Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 775 Everything is done, get ready to go home!

"Even if they are as powerful as androids, I am sure to catch them."

Dr. Gallo's transformation of himself is more thorough than that of Leping. In order to obtain a long life and powerful strength, he did not hesitate to give up his human identity and completely transformed himself into a mechanical body. Although his appearance still maintains the appearance of a human old man, but Every tissue in the body has been replaced with machinery.

If he can capture the two intruding women, it will be of great help to his next research.

So with this inexplicable confidence, Dr. Gallo swaggered in front of Syphilia and Emma.

"Saiyan women, and Dr. Emma, ​​you actually have the guts to break in directly..." Dr. Gallo looked at Syphilia and the others coldly, the detectors in the body did not respond, and they could not detect their Energy value, this situation caused Dr. Gallo not to clearly realize the gap between them.

If he carefully analyzed the discussions between Luo Lan and Syphilia the previous two days, he might have found the gap, but Dr. Gallo was too confident and thought he was invincible. In addition, the measurement range of the detectors on the earth is limited, and even the strength of the artificial man can not be measured accurately, let alone Syphilia.

This is one of the reasons why Dr. Gallo's fans are so confident.

Syphilia glanced at Dr. Gallo with red eyes, frowning slightly, and before Dr. Gallo could finish speaking, a figure disappeared directly from his eyes.

Immediately approaching Dr. Gallo, he waved his hand and launched an attack.


Dr. Gallo's expression changed drastically, and he hadn't figured out how Syphilia was approaching him. A shining fist appeared in his sight, and the fist kept expanding, quickly covering his entire field of vision. .

"not good!"

Dr. Gallo's eyes were lost, and his stiff face watched as Syphilia's attack approached.

Boom! !

The violent force directly bombarded the bridge of Dr. Gallo's nose. Before Dr. Gallo could react, his entire head was blown away by the violent force, and his face collapsed into a shuddering hole.

"How could this be, I was actually killed." Dr. Gallo couldn't believe it, and the intermittent voice came out of his mouth.

"Frog at the bottom of the well, how could you possibly know how powerful a real powerhouse is." Syphilia sneered, stepped on Dr. Gallo's head, crushed his head in diameter, and then sent out a qigong wave, Boom and destroy Dr. Gallo's body.

During the whole process, Emma watched from the sidelines, not feeling anything about Dr. Gallo's death.

To her, Dr. Gallo was just a stranger.

"Emma, ​​find out what's around you that are useful to you."


Dr. Gallo died, but he left a lot of information in his research room. Emma searched room by room, and she really found a lot of interesting things, but most of them were about androids. materials, some of which made biochemical beasts and mechanical warriors, caught Emma's attention.

Because she is an excellent biologist, Emma is a treasure after seeing these things, and she put them into her own space.

"Hey, there is also information about biological artificial humans here."

Emma glanced at it, and there were some research materials about Sharu, but it was only the first draft, and there was no specific experiment.

Seeing Emma constantly collecting information, with a happy smile on her face from time to time, Syphilia asked, "Are these things useful?"

Emma replied with a smile: "It's a little enlightening, but Dr. Gallo's biological research is not as good as mine. These things can be handed over to Brives when they go back, maybe it will help him."

"That's it!"

Seeing Dr. Gallo's stuff doesn't mean much to Emma, ​​and Syphilia's interest has weakened a lot, but it's not bad to be able to help Brives. With this information, it won't be long before Sarada The combat readiness of the planet can be upgraded.

After scavenging Dr. Gallo's entire base, Emma and Syphilia felt complete. When they left, they did not forget to drop an energy bomb on the island until the entire island was wiped from the ocean. Just leave with confidence.



The gods were sweating profusely watching Emma and the others leveling Dr. Gallo’s base. Before that, he had been worried that there would be something in Dr. Gallo’s base that shouldn’t exist. Now it’s just the death of a Dr. Gallo. ideal situation.

"Dr. Gallo, why did you provoke those mysterious people?"

It's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke those terrifying guys. God is really worried about the other party's anger, and he will directly anger the whole earth. At that time, he will not even have a place to reason.

"Oh, just died like this..."

The old god's eyes are dim. Although he doesn't like Dr. Gallo, the other party has saved the earth several times. Even if there are some mistakes, it is not unforgivable. It is a pity that the earth loses such combat power.

But on second thought, the existence of Dr. Gallo is also a time bomb for the earth. Although it has not detonated yet, who knows what will happen in the future, and it is better if it is disposed of now.

The gods looked at the lower world silently for a long time, feeling like a person from the old era, about to be abandoned.

"Bobo, go and invite the Turtle Immortal Kelin, the Crane Immortal Tianjin Fan, and the android Leping to come over. I hope that one of the three of them can inherit the position of God..."

His life is about to come to an end, and the safety of the earth can only be entrusted to Kelin and Tianjin Fan.

After listening to Bobo, his expression was a little sad, and he went to invite the three according to the instructions of the gods.


When the god of the gods chose the new god of the earth, Syphilia and Emma had already rushed back from Dr. Gallo's base, and when they opened the door, they saw Luo Lan lying on the sofa leisurely, accepting Meluria and Taurus. The two of Yi Si served and enjoyed fresh melons and fruits.

Luo Lan nodded towards them and asked what they had gained, and Emma shared the information she found.

"With this information, Planet Sarada can form a strong combat readiness force." Luo Lan was in a very good mood, and the mood that was angered by Dr. Gallo suddenly improved.

"It will take a lot of resources to build a combat readiness force." Emma took advantage of the situation and sat in Luo Lan's arms, picked up a grape and handed it to Luo Lan's mouth, and said in a soft voice.

"Sai Fei's forces have nothing else but a lot of resources."

Luo Lan enjoyed the feeling of a beauty in her arms. Although this little goblin was too much to bear in the state of the devil, in the human form, she was elegant and full of intelligence, especially in some places compared to Filia and the others.

Emma was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "Yes, I forgot that you have a big power."

Luo Lan is not a lonely man like Dr. Gallo. Behind him is the most powerful Saifei force in the Northern Galaxy. It must be known that with the resources of Dr. Gallo alone, a large-scale transformation of the beast army can be created. Saifei's forces will pull up a powerful team every minute, and there will be no other forces in the entire seventh universe that can compare with them.

In fact, with the current top-level strength of Saifei's forces, no one can provoke them.

"Syphilia, Meluria, we have been in this world for more than two years, now it's time to go back." Luo Lan pondered for a while and said.

"Finally going back."

Syphilia smiled. They came along because Luo Lan was going to complete the Dragon God trial. Now that the trial is completed, Luo Lan has also become a true apprentice Dragon God and should return to her own world. .

It was just that they were not able to enter the All King Outer Domain, which made them a little regretful, but then they thought of the conditions for entering the All King Outer Domain, and they could only smile helplessly.

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