"Cloth... Boomer!" Sun

Wukong was startled and quickly turned around.

Boomer snorted coldly, grabbed his right hand, and twisted Sun Wukong's right arm back.

"Cloth... Boomer, when did you learn to grapple?"

snorted Boomer coldly.

"Don't change the subject, whose name did you just

say is not good?" "What whose name is not good? I didn't say anything!" "Don't quibble

!" "Sun Wukong, I just heard you say that Boomer's name is not good!"


corners of Lazili's mouth raised slightly and said with a smile.

"On... Just kidding!" the

Monkey King laughed dryly.

Boomer stared at him with her eyes glued to him, and her hands twisted even tighter.

"Boomer, I was wrong

!" "That's pretty much it!" said

Boomer, letting go of his hands.

"Boomer, when did you learn to grapple?" "

I've been bored lately, so I practiced martial arts with Kiki!" "


, if you want to learn martial arts, I can teach you too!"

After hearing this, Boomer looked at Sun Wukong, and finally shook his head.

"No need!"

Sun Wukong's martial arts skills are so high, her grappling technique is of no use to Sun Wukong.

The reason why she was able to succeed just now was firstly because Sun Wukong didn't know that she could grapple her, and secondly, Sun Wukong didn't want to hurt her.

"Well, if you want to learn, I can teach you at any time

!" "Then Lazili, what is the name of number 17?"

"Don't tell you!"

said Lazili with a cold snort.

Sun Wukong smiled and did not speak.

He actually knows the name of Cyborg 17, he just doesn't want to show that he knows everything, too noticeable.


The next morning.

Through divination, Sun Wukong found another research institute of Dr. Gro.

At this time, Monkey King was walking around Dr. Groh's research institute with Boomer.

Suddenly, the two saw a large computer.

This computer is the supercomputer that made the artificial man 13, 14, and 15.


this, Boomer quickly walked over and sat in front of the supercomputer, checking the information in the supercomputer.

"Goku, this supercomputer is really the same as you think, there are a lot of artificial human designs in it!" "

Na Boomer, can you change the program instructions inside?"

"System, can you change the instructions of

this supercomputer, let this supercomputer do my orders?" "Yes, but it will take a wish on your part

!" "Good!"

"Master, what instructions do you want to enter into this supercomputer?"

The artificial humans designed by Dr. Gro are all designed as superheroes with a sense of justice, and the responsibility is to protect the earth, of course, the most important thing is to obey me

!" "Okay, master!" As

soon as the words fell, the text on the supercomputer changed, and the original instructions to kill the Monkey King became obedient to the Monkey King.

"How come!" Boomer

looked at the instructions on the supercomputer, and suddenly became obedient to Sun Wukong, and his face suddenly showed a shocked look.

"Enlightenment... How could the instructions of this supercomputer suddenly change to do your bidding?"

"This is the power of theology, God created all things, a supercomputer, how can it be difficult for me who is proficient

in theology!" "Theology?" "Yes, it is impossible for a mortal like you to

understand theology!"

"Yes, I don't understand theology, so you are so powerful, can you have a child yourself?"

Boomer snorted coldly.

"So Goku, what do you want to do by making the artificial humans designed by Dr. Gro do at your command

?" "Of course it's to

defend the Earth!" "To defend the Earth?" "Yes, haven't you noticed that there have been quite a few aliens on Earth in the past few years?"

No, these androids are mainly used to deal with miscellaneous soldiers, and don't you think it's funny that I turned Dr. Gro's android who killed me into an artificial human who obeys me?"

"That guy resents me so much, how can he be easily reincarnated?" "

This is true! What is going on with the supercomputer thing

?" "This is actually a

superpower!" "Superpower?" "But I can only use this superpower once a year!"

"Na Boomer, how long will it take for Dr. Gro's artificial

humans to be created?" "I don't know, but at least it will take months or more!" "


you have set the artificial humans to follow your orders, and once they are created, they should come to you as soon

as possible!"


if there's nothing else, let's go back?"

Time flickered, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

The sixth universe, destroying the god realm.

After half a year of cultivation, Sun Wukong has sublimated the breath in his body to the realm of gods.

At this time, he was standing calmly on a grassy field.


Suddenly, he clenched his fists hard and drank heavily.

A violent wind suddenly blew in the grass, and the ground of the entire God Destroying Realm suddenly shook.

"Ah!" As

Sun Wukong's roar grew louder, the originally slow-moving clouds in the sky suddenly moved rapidly.

At this time, Sun Wukong's body rose a fiery red aura, the originally black hair on his head turned bright red, his body became leaner and his whole body was covered with aura like the flame of the sun, the color of the pupils and irises of his eyes changed to black and red respectively, his skin became fairer, and his appearance was young and youthful.

This is exactly the God of Super Saiyan.

Xiangpa, who was sitting not far away, saw this scene and immediately got up and walked over.

Bardos, who was standing behind Xiangpa, also followed.


Xiangpa!" said Xiangpa, with a smile.

"Goku, I didn't expect your strength to improve so fast!"

said Monkey King with a smile.

"It's mostly thanks to Sister Bardos!"

"So Goku, do you want to fight me with your transformation?"

Don't use Lord Elephant Pa!"

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