Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 776 Return to the Seventh Universe (two chapters)

The Outer Domain of All Kings was opened up by the Dragon God Sarama 12.6 billion years ago. It was suppressed by the great power of the Dragon God Sarama. The space level is far beyond the sub-universe of the lower realm. Compared with the Inner Domain of the All Kings, the Uniqueness in space, unlike the inner domain split into several parallel worlds.

Because of this unique independence, if life in the lower realm wants to enter the outer realm, it needs to have the strength to break the universe, that is, the third-level sequence power.

Syphilia and Emma obviously don't have such strength, so even if they want to enter the All Kings Outland, they are not qualified now.

Since they couldn't enter the outer domain, it would be meaningless to stay in the secondary universe, so when Luo Lan mentioned going back to the seventh universe, they all nodded happily.

Then Luo Lan summoned Weiss' shuttle cube and let Syphilia and the others enter. He doesn't have the strength of Weiss now. When breaking the barrier between the outer domain and the inner domain, there is no guarantee that space fluctuations will not hurt. When it comes to Syphilia and the others, this shuttle cube is used to protect them.

After the girls from Syphilia entered the cube, Luo Lan nodded, and the spiritual power spread out, mobilizing the power in the body, and suddenly the power of the dragon god, the power of judgment, and the power of the gods boiled at the same time, and a light red light enveloped in the body surface.

A complex silver dragon pattern appeared on Luo Lan's forehead automatically.

"Luo Lan, the pattern on your forehead?" Emma exclaimed in surprise.

"This is the sign of the apprentice Dragon God." Luo Lan replied.

With the appearance of this dragon pattern, the faint aura that permeated the space resonated with the power of the Dragon God in his body. At this moment, Luo Lan's mental power was strengthened all of a sudden, and the spirit spread out, and he felt the entire King Outer Territory. The outline of , in the huge space headed by 36 gods, sub-universes like bubbles appeared under the nose.

That is the thirty-sixth district of the whole king's outer domain.

What is wrapped and protected by them is the whole king's inner domain.

Finding the right direction, Luo Lan focused on the movement of the gods, and whispered: "Let's go!"


Colorful rays of light shone around Luo Lan's body, accompanied by a few stars circling around, God's Movement suddenly started, like a water column rising into the sky, with a bang, taking Luo Lan and Shuttle Cube through the boundary of the universe and entering In a dreamy and gorgeous passage.

Luo Lan walked all the way towards the Inner Territory of the King along the delicate water-like space channel, and the brilliant streamer flashed continuously in front of her eyes, and the picture was full of dreamy hallucinations.

It was different from the feeling that he arrived in a blink of an eye when he came here. The process of going back was extremely difficult. Luo Lan did not have the mighty power of the dragon god Salama, and could only travel through space by his own strength.

But fortunately, the movement of the gods is the most suitable for space teleportation. In addition, Luo Lan is an apprentice dragon god, and can borrow the power of the dragon god from the outer domain. Generally speaking, it is not particularly difficult.

About three hours later, in the direction of the Inner Domain, a large piece of beautiful world appeared in Luo Lan's field of vision.

From the outside, the Quanwang Inner Territory is in a state of continuous division and integration, but when entering the interior, it seems to have reached an infinite space. There are five huge blue water balls next to each other, which is the parallel of the Quanwang Inner Territory. world.

"There are actually five parallel worlds..."

Luo Lan watched for a while, the number of parallel worlds was somewhat unexpected.

You must know that each parallel world has a set of Quanwang system. Five parallel worlds means that there are already five Quanwangs in Quanwang’s inner domain. It is really confusing. As for these parallel worlds, it is caused by the time machine. Whether it was caused by other reasons, Luo Lan is not sure.

"Which one is the world we live in?" Syphilia asked in a low voice.

"I'll look for it!"

Luo Lan responded to Syphilia, pinpointed one of the parallel worlds according to the perception in her heart, and flew towards that parallel world.

Hu Chi, as if passing through a layer of bubbles, they entered one of the parallel worlds, the picture in front of them suddenly changed, and twelve giant universes appeared in their field of vision. The two universes depended on each other to form six pairs of twin universes.

This is the king's world in which they live.

After entering this world, the rules of the world were changed, and the power of King Quan shrouded the entire space. The connection between Luo Lan and the Outer Domain of Quan Wang was cut off. Luo Lan stared attentively, frowned, as if a shackle suddenly appeared on her body.

"The power of the whole king."

"It's really uncomfortable."

Luo Lan sighed, in the Quanwang world, Quanwang's power is supreme, and in the five levels of dimensional gods, Quanwang's status is at the top.

With a flick of his hand, he increased his speed, like a bolt of lightning rising into the sky, heading towards the seventh universe.

Because of the cut off from the perception of the outer realm, with the effect of God's moving, you can only move in the current world of the king. Unless you use a time machine or get the lead of the dragon god Salama, you can no longer go to other parallel worlds or the king. Outland. This kind of rule setting maintains the stability of the All King Universe system.


The seventh universe, the stars are bright.

The surrounding background suddenly turned into a deep void, with stars twinkling, as if a dazzling silver veil was hanging there.

A colorful glow flashed by, and Luo Lan and Syphilia returned to their hometown.

Familiar feeling arises spontaneously.

Recalling the experience of the previous two years, Luo Lan's mouth couldn't help raising an arc, "I'm back, I wonder how the development of the Sarada planet is going?"

"With Hertz and Bardack there, there is definitely no problem with the Sarada planet, and maybe a new Super Saiyan will be trained." Syphilia said to Meluria: "Merulia, you and Emma has never been to the Sarada planet in the seventh universe, I will take you to see it."


"I am looking forward."

Meluria and Emma both smiled and nodded, as if entering their husband's house.

In the seventh universe, the effect of the teleportation of the gods is not comparable to that of teleportation, so Luo Lan and others directly used teleportation to return to the planet Sarada in the Northern Galaxy.

Northern Galaxy, Sarada planet.

At this time, Hertz was training the new generation of Saiyans, and suddenly felt a few unfamiliar breaths appearing around him. Herz's face became vigilant, and he raised his eyes to see Roland and Syphilia. People, besides Taisi, there are two unfamiliar figures.

The powerful aura I sensed before came from them.

"Luo Lan, Syphilia, you are finally back."

Hertz greeted him with a smile. In recent years, the strength of the Sarada planet has skyrocketed. Even without top experts such as Luo Lan and Broly, no force would dare to provoke the leopard.

"Who are these two ladies?"

Herz looked at Meluria and Emma in surprise. Meluria's appearance was very similar to Syphilia's, and Emma also looked like a size 18. I don't know where Luo Lan got the beauty. .

Saifilia pointed at Meluria and introduced: "She is Meluria, the younger sister of Melitis, and the current queen of the planet Sarada in the sixth universe."

Hearz immediately became awe-inspiring when he heard the words, and said politely: "It turns out to be Queen Meru, welcome."

"Hello." Meluria nodded gracefully.

Unlike the Queen of Meritis, who has already stepped down, Meluria is the real Queen of the current Saiyans, and only Syphilia can compare with her status. Because of the example of Meritis entering the planet Sarada, Herz was already mentally prepared for the arrival of another queen.

But then again, this Queen Meru really looks like Syphilia.

Seeing that Queen Meilu was gentle and pleasant, with a look dominated by Luo Lan, Herz couldn't help but admire Luo Lan. This kid really has a hand, and the Saiyan queens of the two universes are willing to commit themselves to him.

"Her name is Emma, ​​and she is a genius scientist like Dr. Brives. Don't underestimate her, Emma's strength is stronger than mine." Syphilia went on to introduce Emma.

Emma shyly gave a smile.

Syphilia's words surprised Herz, and immediately welcomed him politely.

Then, surrounded by Hertz and his party, they walked towards Luo Lan's residence. Along the way, Hertz introduced the changes of the Sarada planet in the past two years. In general, the Sarada planet has increased in the past two years. Many masters have been acquired, and their strength has improved a lot, but the number of Super Saiyans has not increased, and the original number has remained.

Because of the foundation that Luo Lan and the others had laid before, the Saifei faction is now more prestigious in the entire Northern Galaxy, and many large organizations at the cosmos level are vying to cooperate with them.

"The number of missions released by the Galaxy Mercenary Organization on Qingteng Star has increased several times. Hildis visited Qingteng Star some time ago, hoping to open another mission release platform on other planets of Saifei's forces."

A relaxed smile appeared on Herz's face.

The rapid development of Qingteng Star's task release platform is inseparable from the continuous access to difficult tasks on the 18th. The good completion efficiency of high-difficulty tasks drives low-level tasks, and suddenly the platform's task release volume surges.

According to Hertz's estimation, in the past two years, the 18th has made a lot of money from the task income, and he doesn't know what this woman wants so much money for.

"In addition, the Frieza Legion continues to consolidate its sphere of influence as before. Except for a few important administrative stars, there are very few legion personnel walking outside. Instead, some people who betrayed the Frieza Legion are hanging around outside. When the water rises, a lot of power has been built."

"It's just a clown jumping on the beam." Luo Lan said indifferently.

After Frieza left, some ants who were not worth mentioning really regarded themselves as characters, and I didn't think about what Frieza would do with them when he came back.

Perhaps in the eyes of these people, Frieza is dead.

"Yeah, some little people with 20,000 to 30,000 combat power are not worth mentioning, so as long as I don't provoke Saifei forces, I don't bother to pay attention to them. By the way, Luo Lan, why did your hair turn red?"

Hertz finally asked his doubts.

In the past, Luo Lan kept blond hair, and he could understand that it was the full power form of a Super Saiyan, but now not only has the hair color turned red, but even the eye color has also changed.

Although it is said that Syphilia normally maintains red eyes, Hertz does not think that Luo Lan will re-train another kind of Mimic Super Saiyan.

What made Hertz even more puzzled was that there seemed to be no trace of breath on Luo Lan's body. Yes, there was no breath at all. He was clearly standing in front of him, but he couldn't feel it at all. Not so!

"Hahaha, this form of mine is called the Super Saiyan God!" Luo Lan said with a laugh.

To be precise, it is a super saiyan god based on a god-level saiyan, and maintains a super saiyan hairstyle every day.

"God of Super Saiyan?"

Hertz murmured, feeling that the name was a bit familiar, remembering that Roland seemed to have mentioned this name before, his eyes widened immediately, Hertz looked at Luo Lan's red-haired Super Saiyan, and said incredulously:

"You really broke through!!"

Luo Lan nodded slightly and said proudly, "Yeah, I finally broke through..."

Hertz sighed for a while, especially when he learned that Luo Lan had also become an apprentice Dragon God, he laughed heartily.

Although Luo Lan's breakthrough had nothing to do with him, Hertz still had a strong sense of pride in his heart and felt honored.

Sarada once had red-haired Saiyans in ancient times, but they were just the gods of Saiyans fused by ordinary Saiyans. In terms of strength, they were only comparable to ordinary Super Saiyans, far inferior to Luo. The super saiyan god Arashi was promoted from the super saiyan base.

This is the pinnacle of the Saiyan family. The man in front of him has raised the level of the Saiyan by several layers. Compared with Luo Lan, he, the Super Saiyan, seems insignificant.

But think about it, how could he be compared with Luo Lan and the others!

"Hertz, what happened to Ascari?"

Syphilia was concerned about her daughter's condition, so she asked.

Speaking of Ascari, Hertz's face became serious, and Luo Lan asked, "Why, is there something wrong with her?"

Hertz nodded and said: "Ascari's expansion is relatively rapid, and there was a conflict with the surrounding forces three months ago. Later, I don't know how to involve the Eastern Realm King, and it also provoked a lot of Heavenly Kingdoms. Master."

"I don't know exactly how to solve it later, but I heard the news from Eve Livi that Ascari went to Heaven on behalf of Dong Galaxy a few days ago to participate in a martial arts meeting held in Heaven."

Luo Lan frowned and said, "Only people from the underworld can participate in the Heavenly Kingdom Martial Arts Conference!"

He didn't believe his daughter would die.

The strongest underworld master seems to be a person called pork ribs, whose strength is at the level of Super Saiyan 2, and is not a match for Ascari at all.

Herz said: "This time the Heavenly Kingdom Martial Arts Club allows people from the world to participate, and each galaxy can send five people. The King of the Northern Realm once invited our people from the planet Sarada. Because you were not there, I rejected it. Later, It was Kakarot who represented Northern Galaxy in this competition."

"By the way, the martial arts meeting is still going on, and the final outcome has not yet been decided."

"Who are the representatives of Northern Galaxy?"

"Kakarot, Sunbra, Luo Fei, Lapis, Piccolo!" Hertz replied.

"Lazli didn't participate in the competition?" Luo Lan asked strangely, the strength of No. 18 was higher than that of Piccolo, and the King of the North had no reason to let Piccolo play and not let No.18 go.

"Lazli wanted to make money, but she refused."


Luo Lan's expression was a little stunned. This reason is very strong, but considering the character of No. 18, it is really possible to do such a thing.

Participating in the competition on behalf of the Northern Galaxy has no bonus, so it is better to be a mercenary.

"Luo Lan, let's go to heaven to see, I haven't been to that kind of place yet."

Hearing Luo Lan and the others talking about the Heavenly Kingdom Martial Arts Association, Emma's azure blue eyes flashed with curiosity. For a demon like her, she never knew what the world of the dead was like.


Ps: The two chapters are not separated.

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