"Don't worry, as long as the information is detailed and true enough, I, Chis, will definitely pay you a lot of consulting fees!"

Chis is not a fool, so he is naturally worried that Mark is talking nonsense.

However, it is difficult for Mark to prove the authenticity of the information.

"President Chis, I can provide you with detailed information, but I can't provide evidence to prove its authenticity."

"If you believe it, then we will negotiate the price and pay the money and deliver the goods."

"If you think there is a risk, then forget it, let's talk about the material transaction on Satan Star!"

Mark knows Frieza's background because of his past life memories.

Before there is no way to prove the accuracy of the information, Mark can only say this.

After hearing what Mark said, Chis did not respond immediately, but stood there to think carefully.

After a moment, he raised his head and said, "So, let's talk about the price of the material acquisition!"

"This is the material we need on Gulu Star, oh, that is, on Satan Star now, please take a look!"

Sure enough, Qis did not have the courage to gamble, but shifted the topic to material trade.

Mark took the list calmly and looked at it carefully.

Over the years, Qis Chamber of Commerce has been purchasing a special plant fruit on Satan Star.

This fruit can slightly optimize the genes of a carbon-based life.

Before, this fruit was named Gulu Fruit.

From now on, it will be renamed Satan Fruit.

Of course, Mark does not have this fruit on hand.

To be precise, this fruit has not yet grown on the entire Satan Star.

Usually, this fruit grows in the rugged underground rift valley.

Because the Gulu Dragonfly can fly, they can pick this fruit.

However, this fruit usually matures in the second half of each year on Satan Star.

If you want to trade, you have to wait for half a year.

And Qisi and his team knew where these fruits grew, and reported the coordinates directly to Mark.

Next, Mark followed Qisi to fly to the underground rift to check.

Mark soon saw those half-red and half-green fruits.

Densely packed, there are probably tens of thousands of them!

"Damn Gulu, there are so many Gulu fruits, but you told me that you can only produce 30 per year!"

"He deserves to be destroyed by you! Mr. Satan, I want to exclusively purchase all the Satan fruits here, do you think it's okay?"

Qisi saw the unripe Satan fruits and cursed the long-dead Gulu leader.

But he had already begun to test Mark in action.

Mark just raised his mouth and smiled slightly when he heard the words, and did not give Qisi a definite answer.

After flying around the bottom of the valley, the two flew back to the spaceship, and Mark stated his conditions.

"President Qisi, I will not sell all these Satan fruits."

"However, I will sell you the exclusive acquisition rights, and the price is also very simple for you - I need a detailed star map of the Milky Way."

Mark is not obsessed with making money this time.

The most important point is to open up routes and connect with alien civilizations.

As for getting rich, it's just a matter of convenience.

In fact, what Mark needs to get the most is intelligence.

But now, Mark only has contact with the Qisi Chamber of Commerce.

If everything starts with trading with the Qisi Chamber of Commerce, Mark will suffer a lot.

There is a possibility that he will be deceived by this guy Qisi.

But as long as the star map is in hand, Mark can go to other planets and communicate with other alien civilizations.

For example, the Jilo Trade Star mentioned by Qisi, there are many large and small space chambers of commerce stationed there according to Qisi.

Compare prices from three different companies so that you won't be cheated by one chamber of commerce!

Qis naturally understood Mark's intention.

There were not many choices in front of him, so Qis gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

Then, he took out a palm-sized black metal box from his arms.

Putting the box on the ground, a holographic virtual star map soon appeared in front of the two.

Qis kept moving his hands, and the star map was enlarged and reduced.

Each star has basic information such as name and size.

The planets in the star system are also marked with important information.

"Mr. Satan, this is the star map that our Qis Chamber of Commerce has been using. I will trade it to you now!"

"This is the communicator used by our Qis Chamber of Commerce. The leader of Gulu has one. Now I will give you one so that we can contact you at any time."

"In half a year, we will come back to buy Satan from you.Fruits, I hope the number is no less than 10,000! "

There are tens of thousands of unripe fruits. President Qis did not ask to buy all of them, and the number of 10,000 is also above Mark's bottom line.

"Okay! We will discuss the specific price later! Then, see you in half a year! "

Mark agreed to Chis's request, and asked them to leave Satan Star without showing it.

As a shrewd businessman, Chis naturally heard that Mark was ordering them to leave.

After smiling and nodding, the guy flew back to the spaceship.

After a while, the spaceship of Chis Chamber of Commerce took off and quickly flew away from Satan Star!

Mark waited for a while before taking out the star map from his arms.

From the star map, he quickly found the coordinates he wanted to find!

Take back the star map and take out the spherical spaceship in the universal capsule.

After Mark entered the coordinates, he went straight to the first target!

Six days later, the spaceship Mark was riding arrived near a mineral star.

"Hehe, the blue crystal mining star belonging to the Frieza Legion..."

The spherical spaceship Mark was riding, It is exactly the same as the spaceship of Frieza Corps.

After finding the docking base, Mark chose to land directly.

He was so arrogant because he had completed the detection with the combat power detector.

There are only twenty or so energy reactions on this mineral star.

The most powerful one is just a soldier with only 1200 combat power.

Obviously, this place is completely defenseless for Mark.

After all, no one would have thought that the mineral star of the famous Frieza Corps would also be targeted!

What's more interesting is that the soldiers in the base did not notice anything unusual.

In their opinion, this is obviously a small spaceship that only their elite warriors would take.

After Mark opened the hatch, three soldiers of Frieza Corps were already standing in front of him.

"Hello, sir! Frieza NO.1535 Mineral Star Garrison, welcome to your arrival! "

"Sir, the harvest of the past ten years on this planet is ready, you can take it away at any time, but why are there no other transport ships coming with you?"

The leading crocodile soldier said what Mark was most interested in.

However, he looked at Mark very puzzled and asked why the transport ships did not follow.

Mark turned around and walked back to his spaceship with a serious face. Under the puzzled comments of the three people, he directly turned the spaceship into a capsule!

"Huh, still need a transport ship? High-tech, do you understand? !"

Holding the small universal capsule and shaking it in front of several people, Mark took out another capsule from the box.

With a bang, the capsule exploded, and a huge warehouse appeared in front of the three people.

"I give you three hours to put all the blue crystals in the warehouse!"

Mark gave the order calmly.

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