Xiangpa smiled and said.

"It's okay if you don't want to, but this destroys the God Realm, you won't come over in the future!"

Okay!" Sun

Wukong had no choice but to agree.

As soon as the words fell, the sound of the system immediately sounded in Sun Wukong's ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the master for reaching the realm of gods, now the master only needs to go to the Nami star of the sixth universe to check in, and he can upgrade the system Dragon Ball!"

"That Monkey King, are you ready?"

asked Xiangpa.


the Monkey King nodded.

Xiangpa chuckled.

"In that case, then you can attack

!" "Good!" said

Sun Wukong, holding his hands hard, and the fiery red aura on his body instantly emanated outward.

With a sound of breaking the void, Sun Wukong turned into a red light and came to Xiangpa's face in the blink of an eye.

"Ha!" shouted

Sun Wukong, punching forward with both fists.



Xiangpa's body moved to the left and right, avoiding Sun Wukong's attack.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong immediately raised his right foot and raised it towards Xiangpa.

Xiangpa's left hand was raised, easily blocking Sun Wukong's attack.

"What's wrong with Sun Wukong, does the Super Saiyan God only have this strength?"

Sun Wukong immediately withdrew his right foot after hearing this.

"Of course not, it's just that I'm not used to this power yet!"

The fiery red aura on Sun Wukong's body emanated again, and the aura on his body rose upwards again.

When the breath was almost raised, Sun Wukong immediately collected the breath on his body.



Monkey King nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Xiangpa immediately raised his hands and feet and attacked Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong also raised his hands and feet and fought with Xiangpa.

Because the speed of the two people's fists and feet is too fast, not only does a large number of strong winds occur around when the two fight, but the sound of the two fighting their fists and feet is like earth-shattering thunder.

After the two fought for a while, with the power of Xiangpa, Sun Wukong was quickly repelled.


the Monkey King shouted angrily and rushed towards Xiangpa again.

Xiangpa chuckled, and his body turned into a purple light and flew towards the sky.


this, Sun Wukong also flew towards the sky.

Suddenly, Xiangpa's body stopped and stood in midair.

After Sun Wukong saw it, he also stopped.

At this time, Xiangpa beckoned to Sun Wukong, signaling him to attack.

"Ha!" Sun

Wukong clenched his hands into fists, and his body turned into a red light and rushed forward.

Soon, Sun Wukong came to Xiangpa's body, and his fists were like light, and he struck forward.

Xiangpa's hands were raised, and he easily blocked Sun Wukong's attack.


the Monkey King shouted angrily, quickly lifting his right foot upwards and kicking towards Xiangpa.

Xiangpa sneered, grabbed Sun Wukong's right foot with his left hand, and rotated his entire body outward several times.

Then, he was thrown away.

"Abominable!" Sun

Wukong clenched his hands into fists and quickly stopped.

At this time, the figure of Xiangpai suddenly appeared behind Sun Wukong, kicked down with his right foot hard, and Sun Wukong's body instantly fell to the ground like a shooting star.

The ground suddenly raised a lot of sand.

By the time the dust cleared, Sun Wukong's figure had long disappeared.


looked startled.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind him.

Xiangpa quickly turned around and swung his right fist forward vigorously.

Sun Wukong raised his hands forward, and his body was shot out.

But soon, Sun Wukong stopped his body and gasped.

If this elephant does not release water, he basically has little power to fight back.

However, although the other party is a god of destruction, he is not a person who admits defeat so easily.

"Ha!" Thinking

of this, Sun Wukong clenched his fists hard, and the divine aura on his body rose again.

Seeing this, Xiangpa's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Ha!" When

the aura enhancement was completed, Sun Wukong immediately rushed towards Xiangpa.

Xiangpa snorted coldly and greeted him.


two men fought in the sky like lines.

The sky suddenly resounded with huge thunder.

The right fists of the two slammed together hard, and an incomparably strong wind emanated from their hands.

Bang bang!! Immediately

, the two quickly withdrew their right fists, fists and feet like light, and hit each other.


of their right fists hit each other in the face at the same time.

Sun Wukong clenched his teeth and glared angrily at each other.

Immediately, the two retracted their right fists at the same time, their bodies turned into red and purple lights, and they retreated.

After retreating hundreds of meters away, Sun Wukong's body stopped, and his hands quickly closed back.

"Turtle ~ Pai ~ Qi ~ Gong!" Seeing

this, Xiang Pa immediately condensed a destructive energy in his hand and shot towards Sun Wukong.

"Wave!" At

this time, Sun Wukong also gathered his energy and launched forward.

With an extremely violent sound, Sun Wukong's Turtle Sect Qigong wave collided with the destructive energy.

However, because Xiangpa's destructive energy was relatively strong, the Monkey King Turtle Sect Qigong was quickly pushed out.


shouted Monkey King and pushed forward with all his hands.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, two energies exploded in the sky at the same time.

Xiangpa chuckled, and dozens of destructive energies suddenly condensed around his body.

Sun Wukong was startled, and his hands were closed back again.

"Turtle ~ Pai ~ Qi ~ Gong ~ Bo!"

With a wave of his hand, the destructive energy around his body immediately flew forward.

"Ha!" Sun

Wukong shouted, and the Turtle Sect Qigong in his hand was like a long dragon, striking the destructive energy from the attack one by one, causing it to explode in midair.

Boom! Boom!!

Xiangpa's eyes narrowed, and he rushed towards Sun Wukong again.

Soon, Xiangpa came to Sun Wukong, and the two raised their fists and feet again and attacked each other.

After fighting for a while, the two grabbed each other's hands at the same time and fought hard in the sky.

The two clenched their teeth and pushed forward hard.

After holding each other for a while, Sun Wukong was pushed out because his strength was not as good as Xiangpa.

"Whew..." the

two gasped at the same time, looking at each other.

Soon, Xiangpa regained his steady breathing and rushed towards Sun Wukong again.

Sun Wukong's body speed was greatly slowed down because of his physical exhaustion, so Xiangpa rushed, and he basically could only resist Xiangpa's attack with both hands.

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