Hearing midnight's words, Goku's brows furrowed, he still rejected this kind of killing in his heart, but Klin's words were indeed very reasonable, people who violated other people's homes were indeed unforgivable, coupled with Goku's strength at this time, the weak Vegeta could not interest him at all.


Midnight raised his hand, a qigong wave hit Vegeta's body, and in a blink of an eye, a bloody hole appeared in his chest, Vegeta screamed in pain, his breathing began to become rapid, his eyes glared at Midnight and others, and then there was no sound.

"Phew, it's finally over, now the earth is finally safe!" Klin sighed and said in a heavy tone.

"The real crisis has just begun! We have an uphill battle to fight next! Midnight's face suddenly became solemn, and he spoke.

Looking at Midnight's serious face, everyone naturally did not think that he was joking, and his face showed a shocked expression at the same time.

"Midnight, you mean Frieza?"

Hearing Goku's voice, everyone cast doubtful glances and asked, "Goku, who is Frieza?"

"I don't know! I just heard that Midnight and Lord Realm once mentioned that Frieza is known as the emperor of the universe, and his strength is so strong that even Vegeta is just a small soldier under him! Goku shook his head and said.


"Midnight, is what Goku said true?" Klin asked with a look of horror.


Seeing midnight nodding, everyone's faces showed a look of fear, just one Vegeta defeated them, if Frieza came, wouldn't the earth be finished!

"Midnight, can you and Goku defeat the guy named Frieza?" Klin asked again.

Hearing this, he thought for a moment before he spoke: "I don't know very well, I only know after fighting!" This

sentence did not lie to people, during this time, the strength of him and Goku was constantly growing, and it could be said that it was easy to deal with Vegeta and the others, but Frieza had hundreds of millions of combat power, which made him a little uncertain.

"Then what to do, if Frieza comes, the earth really can't be saved!" With a hint of despair on his face, Klin scratched his ears and cheeks.

"Klin, don't worry! No matter how strong Frieza is, we can definitely defeat him, he better come quickly, I have long wanted to compete with such a master! Goku said with some excitement, with an expectant expression on his face and no sense of urgency.

"Frieza shouldn't be here yet, we can think about tactics!"

"Let's go back first!"

Midnight suggested.

In the sky, seven figures streaked like meteors, except for the dead Yamucha, several people came to Turtle Immortal Island.


The moment he stepped into the island, the gate of the Turtle Immortal House was opened, and Bulma, Kiki, Turtle Immortal and others ran out one after another.

"You big badass, there is no news about going to cultivate for a year, if you are like this next time, I will ignore you again!"

Bulma ran forward and hugged Midnight deadly, although she said complaining words, but her hands became tighter and tighter.

"Mom, have you hugged enough, it's my turn!" Zixin tugged on Bulma's clothes next to him and said angrily.

On the other side, Kiki ran to Gohan's side and took him into her arms, carefully checking whether he was injured, while Goku was left by her, but fortunately several people ate sendou before coming, Kiki was relieved.

"You guys did a great job this time and saved the earth again!" The turtle immortal smiled gratifyingly.

"Teacher Wutian, long time no see!"

"Grandpa, long time no see!"

Midnight, Wukong, and Klin hurriedly said hello, they were teachers for one day and fathers for life, no matter how strong they became, they still had great respect for the turtle immortals in their hearts.

"By the way, Bulma, I want to ask you something." Midnight suddenly spoke.

"You want to use the Dragon Ball radar to find Dragon Ball and resurrect Yamucha, right? We saw it all in the witch's crystal ball! Bulma nodded, then went to the Dragon Ball radar from her pocket and said lightly.

"It's not this thing, I want to ask you to help us change the spaceship!" Midnight said solemnly.

"Spaceship? What do you want that for? Bulma asked with a puzzled look.

"I want to go to Bike's hometown, the planet Namec! There are ways to improve our strength in a short period of time, so that we can face Frieza with greater certainty! Midnight explained.

Hearing these words, Vic who remained silent on the side looked a little moved, but he was quickly suppressed and returned to his cold and proud face.

Namei Nemesis he must go, where the Great Elder can develop the potential of the human body, now his strength and Goku's strength has always been a mystery, and I don't know if he can beat Frieza, although he is an immortal body, but he has no one to protect, from the moment his daughter was born, he swore that he would never allow anyone to hurt her, so be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years.

"But the Milky Way is so big, I'm afraid the location of the star is difficult to find!" Bulma said with some embarrassment.

"I can ask the King of the Realm for this, he should be able to do it!" Midnight spoke again.

"Okay, I'll go back and discuss it with my father!" Bulma nodded and said.

"Great, thank you, darling!" Midnight excitedly took Bulma in his arms, kissed her on the rosy face, and said with a smile.

"Hmph! I don't know who hasn't heard from me for a year, and I remembered me when I helped! Bulma pouted, pretending to be angry and said.

"I was wrong, Bulma!"

"I promise, it won't be like this next time!" Midnight patted his chest and said.

"Everyone stop standing, hurry up and come in to eat!" At this time, Lan Qi walked out wearing an apron and smiled at everyone.

"Great, I'm hungry for a long time!"

Sun Wukong said loudly, and then ran in first, gulped up, and the rest of the people also walked in quickly, and a cheerful voice came from inside the Turtle Immortal House.

In the years that everyone has been separated, Lan Qi's love for Tianjin rice is obvious to all, and he wants to find him more than once, but Tianjin rice takes dumplings all over the world, and no one knows his whereabouts, so he ran to Xidu to ask for help from Bulma, and midnight was worried that she would never return, after all, she was a friend for many years, so he worked hard to leave her in the Turtle Immortal House, and found Tianjin Rice in his spare time, but he is an elm head, and he doesn't know anything about emotional matters, even Wukong is not as good, The angry Lan Qi was ready to run away from home in a fit of anger, and at the critical moment, the blonde Lan Qi suddenly came up, and Midnight and Klin gave Tianjin another strong medicine, and the two finally became dependents! (I wrote this paragraph just to give Lan Qi an explanation, after all, it is an unpleasant thing when watching Dragon Ball, so here is a little word count, everyone forgives!) )

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