Looking at the radical Son Gohan, the big ape roared, the loud sound echoed in the air, and the fierce mouth emitted bursts of sound waves, whistling in the direction of Son Gohan.

Just a roar, but made Sun Gohan feel extremely heavy, as if a hill pressed down, the deafening sound made Sun Gohan headache, the whole person was frozen in mid-air, and then Sun Gohan only felt that his eyes were dark, but he saw a huge palm grabbing his body, and he reacted with all his strength, but he was never able to break free.

With a little force in the hands of the big ape, Sun Gohan felt as if the bones in his whole body were about to be shattered, in the face of the other party's strong strength, several people had no power to fight back, and with Sun Gohan's painful wail, several people showed desperate expressions on their faces.

"This is the end of offending Prince Ben, all of you give me death!"

A murderous aura appeared in the big ape's bloody red eyes, and as long as the strength of his palm increased, he could pinch the two into meatloaf in an instant.


Midnight, Goku, where the hell are you"

Klin roared with a look of despair on his face.


Just when Sun Wuhan was facing life and death, a golden energy light wave struck, and the sharp breath made the big ape's face become ugly, throwing the two people in his hand, holding his fists to his chest to resist, the big ape took several steps back in succession before blocking this attack, only to feel a hot pain in his arms.

Immediately afterwards, two familiar figures slowly fell from the sky, and after seeing the person coming, Klin's desperate expression was swept away, as if he had taken a stimulant, no longer caring about the pain in his body, waving his arms, and running towards the two.

"Midnight, Goku, you are finally here, if you don't come, we will never see each other again!" Seeing the two, Klin was moved to cry, and couldn't help but complain.

"I'm sorry, Klin! Actually, we have already come! It's just that midnight said that he wanted to see the results of your cultivation this year, so..." Goku lowered his head and said with some shame.

They are also responsible for Yamucha's death, fortunately there is a dragon ball that can be resurrected, but when they see that Vic and Gohan have an accident, the two can no longer bear it and directly save the two.

"Dad, Uncle Midnight..." Even

though Son Gohan was strong when he was almost killed by Vegeta, after seeing the two, his eyes instantly moistened, and he ran over to endure the severe pain in his body and hugged Goku.

"Gohan is good, you have grown up!" Goku touched Gohan's head and said with a smile.

"Kakarot, you're finally here! But the result is all the same, you will all die at the hands of this prince today! The scarlet eyes of the great ape monkey showed contempt, and he said with disdain.

"Midnight, Goku! This guy is strong, you guys have to be careful! Klin said with a solemn face, he didn't know the strength of the two now, for fear of making the same mistake as Gohan.

"Don't worry, Klin! He is no match for us! Goku said with a confident look, this is not Goku talking big, but Vegeta's strength is too weak, so weak that the two of them have no interest in doing it.

"Even if this gorilla is weak, it looks so ugly!" Midnight glanced carefully, touched his chin and teased.

"Abominable... I'll kill you!

Midnight's words were like a sharp sword, piercing the eardrums of the great ape, and the anger in his chest instantly gushed out, and he rushed towards Midnight murderously.

"This speed... It's so slow! Midnight

shook his head in disgust, and the figure flashed, and then disappeared in place, so fast that the big ape's face changed, looking around for his gaze.

"Gorilla, I'm behind you!"

The voice came into his ears, and the big ape only felt a chill behind him, turned around with monstrous anger, and his fist burst out with the power of surging Pengbai!

However, the difference in strength between the two is too big, and before the big ape can turn around completely, the gods of midnight stepped forward, the palm was gently raised, and a big bibi pocket was breathed on the face of the big ape, sharp fangs gushed out with blood, and the huge body was directly fanned tens of meters away, causing the ground to tremble violently, and the big ape also lay on the ground and kept twitching.

"Well... That's awesome!

Klin opened his mouth and said with a look of surprise.

Sun Wuhan's eyes were even brighter, and he defeated the big ape with one tight move, how can a child not worship heroes, coupled with Midnight's indoctrination in this regard since childhood, it also strengthened his determination to learn martial arts.

Vic was solemn, and he found that the gap between him and Midnight had become larger and larger, and a strong sense of blow gradually faded his ambition to rule the earth.

"Nope... Impossible, I... I'm a Saiyan prince, how... How can you lose to an earthling, this... Absolute... No way! The big ape lying on the ground said unwillingly, perhaps because of the two teeth that were knocked out by the midnight, the ape's mouth was still leaking when he spoke.

"I must kill you!"

The big ape felt an unprecedented insult and roared loudly

, "Look at your appearance, you are still not convinced!"

Midnight jumped on it and lifted the tail of the big ape, and the big ape only felt an irresistible force spread throughout the body, and collapsed weakly.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Midnight dragged the tail of the big ape, flicked it violently, its huge body soared into the air, smashed heavily to the ground, and then midnight used the big ape as a meteor hammer, and played tirelessly, and the whole earth trembled violently because of the huge body.

I don't know if it's because the midnight play is too hot, or the Saiyan tail itself is not strong, the tail of the big ape was torn off abruptly, and at the same time its body began to shrink continuously, returning to the appearance of Vegeta's human form, and a small monkey tail appeared in the hands of midnight.

Vegeta lay on the ground, the severe pain made his body begin to twitch, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, his face became extremely pale, the strength in his body had been sharpened by midnight, and the whole person was weak to the extreme, and he was on the verge of death.

"Great, we won!"

Looking at the dying Vegeta on the ground, Klin exclaimed excitedly.

At this time, Goku suddenly stepped forward and asked, "Midnight, what are you going to do with him?"

"Of course this kind of guy who invaded other people's homes was killed

" "Goku, you wouldn't be going to let him go, would you?" Klin looked at Goku nervously, afraid that Goku would let the other party go with a soft heart for a while.

"Kill it!"

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