Such arrogant words disgusted Dalot. He was about to die, but he was still so arrogant.

""A dead duck is still talking big." With a cold snort, Dalot casually threw the dying Super Masked Black Goku into space. The

Super Masked Black Goku, who lost control of his body, could only float in space.

Seizing the opportunity, Dalot raised his hand, gathered energy in his palm, and fired a destructive bullet.

This power was enough to blow up the current Super Masked Black Goku without leaving a single cell.

‘Boom~~!!!’Brilliant fireworks burst out in the universe.

The roar of the explosion resounded throughout the space.

In the universe, layers of ripples and storms spread.

The flames of the explosion gradually faded.

Super Masked Black Goku had turned into smoke and dissipated in this world.

In the aura perception, there was no longer any aura of this guy.

"It looks like he is dead." His senses expanded, and he did not detect any aura from Super Masked Black Goku, so Dalot let down his guard.

Finally, it was over.

The fourth stage of Super Saiyan Red Hair and the state of bloodline sublimation was lifted.

With a thought, he used the skill of teleportation again, and the whole person disappeared in an instant and returned to the earth.

However, when everyone thought that the last enemy was only Super Masked Black Goku, they overlooked one point, Zamasu who had the ability of immortality!

That guy... was still alive!

And from beginning to end, he did not appear.


At the same time.

Not in the seventh universe, but in the distant tenth universe.

Zamasu, the immortal god, held the dying Super Masked Black Goku in his arms.

Yes, he succeeded. At the critical moment, he used his body to resist Dalot's destructive bullet, and used teleportation to evacuate the seriously injured Super Masked Black Goku from the seventh universe.

Because the distance was too far, Dalot could not feel their breath, and subconsciously judged them as dead.

"Another me, I didn't expect that Saiyan to be so strong. Even if the two of you merged into one through the Potara Earrings, you would still be his opponent.……"Zamasu looked at his other self, the unconscious Super Masked Black Goku, with complicated eyes.

The appearance of Dalot let them know that the implementation of Human ZERO Plan was hopeless.

Even he was not his opponent...what should he do?

With thousands of thoughts in his mind, Zamasu shook his head, put aside the thoughts in his mind, and used his healing ability on the dying Super Masked Black Goku below.

Emerald green light surged around the body of Super Masked Black Goku.

The shocking bloodstains were all repaired by the surge of healing energy.

As his injuries healed, the bruised and battered Super Masked Black Goku slowly opened his eyes.

"I... am still alive?"Super Masked Black Goku didn't expect that he was still alive.

Originally, when Dalot's final attack came, he was ready to die, but he never thought that he would be lucky enough to save his life.

"You finally woke up, so it's time for us to discuss the next plan. The Saiyan named Dalot is far beyond your and my ability to contend with. Do you have any way to increase your strength again and kill him?"Zamasu stepped forward and asked with cold eyes.

The most urgent task now is to discuss how they can completely defeat Dalot.

Instead of sitting and waiting for death like now.

The implementation of the human ZERO plan still needs the help of the power of this masked Kong, otherwise, he would have abandoned it long ago.

"Kill him……"When talking about Dalot, Super Masked Black Goku's eyes flashed with confusion, and he turned to look at Zamasu beside him.

Now, isn't the opportunity right in front of us?

"Yes, kill him! Only by killing that human can our plan succeed!"Zamasu seemed unaware that a disaster had already spread to him.

Super Masked Black Goku's attention was on him, and his purpose was to devour him!

"My plan... hehe, isn't there a good way now?" Super Masked Black Goku sneered.

"Method?"Zamasu was surprised, and suddenly a bad feeling emerged in his heart.

The next second, Super Masked Black Goku suddenly got angry, locked his throat fiercely with one hand, and lifted him up violently, with a teasing look in his eyes.

""It's easy to kill that Saiyan. Let's merge again, transfer your immortality to me, and give me everything you have. Isn't it easy to kill him?" Super Masked Black Goku sneered.

Zamasu was shocked when he said this.

He instantly understood the intention of Masked Black Goku.

"No wonder... No wonder you said not to let the other me become immortal, because I am enough. That guy's fusion was not his own will, you forced him to do it! Masked! You bastard...!! Let me go! Let go!!"Zamasu shouted vigorously.

Only now did he realize what a serious mistake he had made. From the beginning, they were just pawns used by Super Masked Black Goku.

Now, everything they have will be swallowed up by this madman.

""Hmph! I don't know what you are rebelling against. We are the same person. After the fusion through the Potara earrings, the dominant consciousness will not change. The consciousness of the other me will also merge with mine. I have become stronger. Our goals are the same. In order to complete the Human Zero Plan, we must eliminate the crisis in front of us. Why are you rebelling against me?" Super Masked Black Goku sneered.

I thought that the other Black Goku and Zamasu would understand me more or less.���He never thought that although he was from another time and space, there was always something different.

This was completely and thoroughly beyond his expectations.

However, it didn't matter now, because the decision was in his hands.

If Zamasu wanted to fuse, he had to fuse. If he didn't want to fuse, he had to become his nourishment!

After these words came out, Zamasu was silent for a moment, and soon he figured it out.

"Stop saying those nice things!

We are both for the Human Zero Project, so it is inevitable that we will cooperate.

We are also the same person, but!!

Even if we are the same person, you who come from other time and space are definitely different from me.

You are just another me in other worlds.

You are both me and not me.

If I am really stupid enough to merge with you, everything I have will be swallowed up by you, and my dominant consciousness will also be erased by you.

Do you really think I haven't calculated anything? From the beginning!

I have been doubting you!


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