Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 737 Dragon's Roar resounding throughout the universe

Vegeta will lose.

It's not because Vegett's strength is worse than Roland's. In fact, the two are almost the same in strength. The reason why they lose is mainly because the transformation of a Super Saiyan is essentially different from that of a god-level Saiyan.

It is true that Vegett in the Super Saiyan 3 state is very powerful, but his power comes from his transformation. While taking into account the physical burden, he must also resist the mental pressure caused by Luo Lan's activation of the mental space. Not a sustainable model, losing is a natural thing to do.

back to the planet.

Seeing the injured Vegeta, Sunbra handed over a fairy bean. After Vegeta ate the fairy bean, his pale cheeks gradually became rosy, and all the injuries on his body disappeared.

Emma also wanted to treat Luo Lan, but Luo Lan shook her head and said she didn't need it.

Although the previous battle had consumed a lot of his physical strength, at this time, the god-level Saiyan quickly showed his superiority. The rich energy spread from the cells and flowed through the meridians to all parts of the body. The inside of the body rose, and a few shimmers of light floated on the surface. The silver-gray light burned like a flame, expelling all the negative factors in the body.

His mental state immediately returned to its peak state.

Luo Lan was amazed at her own recovery ability and didn't know what was going on.

Could it be the effect after the body reaches the god level? Luo Lan secretly guessed in his heart, if this is the case, the effect is already so powerful. If he continues to become stronger and one day promotes the perfect normal state to the god-level normal state, does it mean that he will not be easily injured?

Immediately shook his head, how can there be such a good thing, you must know that even the God of Destruction in the fourth-level sequence will be injured when it should be injured, and at most he can be more resistant than others.

Saiyans are thick-skinned and rough-skinned, and resistance to beatings is a basic skill. Luo Lan was beaten by Syphilia since he was a child.

Of course, with such a discovery, Luo Lan was also very happy.


"Luo Lan, you are amazing, even your father is not your opponent."

Sun Bra stepped forward excitedly and circled around Luo Lan a few times. She was very excited when Veget was defeated. Although he didn't defeat it with his own hands, at least he tasted the taste of failure.

"Yeah, that's Super Saiyan 3!" Son Gohan sighed.

Vegeta had never lost a single defeat before, and the only injury was when Luo Lan fought in the Realm of the Realm last time. Son Gohan has undergone rigorous training, and it is estimated that he has only reached the level of Vegett Super Saiyan 1. Compared with Super Saiyan 3, it can be described as a cloud and mud, so he has special admiration for Luo Lan who defeated Veget. .

Luo Lan said humbly: "Actually, I am still a bit far behind Vegeta, and it was a fluke to be able to win against him."

"If you lose, you lose, and Luo Lan doesn't have to save face for me." Vegeta had an open face.

"By the way, can you teach me how to become like you, Super Saiyan is too limited..." Summarizing the experience from failure, Vegeta realized the reason why he lost the game, so he asked Luo Lan taught himself the secret of becoming a god-level Saiyan.

"God-level Saiyans are not so easy to succeed, otherwise Sefilia and Meluria would have achieved it long ago." Roland shook his head.

"That's what you said." Vegeta knew the difficulty.

God-level Saiyans need a deep realm foundation, and the hope of success is very slim.

Luo Lan thought that although Veget could not become a god-level Saiyan, but Super Saiyan 4 could be considered. Although Super Saiyan 4 also wears the name of Super Saiyan, it is not a Super Saiyan. The successor of Demi 3, it can even be said that Super Saiyan 4 is not a series at all with the previous Super Saiyan transformation.

If I have to say it, Super Saiyan 4 is the same as the "Super Saiyan God" that Sun Wukong achieved in the later period of the original work. It is another sublimation based on the strong combat power.

It's just that Super Saiyan 4 focuses on the development of physical strength, while Super Saiyan God focuses on the improvement of realm.

If Vegetto becomes Super Saiyan 4, he will definitely be a lot stronger than the current self.

With this in mind, Luo Lan was going to study Super Saiyan 4 with Veget after the super-dimensional competition, which might provide a reference direction for her god-level Saiyan cultivation.

"Luo Lan, do you only need to defeat Gascaco in Universe 7 to get first place, and then you can pass the Dragon God Trial." Emma whispered to Luo Lan in a low voice.

"It should be like this." Luo Lan nodded.

According to his guess, the Dragon God Trial should be for him to win the super-dimensional contest and get the original Dragon Ball of Namek in Universe 1, but whether the specific content is like this, Luo Lan has no idea, after all, no one To formally inform him, it can only be said that this is the most likely possibility.

"What are you whispering about?" Sunbra asked curiously.

Luo Lan said, "We're discussing about Gascaco."

"Then you have to be careful, that Namekian is very powerful." Sunbra reminded.

Luo Lan nodded, "I will do my best."

"Ha, that's the kind of momentum. You have already defeated Dad, so don't lose to others." Sun Bla's pale palm patted Luo Lan's shoulder, carefree like a little sister.

Luo Lan glanced at her and rolled her eyes involuntarily. Compared with her own disciple, Sun Bula, Sun Bula lacked a lot of self-cultivation, and those who didn't know thought it was a wild girl who ran away from there.

"The next is the final game, get ready." Syphilia's soft voice sounded, and her red eyes were as seductive as clear springs.

"Yeah." Luo Lan nodded.

His eyes crossed the distance of a thousand meters to look at the opposite Cosmos Player Area No. 7, just in line with Gascaco's line of sight, the Namekian nodded lightly, and then stood there with his eyes closed.

Quite character.

Luo Lan secretly said, preparing to wait for the next game.


Since we have entered the finals, there are only two players left on the field, so there is no need to draw lots. The staff directly announced the competition list, and two lightning bolts shot up, Luo Lan and Gascaco both entered the universe. middle.

"Come on, Luo Lan, win the final championship!"

Syphilia, Meluria, Emma and others cheered for Luo Lan, and the players from other universes watched carefully one by one.

"Lord Dajie Wangshen, we can prepare." At the beginning of the finals, the tall Nanjie Wangshen said to Dajie Wangshen with a serious face.

The Great Realm King nodded and said, "I will transmit the sound to the agreed masters. As soon as the game is over, I will do it right away, and make sure to clean up all those mice." This martial arts competition is just a trick. The real purpose of their realm is to Clear the darkness from all universes.

"It's a pity that it will cause a lot of casualties!" There was a trace of unbearableness in the eyes of the Western Realm King God.

"Dragon Balls from other universes are ready, and the innocents who were killed or injured in the clean-up process can be resurrected at any time." The King God of the Northern Realm comforted.

Several Kaiking gods were ready, and at this time in the vast universe, Luo Lan and Gascaco began their final battle.

Gascaco is a relatively tall Namekian. Because he integrates all the same races on the planet, he has an invincible and profound potential. After decades of hard training, his strength has already surpassed everyone's. Imagine, even if Luo Lan is against him, there is not much chance of winning.

"Saiyan, your name is Luo Lan, can you tell me why you have the power of the Dragon God in your body?"

Gascaco asked his doubts.

A Saiyan has the power of a dragon god, which is unbelievable in the eyes of the excellent dragon race Gascako. The Saiyan in front of him is obviously unique.

"By chance, my Dragon God's power came from a Dragon God called 'Fengshen'." Luo Lan said truthfully, his Dragon God's power originally came from the Red Dragon Ball and the Blue Dragon Ball, which was left to the Alta by the God of Fortune. fetish.


Gascaco frowned and searched the memory in his mind, but did not remember that there was such a dragon god in his ancestors.

After a moment of silence, Gascaco said: "I don't know which Dragon God Fengshen is. Since you can obtain the gift of the Dragon God, it is your fate. Not much to say, we can fight, please. !"


Luo Lan replied and put on a fighting stance. Facing such a strong man as Gascaco, he needed to be very energetic.

The surging energy spread, and a flawless coercion spread all over the universe. Feeling the call of the powerful power in Gascaco, the dragon god power in Luo Lan boiled at this moment.

A terrifying aura swept through his body.

Just as Roland and Gascaco had reached their peak and were preparing to fight.

A sudden change happened...

The dark and deep cosmic starry sky suddenly sounded an earth-shattering dragon roar. The sound of the dragon roar was far-reaching and mighty, resounding through the universe, as if it had been transmitted from the beginning of ancient times, and it was continuous. The red cloud filled the air, covering the entire starry sky in the blink of an eye.

"what happened?"

Luo Lan was startled by the sudden change. Looking at the red cloud that covered the sky, Luo Lan's eyes were wide open.


Ps: Today is too late, I can only update one chapter, and I owe two chapters.

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