Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 800 Poor Elephant Pa


"Alice." Broly hugged Alice, put her down, turned his head to look at Luo Lan, was a little stunned when he saw his fiery red hair, and quickly thought that the other party had practiced a new form.

"Luo Lan, long time no see!"

"You too, actually reached the first-level sequence." Luo Lan looked at Broly.

There is no restraint, the sturdy body exudes a terrifying breath all the time, and the strength has reached the high-level of the first-level sequence. Has entered the god-level sequence.

"I've been improving my strength for the past few years, but you, the breath has completely disappeared." Broly looked at Luo Lan and didn't feel any breath.

"This is the realm of God." Luo Lan smiled proudly.

"Inconceivable realm, I can't learn it."

Broly admitted his own shortcomings frankly. The huge power of the mutant Super Saiyan meant that he could only become a god of power, and it took him a lot of effort to restrain his breath.

Next, when I asked about Luo Lan's experience in the past few years, Luo Lan answered them one by one. Broly also shared his own experience in the sixth universe. Although he had heard it from Merutis, but now Listening to Broly himself speaking, it still feels different.

"By the way, how was the fight with Hitt?"

"I thought I could draw a tie with him, but I didn't expect the opponent to hide special skills. Before reaching the second-level sequence, he was not his opponent." Broly scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Luo Lan smiled, Hitt's Flash is indeed the nemesis of most masters, and there is no disadvantage in battle. If you are not familiar with Flash's weaknesses, you will easily be disadvantaged in battle.

"Luo Lan, I want to see the power of the third-level sequence. Can you use your power to compete with me?" Broly looked at Luo Lan with anticipation when he saw his heart.

"Of course, but you may not even be able to touch me with a finger." Luo Lan nodded with a smile.

"Is there such a big difference?"

"It's not the strength gap, it's the realm. You won't even know where I am by then."

"That's more to see." Broly smiled immediately.

"Alice, go somewhere else with Caulifla, and the battle may hurt you in a while." Broly said to the people around him, and then dispersed the crowd around.

Alice nodded obediently and flew away. Califla originally wanted to stay, but was dragged away by Kayle and Alice.

"Well, I'm ready."

Seeing that Alice and the others were all far away to a safe place, Broly patted his palm, and a pale green light rose from his body.

Seeing this, Luo Lan nodded secretly. Broly's power is extremely violent, and its strength is already close to the second-level sequence. If this continues, it will not be a problem to reach the third-level sequence or even the fourth-level sequence in the future. There will definitely be one among the Saiyans. God of Destruction level master.

"Unfortunately, there is an insurmountable gap between the power god and the realm god."

With a soft whisper, Luo Lan's body quickly disappeared, and unknowingly came to Broly's side.


This battle was very easy. Although Broly's strength is already very strong, it is still not enough for Luo Lan, who has reached the third-level sequence. In order to allow Broly to better experience the realm of the gods In the battle, Luo Lan specially slowed down and tried to make him keep up with his movements.

Broly quickly lost the game, but he was not discouraged, but became more excited by seeing Luo Lan's power.

In essence, Broly and Sun Wukong are the same kind of people. They are born with simplicity and they have the purest pursuit of strength. In terms of motivation for cultivation, Luo Lan is not comparable to them.


Earth, Five Elements Mountains.

A huge gossip furnace suppresses the passage between the two worlds of yin and yang, and the diffuse mist condenses on the top of the gossip furnace to form a stepped entrance. Yellow spring water boiling in the furnace.

"Gohan, the firepower is not strong enough, add more firewood." Taishang Laojun shouted to the gray-bearded Sun Wufan.


Sun Wufan's usual job is to assist the Taishang Laojun to manage the gossip furnace. After hearing the Taishang Laojun's call, he quickly picked up a push of firewood and stuffed it at the bottom of the furnace. This kind of tree growing at the foot of Wuxing Mountain is particularly resistant to burning. , a tree can burn for a week.

After the firewood was added, the flames rose to the top in an instant, and the raging fire burned the bottom of the gossip furnace, providing more sufficient firepower, thumping, the yellow spring water continued to boil with bubbles, and the rising steam sent the undead together. into hell.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew, and a black shadow rushed into the steam of Huangquan, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Taishang Laojun shuddered and asked Sun Wufan with a puzzled face, "Gohan, did something flash past just now?"

Sun Wufan raised his head suspiciously, looked left and right, but didn't see anything, "Is there?"

Taishang Laojun frowned and shook his head. There is a special barrier outside the Five Elements Mountain. Like the Temple of Heaven, it is impossible to enter without permission.

"Maybe I'm wrong."

They didn't know that they did use something to enter the underworld from the earth through the channel of yin and yang.

"Gohan, I haven't eaten ramen for a long time. Now that the firepower is full, I'll go get some ramen and you can continue to increase the firepower."

"Okay, An Ning-sama."


When Taishang Laojun Anning started to prepare ramen, the underworld became unstable because of a sudden intruder. At this moment, in the God of Destruction Realm in Universe 6, the God of Destruction Elephant Pa was carefully lying on the grass, and his golden eyes aimed forward expectantly.

"Hurry up, hurry up and lay eggs!"

Elephant handkerchief was holding a pile of hay in his hands, and he was crawling on the ground nervously.

Not far away, a few hens were squatting in the grass with their eyes closed peacefully. After a while, the hens clucked and clucked, and a pleasant smile climbed onto their faces. After driving away, he picked up a khaki egg with a smile, and carefully put it into the basket like a holy relic.

"Haha, this is the sixth egg of the day, wait a minute for Vados to make them all into delicious boiled eggs."

"By the way, there are also egg cakes, ah, I haven't eaten them in a long time."

Whenever I think of the shallot omelette and egg drop soup I tasted a few years ago, Xiangpa's saliva can't help but flow down.

He quickly wiped his saliva, looked at the six round eggs in the basket, and shook his head reluctantly like Payi, "No, don't think about it too much, such a rare delicacy like egg cake, it must be eaten on important festivals. ."

Vados is right, tasting food should have a sense of ritual, and eating hastily is a desecration of this delicious ingredient.

Hmph, the poor fellow of Beerus, let alone eating eggs, I'm afraid he has never even seen it before. How could he have such a good life to eat such a good thing.

"Vados, a total of six eggs were harvested today!" Xiangpa ran over happily holding the basket, and then looked at Vados pitifully.

Vados looked at Xiangpa speechlessly, "Has today's task been completed?"

Xiangpa patted his chest: "Of course, only a few planets have been destroyed."

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