemed to have found Luo Lan's weakness, and a high-pitched voice sounded in Luo Lan's mind: "Your biggest weakness is that you rely too much on your movements, your energy is not comparable to mine, no matter how flexible your movements are, you can only follow I'm exhausted, and I have the means to attack you."

The strange Vegett of Omen Realm couldn't see through, but from his point of view, Luo Lan's state was not impeccable, and the god-level Saiyan really made him feel bright, as if he had found the direction of his next efforts. , but the competition at this time is the attack power.

In response to Luo Lan's current state, Vegetto specifically thought about how to deal with it.

I saw Vegeta stretched out his hands and slammed the energy in front of him. A gleam of light flashed in his piercing eyes, as if penetrating a layer of water mist. Vegeta's tall and straight figure appeared beside Luo Lan, facing towards Luo Lan. He attacked in awe.

"Turtle School Qigong!"

"Qi Yuan Slash!"

"Qigong Cannon!"

"Ultimate Flash!!"

clang! clang! clang!

Astonishing attacks came one after another, blue, white, and golden qigong waves gathered together, and then formed an airtight energy network. The energy cyclones were scattered and dense, and Luo Lan was firmly blocked. in a narrow space.

Because the energy is too dense, the violently fluctuating energy disrupts the space, temporarily making the ability to move instantly ineffective.

Facing Vegett's almost desperate attack, Luo Lan also let go of her hands and feet and tried her best.

"Shockwave all day!"

"Empty Slash!"

The warm and bright qigong blade flew out, slashing at the energy released by Veget, and suddenly a dense energy net was smashed into a mist-like airflow to dissipate, tearing a hole in the blockade.

Luo Lan hurriedly leaned forward and flew out of the tens of meters wide hole.

"What you've been waiting for is now." Vegetto's low voice sounded, his body suddenly flashed, and he appeared beside Luo Lan.

Raising his fist, the power of the riot slammed over.

"This kind of attack is the same as Broly, pure violence!" Luo Lan's heart shuddered, and she had already made a judgment. Faced with skills, only pure violence could be cracked.

The body flashes continuously!

Clap la la, Vegeta's fist pierced through the void, seized the gap between Luo Lan's movements and launched a violent attack, the fist with sharp energy swiped by Luo Lan's cheek, the fiery fist was fierce and sharp, and the burning arrogance was in the air. There were several scars on Luo Lan's cheek.

call out! Vegeta's figure reappeared, his palms separated, and a dome-like air wall shrouded him.

"Qi He Fist!"

The strong energy storm locked Luo Lan's body. The attack power of this move was not strong, but it could effectively restrain the opponent's movements.

Luo Lan only felt that the surrounding space had become sticky, as if countless invisible threads were entangled in his body. In just that moment of stagnation, Vegett seized the opportunity and released a more formidable attack.


Seeing that Vegetto's attack was approaching, Luo Lan bit, and a flash of electric light suddenly flashed in his eyes. He stretched out his palm, and at the same time as the violent palm force was swung out, a crystal flash suddenly appeared.


Vegeta's body froze, and while his face was horrified, his body was controlled by Luo Lan.

Immediately afterwards, his face became ugly. Looking around, he found that he had left the vast void and appeared in a pale ruin with a radius of only more than 100 kilometers.


"Hey, why didn't the two of them move, is the battle over?"

The devastating attack disappeared, and the universe became clear and clear again. Through the crystal ball, people finally saw the picture of both sides of the battle. At this time, Vegett still maintained the form of Super Saiyan 3, and the golden arrogance on his body was burning hot. , the body does not move.

Beside him, Luo Lan, radiating silver-gray radiance, stood a short distance away from Veget. He stretched out a palm as if he was in a trance, motionless, and beads of sweat the size of beans erupted from his forehead.

Everyone can't understand what they are doing, why not continue the good fight.

Gascaco frowned and watched, feeling that things weren't that simple.

Super Buu resisted the thought of wanting to go up and devour them, glanced at Emma and Syphilia who were eyeing them around, and finally chose to wait and see for a while.

"What are they two doing, why don't they fight?"

Vegeta looked puzzled and puzzled.

Sun Wukong watched intently, hesitantly said, "They seem to have entered a strange mental state?"

"Spiritual training?"

Vegeta has also been exposed to Earth's martial arts over the years, and knows that there is a method in the temple that relies on sit-down exercises to practice real battles.

"It's even more amazing than spiritual practice. You can see that the energy on Veget's body is constantly weakening, and there seem to be some scars on his body!"

Vegeta frowned and looked at it carefully. Sure enough, she saw that Vegeta's body was constantly adding scars out of thin air, her eyes shrank suddenly, and she said incredulously, "Spiritual training has absolutely no such effect."

"It may be a more magical ability." Sun Wukong guessed.

Unlike Sun Wukong and the others, when Syphilia and the others saw the two people standing still in the crystal ball, they immediately understood what was going on.

"It turns out that 'mind space' can still be used in this way, but maintaining such a scene requires a lot of spirit!"

Sun Bula's beautiful eyes flashed a strange light, controlling a second-level sequence powerhouse in the spiritual space. The spiritual requirements for the caster are extremely high. This is a very dangerous thing. If you can't defeat the enemy, you will be injured by the opponent's frantic power.


A few minutes passed.

In the universe, beads of sweat gradually ooze out of Vegeta's forehead, and his face became whiter and paler. Suddenly he quit the Super Saiyan 3 state. After regaining consciousness, he gasped for breath, even though there was no air in the universe. Movement seems to help him relieve stress.

After wiping the sweat off his face, Vegeta slowed down.

"You actually dragged me into another dimension just now."

"That's called 'mind space'."

Looking at Luo Lan in disbelief, Vegeta smiled wryly and shook his head, admitting defeat: "I lost, your tactics are really endless, the space just now is the trick that Bra used to deal with Captain Ginyu, I've learned it. It's awesome."


With a smile on his face, Luo Lan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he won quite dangerously, and he was also under great pressure when he used the "mind space" just now.

It was like gambling, winning or losing was unpredictable. If it wasn't for Vegetto's desperate situation, he wouldn't take this risk at all. Fortunately, the result was satisfactory.

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