Dragon Ball: I Am One Punch Man

Chapter 206 The Powerful Lu Qi (2 More, Please Subscribe!)

Although some naval soldiers and government officials still couldn't accept the fact that the Demon Slaughter Order would mercilessly cover up and kill their own people, they still chose to leave with an attitude of believing it or not.

"Look, the door of justice is actually opened?" While escaping, some navy soldiers and officials found that the door of justice has opened a gap, and the gap is getting wider and wider.

With the opening of the Gate of Justice, the nearby whirlpool also began to shrink and then disappeared.

"How is it possible, I've never heard of such a thing?" In the eyes of many people, the door of justice will never be opened, unless something special happens, such as escorting Nicole Robin, etc. Condition.

However, this time, whether it is to escort Nicole Robin or to facilitate the execution of the Demon Slaying Order on Judicial Island, the door of justice must be opened.

It's just that the former will not cause any harm to Judicial Island, while the latter is completely prepared to destroy Judicial Island.

Seeing the door of justice slowly open, many naval soldiers and officials were heartbroken, and they shouted in fear: "This is to let the warships from the headquarters pass through, and launch a 280-order bombardment to kill demons!"

"Run away! Spandam is already planning to sacrifice us!" Although they couldn't accept the fact that they were trapped by Spandam, what they had to do now was to save their lives.

Although they looked down on Spandam in private, but he has a background!

And this time, even the authority to activate the Demon Slaying Order, which only the Admiral and the three generals have, can get their hands on it. What else can they say to the grassroots personnel.

The only thing they can do now is to leave in a warship before the shelling of the Demon Slaughter Order arrives.

"That bastard, is he willing to sacrifice our lives for his own future?"

Although many naval soldiers and officials wanted to tear up the bastard Spandam, they were not too angry to get carried away.

"That idiot, I must kill him!"

The Bridge of Hesitation on Judiciary Island, inside the first pillar pier.

Luffy, the captain of the straw hat gang, and the ship doctor are fighting against Rob Lucci of CP9. In order to let Chopper pass here smoothly, Luffy has tried his best to contain Rob Lucci.

However, because Rob Lucci's strength completely suppressed Luffy, Chopper was beaten back by Rob Lucci without leaving.

"Chopper, are you alright?"

Luffy didn't expect that the two of them would be unable to contain Rob Lucci together. The enemy in front of him had too strong physical skills.

Unlike those enemies who relied on fruit abilities to suppress them in the past, people like Rob Lucci were opponents who could not be defeated by luck.

"It's okay!" Although he suffered some injuries, Chopper tried his best to avoid fatal injuries.

Looking at Rob Lucci, who didn't even come out in the form of a beastman, Chopper said helplessly, "But this guy is so strong!"

Although Chopper didn't want to admit it, the fact that Rob Lucci's strength far exceeded their imagination.

In his eyes, Luffy is already a strong and terrifying master, but the current Luffy is not worth mentioning in the hands of Rob Lucci.

Rob Lucci's six-style paper painting can easily evade Luffy's attack, and his six-style iron block can withstand Luffy's rubber bazooka without moving at all, even his six-style shaved and Six Styles Moon Steps are too fast for people to see.

But in order to save Nicole Robin, Chopper must pass here, and Chopper has quietly taken out the rambo ball in his hand.

He knew that even if he ate the rambo ball, he would not have the strength to fight Rob Lucci, but his purpose (ccdc) was to get out of here.

Although it is very dangerous to hand over such a terrifying opponent as Rob Lucci to Luffy alone, isn't each of them working hard to save Nicole Robin?

But Rob Lucci's speed is really too fast, Chopper only has one chance, as long as Luffy can barely hold Rob Lucci back even for a second, Chopper can use "Strengthening of Legs" to rush forward The doorway to the Bridge of Hesitation passage. Although the chances are a little slim, it has to be done.

"Strengthened Arm Strength‧Carved Hoof!" After swallowing the rambo ball, Chopper used his strongest stunt "Strengthened Arm Strength‧Carved Hoof" towards Rob Lucci.

But it didn't leave the slightest imprint on Rob Lucci's body, and was even sent flying by Rob Lucci.

If it wasn't for Chopper's timely use of "fur strengthening" to strengthen his defense, he might have been seriously injured by Rob Lucci.

"Chopper, let me do it!" Seemingly understanding Chopper's intentions, Luffy hit Rob Lucci indiscriminately.

"Get rid of it, Luffy! Strengthen your legs!"

While Luffy distracted Rob Lucci's attention, Chopper immediately transformed into "Strengthened Foot" and went back to the door of the Bridge of Hesitation at the highest speed.

"It's really good for you to be here!"

However, Chopper's plan seemed to have failed. Rob Lucci sensed Chopper's intentions in an instant, and instantly beat Luffy to the ground.

Immediately moved to the entrance of the passage, stopped Chopper and said very bluntly: "However, I will not let you pass!"

"Finger gun!" Rob Lucci unceremoniously penetrated Chopper's body with a finger gun, and there was a sense of enjoyment in his heart.

I don't know if Rob Lucci himself enjoys this kind of fighting, or because the bloodthirsty habit of the cat in his body makes him enjoy this feeling.

"We will definitely rescue Robin!" Chopper forced out a sentence before falling down.

Even though he knew he couldn't win, he never gave up the idea of ​​rescuing Nico Robin, his companion.

"The Demon Slaughter Order has already been activated, I don't have time to continue playing with you here!"

Taking a fancy to the fallen Chopper and the embarrassed Luffy, the only thing Rob Lucci cares about is the Demon Slaying Order.

Although he could easily avoid the bombardment of the Demon Slaughter Order with his strength, but since this judicial island was about to be destroyed, there was no need for him to ask for trouble to stay.

Rather than expending energy to avoid the bombardment of the Demon Slaying Order, wouldn't it be more exciting to watch the destruction of Judiciary Island from the sidelines?

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