Sheen's words startled everyone present.

Especially GT Son Goku and GT Vegeta.

After seeing the strong people everywhere in this world, they already wanted to stay here to practice. But King Kai suddenly appeared and told them that they could not stay in this world...


""Xian, what do you mean? They helped me solve the big problems in the future world. Without their help, I don't know what the parallel time and space in other worlds would become." Dalot said coldly with gloomy eyes.

""I'm sorry... Mr. Dalot, the stay of Mr. Goku and Mr. Vegeta from another time and space is not something that I, a small Kai, can decide. This matter needs to be approved by the Grand Priest. I am just a small Kai and have no power to decide this matter." After a moment of silence, King Kai Sheen said that he had no other choice.

Dalot knew that he was telling the truth, so he didn't embarrass him.

Two people from different time and space, both powerful warriors, staying in the same time and space, might really cause something uncontrollable. The world might even bring them to an unpredictable future because of their sudden appearance.

What Sheen said was not without reason.

Only the Grand Priest can decide this matter.

Then, go to the Grand Priest and ask him clearly.

"Take me to see the high priest. Dalot looked at Sheen and said

"Ah... this……"King Kai Shin hesitated.

He knew that it was like living with a tiger to serve the emperor, especially the High Priest, who was a god above the angels, and whose position was much higher than his.

Such a being could not be met casually.

Moreover, if he made the High Priest angry and took away his position as King Kai, wouldn't that be the end of him?

"What are you hesitating about?" Dalot narrowed his eyes slightly, and an invisible chill was released from his eyes, causing King Kai Shin to tremble all over.

"OK... OK, I'll take you to see the High Priest right away.……"Swallowing his saliva, King Kai Shin said tremblingly


At this moment

, in the distant tenth universe, the God of Destruction Beerus and the Angel Whis have arrived.

They are always watching the safety of Gevas, because if things go wrong, Zamasu in this timeline will kill his master.

""Hmm?! He's making a move, Whis." Through the Angel Staff, Beerus and Whis were constantly observing the situation in the 10th Universe Kai King God Realm.

When a layer of deep purple divine energy appeared on Zamasu's hand, he chopped off Gvas' neck with a knife.

Gvas fell to the ground and completely lost his breath.

"Whis." Beerus reminded

"I've already prepared it."Whis laughed and pointed the Angel Staff at the void.

The mysterious power spread, and the time of the entire tenth universe went backwards.

Time went back to the timeline before Gevas was about to be killed by Zamasu's sneak attack.

The God of Destruction Beerus and the Angel Whis disappeared in the universe, and when they came again, they had already arrived at the Kaioshin Realm of the tenth universe.

At this moment, Zamasu was ready to take action again.

Of course, this was the first time for him.

【I'm sorry, Master Gvas, just guarding is a sin. Your existence will hinder my plan, so I can only... kill you here. 】 After saying that, Zamasu raised his hand and made the same move again. He chopped down Gvas' neck with a heavy sword.

‘Bang!! '

This time, Gewasi did not die.

"Nani?!"Zamasu was shocked. At this moment, his hands were wrapped in a pair of special gloves, and the power of the air blade was completely absorbed.

"Huh? Zamasu, what is this? A brand new massage tool?"Gvas turned around and asked in confusion.

"This... yes... Lord Gvas……"Zama immediately broke out in a cold sweat, feeling horrified.

Who on earth had stopped him?

"This is not a massage tool. Mr. Gervas, your beloved disciple wanted to kill you just now."I don't know when, Whis appeared behind Gervas. The sudden appearance of the angel made Zamasu feel guilty. He subconsciously stepped back and instinctively wanted to escape, but bumped into Beerus' chest.

"Where do you want to go?" Beerus said coldly

"Kill me? How is that possible?! Zamasu is the successor I personally selected, I know his character very well!"Gvas retorted in disbelief

""Is that so?" Whis murmured, his eyes narrowed, and the gloves on Zamasu's hand knife instantly split.

His hand was now wrapped in a layer of sharp divine energy.

This energy was enough to cut open Gevas's forehead.

"What?! This time, it was Gevas' turn to be surprised.

"Zamasu, what do you want to do?! Give me a reasonable explanation!!" Kvas said with anger in his heart.

"Hehehe... Explain? Does this need to be explained?! Master Gvas, your old-fashioned protection is outdated! Now should be a new era of theocracy. If I want to fulfill my ideal, I have to eliminate you, my master!"The truth has been revealed, and Zamasu no longer hides his true face.

He wants to kill Gvas.

"Humph! Your real purpose has been discovered, so you don't even want to hide it anymore?" Beerus sneered disdainfully.

"There is one thing I don't understand, how come you knew my plan when it was hidden perfectly?!"Zamasu stared at the God of Destruction Beerus and the Angel Whis with a gloomy and ferocious look on his face?

""You did something really great in the future. The entire seventh universe disappeared because of you." Whis said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Gvas, as Zamasu's master, was shocked.

The seventh universe in the future was destroyed? What the hell! Was all this really done by his disciple, Zamasu?

"I see… I’m very successful in the future world. Even the gods of the past world are beginning to be afraid of me. Hahahaha~~!!!"Zamasu laughed wildly, and at this moment he revealed his dark side.

How could he still be pure and flawless as a trainee God of the Kai? He was clearly the embodiment of ugliness and distortion.

The next second, he slashed at the God of Destruction Beerus with his knife. He dared to resist under the eyes of the angel and the God of Destruction. He was definitely courting death.


Beerus severely ravaged Zamasu's wrist, and the huge force erupted, twisting and deforming it.

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