Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 801: Xiangpa's Ambition

"Okay, I'll prepare you what you want to eat."

"Boiled eggs!" Xiangpa blurted out without thinking. In his heart, boiled eggs were already quite delicious food.

"it is good."

Knowing that Xiangpa had completed the task of destroying the planet, and looking at Xiangpa's pitiful appearance, Vados didn't want to talk to him, and directly prepared food for him. He took six eggs and put them into a container. The angel's scepter in his hand shook slightly, and a stream of heat spurted out, heating the eggs in the container.

The function of the Angel's Scepter is not weaker than that of Dragon Ball. It can be easily achieved by reversing the time or resurrecting the undead. It is the ultimate use of divine power. Using it to boil boiled eggs, Vados feels that it is a bit overkill.

But the request of the God of Destruction should be fulfilled. Who calls himself a qualified angel servant!

Taking a leisurely look at Xiang Pa, Vados's face was calm. In managing a god of destruction like Pa, you cannot blindly restrain yourself. Just like cultivating pets, you must give necessary rewards at the right time, so that the other party can be obedient.

At this point, none of the other angels had as much experience as her.

Soon, the water boiled, and the six eggs had been cooked.

Xiangpa ignored the hot surface of the boiled egg, happily picked up one, peeled off the egg shell, rolled his tongue, swallowed it into his mouth, and then carefully savored the unique and wonderful taste of the egg, with an intoxicated expression on his face. expression.

"Hahaha, it's so delicious. I only ate a bird's egg in the past few years. Now I can eat more delicious eggs every day. There is no regret in this kind of life."

Elephant handkerchief danced and laughed.

"So Mr. Xiangpa has to work harder to complete the task. The more stable the universe is, the more free time we will have, so that we will have enough time to raise chickens and ducklings. I can also cook these delicious ingredients for you." With an intoxicated look on his face like Pa, Vados smiled gracefully.

"Vados, you are right."

Xiangpa nodded in agreement. Although Vados was strict with herself, she did everything for her own sake.

I heard that in order to eat delicious shallot omelettes, Vados has been practicing cooking day and night, and has not rested for a long time. This hard work really moved Xiangpa. In order to repay Vados for his efforts, Xiangpa took the initiative to take over the work of regulating the operation of the Destruction God Realm planet, so as to reduce the burden on Vados.

But it is a pity that Vados has not cooked scallion omelette yet. According to her, the skill is not enough, so it is not easy to show it.

This kind of pursuit of perfection is quite recognized by Xiangpa.

"By the way, Vados, how advanced is your cooking skill? When will you be able to cook scallion omelette?"

"Uh, there's still some heat..."

A black line appeared on Vados' forehead, and turned his head slightly unnaturally.

Xiangpa looked at Vados suspiciously, and suddenly understood something. It seems Vados's level has not reached the level of cooking scallion omelette. Think about it, it's right, such an extremely delicious food like scallion omelette, no Extremely high level, how can it be cooked casually.

You can't blame her!

It is also hard enough for Vados to "learn" complex cooking skills for himself.

He patted Vados on the shoulder with understanding, and Xiangpa looked at the field he opened up to raise chickens and ducks, "Don't worry, Vados, in fact, boiled eggs are delicious enough, although they are small. Some, but I'm quite satisfied to be able to eat this."

"Of course, I'd be happier if you could prepare me more food."

Vados was deeply moved, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Lord Xiangpa, if you can understand me, I heard from Weiss that Lord Beerus often beats and scolds him, as excellent as you are. The God of Destruction is already rare in the world!"

"Of course, this god is quite broad-minded, but it is not comparable to that bastard of Beerus."

Xiangpa raised his chubby chest proudly, and said with a little regret: "Poor Whis is not as lucky as you, and can follow me such a talkative God of Destruction, alas, beside that bastard Beerus, Whis's It must be a very sad day, I don't know if I can have a full meal, it's really unfortunate!"

"Lord Xiangpa said it is very true!"

Vados smiled gracefully at Xiangpa, turned his divine scepter, and turned into a half-meter-high drink with a large straw inserted into it, "This is the healthy juice I specially prepared for you. Just drink it, to be honest, like Mr. Pa, you should lose weight.”

Looking at Vados' concerned expression, Xiangpa was even more proud.

Look, even the angels please him!

"Okay, after-dinner juice, Vados, if you have a heart, I will finish it."

Xiangpa looked at Vados with satisfaction, took a sip with the straw, and his face instantly turned blue. As usual, the drinks prepared by Vados were very bitter, and he drank half of the drink with the bitter taste. Can't go down.

"Well, I still have those ducks to take care of, let's go first."

Seeing the back of Xiangpa fleeing in embarrassment, Vados laughed softly, sitting on the ground as if everything was under control, picked up the scepter in his hand and watched the situation in the lower realm through the crystal ball.

"Hey, Luo Lan is actually on the planet Sarada, her red hair looks familiar!"


The seventh universe, destroying the God Realm.

Weiss and the prophecy fish sat together and enjoyed a delicious hot pot. The hot soup was full of base ingredients, and the stacks of plates next to it also had a variety of rich ingredients.

Suddenly, Weiss' chopsticks with the meat slices paused, his brows wrinkled slightly, and he felt that someone was talking about him behind his back.

"Weiss, what's the matter with you, the meat is getting old." The prophecy fish was urging by the fish tank. They often avoided Beerus, the God of Destruction, and ate some delicious food behind their backs.

"Oh, it's fine." Weiss reacted, rolled the meat slices into the dipping sauce, and the wonderful taste filled his mouth immediately after stuffing it into his mouth.

"Wes, Wes, I want to eat too." The prophecy fish shouted and crawled out along the mouth of the fish tank.

"Give you."

Weiss smiled and picked up a piece of fat and sent it over, and predicted that the fish would immediately make a happy cry, "It's delicious, Weiss, we will eat this thing often in the future, it's called hot pot, it's so delicious."

"By the way, I made another prediction recently. It seems that something is going to happen in our seventh universe."

"What exactly?" Weiss asked lightly, putting down his chopsticks.

The prophecy fish thought hard and said, "I'm not sure, it's probably related to monsters, why don't you give me some more meat slices, and I'll make a prediction for you?"

"Forget it, mere monsters aren't a big deal."

Whis is credible but predicts the unreliable temperament of fish. As for monsters, it is just to give some training to those in the Destruction God Realm. It is said that Luo Fei, Ascari, Sunbra and others have been destroying the God Realm for a period of time. Part of the training went smoothly, but what was lacking was the opportunity for actual combat.


In the sixth universe, Xiangpa performed the duty of the God of Destruction as usual, and was led by Vados to run between planets.

Generally speaking, if the distance between the planets to be dealt with is relatively close, Xiangpa will rely on his own strength to traverse the void, and only when the distance is too far will he let Vados take it with him.

On this day, I came to a planet where the social structure had collapsed, and Xiangpa stood in the void with a boring face.

Looking at the earth-grey planet under his feet, Xiangpa curled his lips: "It's another planet whose civilization has entered a stage of destruction. The sixth universe is because there are too many such civilizations, so the rankings can't always go up."

"Such a planet should be destroyed!"

Xiangpa's face was stern, staring at golden eyes. The strong divine might caused the surrounding space to be slightly distorted. He hooked his finger, and a purple energy ball gathered in his hand, surrounded by a few circles of crystal light spots like satellites. .

This move is called "Destruction". It is an attack condensed by the God of Destruction using the energy of the God of Destruction. It has an irresistible power like a rule. Anyone hit by "Destruction" will not only endure the fourth-level sequence strength of the God of Destruction. Attack, but also to face the cleaning of the rules of the entire universe.

In the face of it, mortal life basically has no possibility of survival.

As the purple energy ball landed on the planet below, the space of the entire planet fell into a stagnation in an instant, and a destructive force spread from the inside to the outside. Instantly turned into powder and disappeared.

"Another mission completed."

Elephant Pa smiled complacently.

"By the way, there is a planet that used to raise many birds in the past. After the last destruction, I wonder if there is life on it?"

Although there is a high probability that Duoduo birds have become extinct because of the hunting and killing of Luo Lan and the others on the planet a few years ago, who knows if they will survive by luck? With the surviving Duoduo birds, in addition to eggs and duck eggs, can't you also taste the taste of Duoduo birds?

This is so happy!

Thinking of this, Xiang Paan couldn't bear the excitement in his heart. He didn't even have contact with Bados, and went directly to the planet of Duoduo.

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