Such an overwhelming scene made Zamasu, who was hiding in the dark, tremble all over.

Even if he had an immortal body, he didn't dare to rush up and get beaten.

The fighting ability displayed by Dalot was too terrifying.

He went there, but was indifferent. Even the Super Masked Black Goku, which was the result of the fusion of two Black Goku, could only be pinned down and beaten.

He planned to observe for a while.

If Masked Black Goku can kill Dalot, there is still a chance to realize the Human Zero Plan.

If it doesn't work, he can only use teleportation to escape this universe and seek refuge in other universes.

With these guys around, the implementation of the Human ZERO Plan will become extremely difficult.

"Mask... you must not lose!" With his fists clenched, Zamasu could only watch from the dark.

Now the only thing he could do was to watch the battle and pray for Super Masked Black Goku in his heart.

However, what he didn't know was that Super Masked Black Goku had already set his sights on him and wanted to rob him of his immortality.


On the battlefield,

Super Masked Black Goku covered his aching abdomen and glared at Dalot with gritted teeth.

The gap between the two sides was clear at a glance.

The former was already at the end of his strength, at the limit of his limit.

The latter was far from showing his true ability.

"Don't you want to take the initiative to attack? I wanted to see your desperate look, but now it seems that you have been scared. Haven't you always claimed to be a high and mighty god? Hurry up and show me your power as a god."With the corners of his mouth slightly up and down, Dalot looked at Super Masked Black Goku teasingly. Faced with such a provocation, Super Masked Black Goku had to rush up to fight at this moment, even if he was reluctant in his heart.

Not for anything else, but for his dignity as a god that would not be trampled by humans.

"It's just luck that got me an advantage, don't get carried away!!"With a roar, Super Masked Black Goku's body once again burned with the dark and creepy evil power of God.

Because he was facing a desperate situation, his fighting power was still growing.

The fighting nation Saiyans' growth characteristics of becoming stronger with each battle were fully utilized by him.

It's a pity that there is an unspeakable distance between him and Dalot. Even if his fighting power increases, it is far from Dalot's level. He gathered strength with his legs, crushed the ground, and ran towards Dalot like an aurora.

The speed was so fast that it surpassed the speed of sound in an instant, but in a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Dalot and punched hard.

In the eyes of others, Super Masked Black Goku's speed was so fast that they could not react. His attack was as swift as thunder, with the power of overwhelming mountains and seas.

But in Dalot's view, his speed was too slow, no different from a snail.

Dalot easily avoided Super Masked Black Goku's collapsing fist, and Dalot raised his hand and hit his chin fiercely with an uppercut.

‘Bang!!! ' There was a burst of air explosion. The heavy uppercut severely deformed Super Masked Black Goku's face. In pain, he flew out of the earth like a rocket.

Seizing the opportunity to win, Dalot caught up with him and hit Super Masked Black Goku with a moon kick.

‘'Pound!!!! ' With a thrilling sound of flesh-penetrating explosions, Super Masked Black Goku's pupils dilated, his mouth opened, and the crushing force spread from his abdomen to his entire body. His body lost control in an instant, turned into an aurora, rushed out of the Earth's atmosphere, and fell heavily on the moon.

‘Boom~~!!!’Ripples appeared in the universe, and the surface of the moon sunk, forming a ten-thousand-meter-long crack.

In the center of the crack, Super Masked Black Goku lay dying.

Dalot's kick completely shattered his internal organs and bones, and completely made him lose his fighting power.

"Am I going to lose here... That guy is so strong that he is unstoppable... He is even stronger than God.……"The whole body was weak, Super Masked Black Goku had lost control of his body, and his form had also regressed from Super Saiyan Rose 2 to his normal state.

Now his breath was extremely weak, like a candle in the wind that could go out at any time.

Even Son Goku and Vegeta could easily kill him now.

Far away on Earth, Dalot looked up at the sky

"It flew really far, and it looks like it's almost dead."After carefully sensing Super Masked Black Goku's breath, he found it very weak.

Dalot didn't want to give him a chance, so he planned to get rid of him at once. He used instant teleportation, and in the blink of an eye, he teleported from the earth to the moon.

Just in time, he landed in front of Masked Black Goku.

He crossed his arms and looked down at the dying Super Masked Black Goku.

"Human... hehehe~~!! You won. It is undeniable that you are stronger than me. Even though I have super powers, I am still not as good as you. How ironic it is that as the only god, I was defeated by the humans I created... hahahahaha~~!!!"Super Masked Black Goku laughed wildly, his expression was almost crazy. After being defeated by Dalot, he realized that his ideals were shattered.

With this powerful human around, his Human Zero Plan could not be completed.

"Humans created by God? Don't flatter yourself. Look at what kind of person you are. You are just a mere Kai King God. You dare to say that you created life? Do you really think you are the God of Creation? You are a hopeless guy."With a disdainful snort, Dalot stretched out his hand and strangled him by the neck. The Super

Masked Black Goku, who was strangled by the neck, trembled all over. He wanted to struggle, but this serious injury, every time he moved, the heart-wrenching pain would surge all over his body, making him miserable and tortured.

"Humans are just the most failed creations of all things created by God. The God who created you probably never thought that humans now have the power to kill God. As a God, I must make up for this mistake, but I never thought that I would be defeated by despicable humans... It's really... pathetic!" Super Masked Black Goku launched a mouth attack before his death

""Incurable idiot." Dalot sighed in disappointment. Anyway, Super Masked Black Goku's defeat was already decided. Death had become his unchangeable ending.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and kill me, the god. Then you will become the most powerful person in the world. Even gods are no match for you. God-killer, this title is impressive, right? But don't think that everything ends here. Even if I die, there will be gods who will appear and take my place and kill all of you despicable humans without leaving a single one behind!"

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