Dragon Ball: I Am One Punch Man

Chapter 205 The Army Gathers! (1 Update, Please Subscribe!)

Because the naval headquarters has many vice admirals and naval warships on standby.

It is faster and easier to gather five lieutenant admirals at the naval headquarters than locally.

Compared with other places, it is more efficient and powerful.

"How long will it take to reach the destination!" The five summoned vice-admirals quickly boarded the warships, and after taking over the command of these ten high-configuration naval warships, they immediately set sail and passed the Justice Road at the Navy Headquarters. Door!

"The target can be bombarded in 30 minutes!" The person in charge of the naval headquarters quickly replied.

This time is exactly the time it takes for warships to reach their destination through the Gate of Justice using dedicated ocean currents.

This also means that 30 minutes later, Judiciary Island Enies will become a hell on earth. ???

The Great Route, one of the three major institutions of the world government, is located at the port of Marine Vanduo, the headquarters of the Navy.

"Ten warships on standby are ready to go at any time!"

Ten warships including ten captains and thousands of meters of naval elite are ready.

The five vice admirals also boarded the naval warship belatedly, and the person in charge asked again for confirmation: "Have the five vice admirals not been summoned yet?"

"Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel is on standby!" Wearing a light purple striped suit, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was already standing on the navy ship, with his right hand on the saber pinned to his waist.

It seems to be recalling the last time he participated in the Demon Slaying Order.

"Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan and Lieutenant General Stoloberg request to go!" Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan with a cigar in his mouth and a smile on his face, and Lieutenant General Stoloberg with a expressionless face and a high hat.

They also quickly boarded the naval warships on standby, and took over the supreme command.

The three vice admirals, Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan and Stoloberg, were already powerful figures at the level of lieutenant admirals twenty years ago.

Of course, he once participated in the demon-slaying order launched against O'Hara with Qingzhi Zanku, who was still a lieutenant general, and Akainu Sakaski.

The difference is that both Qingzhi and Akainu have been promoted to the general level twenty years later.

And the admiral Sengoku who was in charge of launching the Demon Slaying Order at that time has now become the admiral of the navy for many years.

"There are two other lieutenant generals?" The person in charge saw that the three lieutenant generals who had participated in the Demon Slaying Order were all ready, and he was also very impressed, and thought to himself: It is worthy of participating in the Demon Slaying Order Naval character! The action is really fast!

"The rest are Lieutenant General Dauberman and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, and they are also ready!"

The two lieutenant generals who came later were participating in the Demon Slaying Order for the first time.

But they were not late for long, at most they were slowed down by the three lieutenant generals of the flying squirrel for a few seconds.

"set sail!"

After the five lieutenant generals who participated in this demon-slaying order all took over the supreme command of the ten naval warships, they immediately gave the order to set sail to the respective captains of the ten naval warships.

At the same time, the door of justice on the side of the Marine Headquarters, Marin Vandor, has been fully opened.

The vortex originally distributed near the Gate of Justice also began to disappear, allowing the ten naval warships participating in the Demon Slaying Order to pass through.

"Notify the control room on Judicial Island and open the gate of justice quickly!" All ten warships from the naval headquarters passed through the gate of justice.

However, the door of justice on Judicial Island can only be opened by the Liaison Room on the Bridge of Hesitation on Judicial Island.

Because the Gate of Justice is very huge, it takes a lot of time to fully open it, and it needs to be ruled in advance.

"Yes!" In order for the ten warships that launched the Demon Slaughter Order to arrive at Judicial Island smoothly, they opened the Gate of Justice on the headquarters side and at the same time notified the Gate of Justice control room on Judicial Island to open the door ahead of time. ready.

"After 30 minutes, the bombardment will start after arriving at Judicial Island!" The five lieutenant generals stood on the deck of the warship, and they would launch the bombardment of their own site Judicial Island in just 30 minutes.

Although I feel helpless, the bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders.

Even if they have doubts about this action, they must follow the order to destroy Judicial Island.

Among them, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan and Lieutenant General Stobellori seem to recall the bombardment of the Demon Slaying Order they launched on O'Hara twenty years ago.

Twenty years have passed, "I didn't expect that they would have the opportunity to participate in the Demon Slaying Order again in their lifetime.

It's just that they have now become veteran vice admirals, and their strength is also among the best among lieutenant generals at the same level.

The long-lost Demon Slaughter Order! I never thought it would be my territory this time!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said with a sigh.

Now they only know that the authority to launch this demon-slaying order comes from General Qingzhi, but they don't know that General Qingzhi has temporarily handed over the Gold phone bug to Spandam for safekeeping.

And this time the demon slaying order was just an idiot Spandam who accidentally activated the Gold phone bug.

Although the chief of CP9 has the right to directly talk to the Navy Headquarters, he is not qualified to contact the department in charge of the Demon Slaying Order, let alone cancel the qualification of the Demon Slaying Order.

However, the only young general who was disqualified from this Demon Slaying Order was missing, at least Spandam could not be contacted for the time being.

Even if he could get in touch, he would not do so. He has decided to shift all the responsibility to CP9's negligence and the invasion of Straw Hats (Wang Wang Zhao).

"We just need to execute the command line!" The expressionless Lieutenant General Stobellori reminded lightly.

It doesn't appear that Stobelloli feels any guilt about their mission or that he doesn't think it's surprising that Wiping Judiciary Island from the map is a thing of the past.

As a qualified soldier, they only need to obey the orders of their superiors!

The Great Route, one of the three major institutions of the world government, is located on the Judicial Island of Enies.

"Run away, the Demon Slaughter Order is coming!" After offending the terror of the Demon Slaughter Order on the broadcast, the naval soldiers on Judicial Island were already preparing to flee for their lives.

Although they usually enter and leave Judicial Island by sea train, there are still a few of the low-profile patrol warships here.

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