Compared to the ignorant and uncivilized Gulu Dragonfly people.

The group of people in the Qisi Chamber of Commerce can still communicate.

Mark's understanding of the Milky Way is almost stuck in the understanding of Dragon Ball animation before the crossing.

But in fact, in the Milky Way, as long as the civilization enters the interstellar era.

The information that Mark knows is known by even a three-year-old child.

But many situations are unknown to Mark.

Just like the Qisi Chamber of Commerce, Mark never noticed that there is such an organization in the Dragon Ball world.

Qisi is a qualified businessman by nature.

After initially gaining Mark's approval, this guy directly invited them to sit on the large spaceship they were riding.

"Don't worry, the samples of the goods we carry are all placed on the spaceship. You can take a look after you go there to see if there is anything you are interested in!"

Qisi's words just touched what Mark needed in his heart.

After pretending to think, Mark made a reluctant expression and said, "Okay! Lead the way!"

"Okay! Please come this way!"

After receiving Mark's affirmative answer, President Chis flew to the front to lead the way.

This guy's flattering appearance made Mark a little confused, but he didn't worry too much!

In terms of combat power, this guy is only a little over 11,000, and is not his opponent at all.

Even if he enters the spaceship with him, it's no big deal.

As for the eight or nine minions following him, they are all guys with combat power just over a thousand.

There is nothing to fear for Mark.

After flying for a few minutes, the group arrived in front of a huge spaceship.

Unlike Mark's single-person spherical spaceship, the spaceship of the Chis Chamber of Commerce is in the shape of a flying saucer.

The general appearance is not much different from the disc-shaped spaceship of the Frieza Army.

It's just that the height is about two times higher than that of the ship of the Frieza Army.

"Chairman Chis, your ship looks a bit similar to that of the Frieza Army, but it seems to be much higher?"

"Why, do you still have trade relations with the Frieza Army?"

The Frieza Army controls a lot of territory in the Northern Milky Way, which can be regarded as a behemoth.

Mark asked such a question lightly, which also made Chis' heart tremble.

"Mr. Satan, you are joking. How can a small chamber of commerce like us have trade relations with the famous Frieza Army?"

"Our chamber of commerce has always been centered on the Jilo Trade Star, and Lord Jilo is also protecting us in terms of security."

"As far as I know, Lord Jilo's combat power has reached 150,000. Even the Frieza Army has to give him three points of face!"

The two sides have just met and are in the stage of mutual testing.

Chis thought that Mark was talking about the spaceship of the Frieza Army, and it was very likely that the backer behind him was the Frieza Army.

In order to avoid being robbed by Mark, he quickly brought out his backer, Jilo.

As one of the few races in the universe that can sense the strength of the breath, Chis can sense how much Mark's combat power is.

Using Jilo, whose combat power exceeds 150,000, to suppress Mark can also maintain a delicate balance of status between the two sides!

This is how business is done in the universe, if the strength of both parties is not much different.

That is the basis for negotiating business, otherwise, in the absence of legal protection, the weaker party is very likely to be robbed by the other party!

"Really? A combat power of 150,000 is really amazing, higher than Captain Ginyu's combat power."

"However, it is still worse than that of Lord Frieza, Mr. Chis, do you want to know the specific combat power of Lord Frieza?"

From the other party's behavior of using the tiger's skin as a banner, Mark realized that Chis misunderstood that he had a relationship with the Frieza Army.

In this case, there is no explanation, but it makes things more obvious.

Everyone has the gene of gossip, which is almost a common characteristic of carbon-based life.

What's more, Chis is a businessman who is very sensitive to information.

As the leader of the Frieza Corps, Frieza rarely appears in the public eye.

Even many mid-level generals in the Frieza Corps rarely see Frieza.

As for how much Frieza's combat power is, many people's cognition is also very vague.

At least, in Chis's mind, Frieza's combat power is probably only 200,000 or 300,000.

Hearing that Mark knew Frieza's specific combat power value, Chis forgot to invite Mark to enter the spaceship and subconsciously asked: "How much?"

"Hehe, Mr. Frieza is a transformable cosmic man, and his combat power in the first form is 530,000!"

Mark didn't give Chis time to react after he said that.He walked into the spaceship without any hesitation.

Chis and the others were shocked and stood there without moving. After digesting the information Mark said, they hurried in.

However, Mark, who had entered earlier, had already visited the spaceship alone with great interest.

Except for the cockpit, which Mark was not interested in, the rest of the places were basically cargo compartments.

Mark looked around casually and found that the cargo inside was all kinds of strange things.

But he did not find a place to store blue crystal or other currencies.

"Mr. Satan, let me introduce it to you..."

Chis walked quickly to Mark and began to introduce the cargo that Mark was interested in.

Mark was not interested in these cargoes.

Seeing that Mark was not interested in these cargoes, Chis invited him to enter the lounge.

Handing Mark a glass of green juice, Chis deliberately turned the topic to Frieza.

"Mr. Satan, you just said that Lord Frieza's combat power of 530,000 is only the first form. Could it be that Lord Frieza's combat power can be higher?"

"Of course, otherwise how can he be called the Emperor of the Universe? Have you ever seen a universe emperor with a combat power of 530,000?"

Mark took a sip of juice, which tasted good, and said something to Chis.

Chis, who was scolded, was not angry, and continued to test: "Of course not, but I heard you mean that you know this information very well?"

"I know this is a top secret of the Frieza Corps. Don't worry, as long as you can sell me the information about Lord Frieza, the price will definitely not let you suffer a loss!"

For a space chamber of commerce, buying and selling materials and goods on various planets is only a part of daily trade.

In fact, technology, information, and intelligence are also important parts of buying and selling transactions!

Sometimes, the price of some important intelligence is not even lower than the value of a living planet!

In the Northern Milky Way, there are only a handful of people who can clearly know the combat power of the universe emperor Frieza.

Such information will naturally attract many people.

As long as someone is interested, there will naturally be an opportunity to make money!

Seeing that Chis is so interested in this, Mark will naturally not miss this great opportunity to get something for nothing!

Mark hooked his finger at Chis and said with a bright smile: "Of course I know! I have seen it with my own eyes!"

"In addition to his combat power at each stage of transformation, I also know Mr. Frieza's favorite fighting style and moves."

"It's no problem to sell this information to you, but this price... Hehe, you have to satisfy me!"

After that, Mark looked at Chis with a smile, waiting for his response!

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