The piercing pain spread, and Zamasu's face suddenly turned pale.

"You dare to attack the God of Destruction, you are quite brave, so are you ready to accept the punishment?"Beerus sneered, raised his right hand, and pointed his palm at Zamasu.

For a moment, Zamasu's heart seemed to be in his throat, and cold sweat fell from his forehead. He knew the horror of the God of Destruction very well. It only took a thought to destroy him.

"destroy~!"As soon as the words fell, the power of destruction emerged.

Zamasu's body suddenly burst into a purple light, and unspeakable pain surged all over his body.

"Aa...~~~~!!!!!"In the hysterical screams, Zamasu's body and soul were broken into countless particles and dissipated in space.

Zamasu in this time and space was so easily wiped out by the God of Destruction Beerus.

"It's finally over, let's go back, Whis, there's nothing worth observing here anymore."After destroying Zamasu casually, Beerus stretched his body and said nonchalantly

""Yes." Whis nodded, and just as he was about to take Beerus back to Universe 7, Gervas came forward.

His eyes were full of shame and regret.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking so grumpy?" Beerus asked subconsciously.

"I'm sorry... Lord Beerus, I was blind and didn't see through Zamasu's true intentions. As Zamasu's master, I apologize to you. I'm sorry about the future world...……"Gewasi took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"You still have some demeanor as a master. Well, let the past be the past. Next time you accept a disciple, remember to be more careful."Berus replied

"Definitely." Gervas said


It is not part of the twelve universes.

It is a new space outside the twelve universes.

The Temple of the Omni-King.

Under the power of the East Kai King Shin, the High Priest and Shin appeared in the Temple of the Omni-King at the same time.

At this moment, the High Priest seemed to have anticipated that Dalot would come and had been waiting here long ago.

"Meet the High Priest!" As soon as he saw the High Priest, Xien immediately prostrated himself on the ground, not daring to raise his head to look at the High Priest.

""Well, stand up." The high priest said nonchalantly.

His eyes fell on Dalot.

Dalot was about to speak, but the high priest beat him to the punch.

""I already know about the Seventh Universe, and I also know why you came here." The high priest answered urgently, leaving Dalot a little confused for a moment. Did this guy also know about the future world?

"So... you also know about what will happen in the future world? Or... from the beginning... you also knew about the evil deeds of BLACK and Zamasu, but you just ignored them." Dalot asked with narrowed eyes.

"Each parallel time and space is a different world, and they also have different historical developments. It is not a bad idea to let Zamasu carry out his plan in the future world. If he successfully creates a new world, a better world than the original world, and recognizes the existence of this absolute god, then it is not a bad idea."The high priest said calmly.

His words immediately made Dalot understand what was going on.

The future world is a testing ground!

"I understand! No wonder Whis in the future said that he was bound by the rules and couldn't take action. That rule is not the world consciousness, but you!! High Priest!! The future world is the experimental site for you gods!"After understanding the truth, Dalot couldn't help but sigh that the gods played a big game.

They took in all the things that happened in countless parallel time and space, but just let it go.

To the extent that the birth of Super Mask Zamasu and this twisted god were allowed to exist

"You can say that, but all this is in the past. The future world, this test site, was destroyed and withered because of Zamasu. Facts have proved that this is a failed experiment. If you can stop it, I won't say anything. It's a pity that it failed in the end."The high priest said calmly.

The death of countless lives in a world is nothing to the high priest.

He, as the supreme god of this world, has long looked down on everything. He has seen the death and rebirth of life countless times.

The death of a future world has no effect on him.

"Humph! Experiment, it has nothing to do with me anyway. I came to you to ask if my friends can stay in this world. Dalot went straight to the point and asked.

"Of course you can."The high priest gave a decisive answer.

Dalot was also surprised by this, but the high priest's next words ruthlessly poured cold water on him.

""Your world's companions, the other world's Son Goku and Vegeta, and the survivor of the future world, Trunks, one of the three can stay in this world. Considering that you helped me solve the future world's Zamasu, this is the biggest concession I can make." The high priest replied.

Dalot also understood that this was indeed the biggest concession.

You can imagine what kind of impact it would have on this world if three identical people appeared in the same world.

The high priest could forgive and only leave one person, and this was because he was in his favor and defeated the infinite Zamasu.

"Is there only one left?" Dalot continued to ask

"Mr. Dalot, according to the rules of the world, this world absolutely does not allow two identical people to appear. The existence of the God of Destruction is also to prevent such things from happening. One is already within the range I can accept. If there are more, the world will be unbalanced, and the seventh universe will also move towards an unpredictable future."The high priest explained. After hesitating for a long time, Dalot still accepted this proposal.

It seems that GT Sun Wukong and GT Vegeta have to go back to the original parallel world, and then find a way to break the world barrier and go to other parallel worlds.

"Well, thank you very much. I thought none of them could stay, but you still left one spot in the end." Dalot smiled faintly

""Yes." The high priest nodded.

"I came here to see you for the sole purpose of this. I will leave first."After Dalot finished speaking, he turned around, his expression changed from a smile at the beginning to indifference.

Through these conversations, he understood that all parallel time and space were under the surveillance of the high priest.

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