As the two huge energies collided together, suddenly the sea breeze howled, the mountains and rivers shattered, and the entire sky was dyed red and purple colors.

"It's a little interesting"

Seeing that Sun Wukong had mastered this body so easily, even Beerus praised the other party again and again as a combat genius.

At this time, Beerus's eyes looking at Sun Wukong had some changes, if he was disdainful and ridiculed before, then now it is replaced by appreciation and admiration, of course, it is not how strong his strength is, and his talent and state of this battle make him amazed.

"Lord Beerus is really powerful, my hands are a little numb when I shake"

Sun Wukong saw his hands and feet, looking at the other party's light and breezy appearance, he was a little surprised, the blow just now made his hands feel shattered, and the other party really had a look of indifference.

"Why are you scared, do you dare to challenge me now?"

Hearing Beerus's words, Sun Wukong did not answer, although he understood that the other party's strength may be above himself, but retreating without a fight was not at all in line with his character, in the face of such a rare battle

, Sun Wukong's whole person was as excited as chicken blood: "Fight, Lord

Beerus" I saw Sun Wukong's whole person turned into a red streamer, and rushed towards Beerus with starry energy around him.

Although Sun Wukong's speed is fast, but in the eyes of Beerus, he is no different from ordinary people, just when Sun Wukong was about to approach Beerus, I saw his figure flash, and then the tail behind him greeted Sun Wukong's face.

Just as the so-called hitting people does not hit the face, this operation of Beerus also made Sun Wukong, who has always had both appearance and strength, feel uneasy, and then grabbed the opponent's tail with a thunderous movement, and then bit down fiercely.


" "Bastard, let go of my tail, are you a dog"

Beerus groaned in pain, and then saw the still dead Monkey King a little angry (╬◣ω◢) cursed.

"Find death"

Sun Wukong's operation made Beerus a little angry, as his fist clenched tightly, unceremoniously hit Sun Wukong's stomach, under the impetus of strong power, Sun Wukong also opened his mouth in pain, Beerus took advantage of the victory to chase and raised his cat's foot and kicked it fiercely. Instantly shot Goku down from the sky and smashed him the ground.

Beerus stood in the sky, looking at Sun Wukong who crawled out of the deep pit, stretched his fingers condescendingly, and said defiantly

"Come again" "actually dare to underestimate me

" Facing the arrogant

Beerus, Sun Wukong came to him again

"Lord Beerus, do you dare to take my trick"

said, Sun Wukong quickly put his hands into petals on his waist, The red flame-like energy of the whole body gathered in the hand, and a white ball of light was quickly completed.

"Turtle ~ Pai ~ Qi ~ Gong"

Sun Wukong looked at the motionless Beerus in front of him, without the slightest hesitation, and directly released his strongest trick towards the other party.

Beerus looked at Sun Wukong's energy ball and did not mean to dodge, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, a layer of dark purple light mask appeared around his body

, "boom"

The powerful collision made the whole earth tremble, and the energy dissipated in the sky smashed to the ground like a meteor, looking at this sudden scene in the sky, everyone thought that the sky was about to fall.

Sun Wu breathed and lowered his hands, and when the light in the sky dissipated, Sun Wukong's eyes widened and said incredulously,

"This... How is this possible"

Sun Wukong looked at Beerus who was unharmed in front of him with a shocked face, he never thought that the other party's strength was stronger than he thought, he originally thought that the Turtle Sect Qigong wave who hit him with all his strength did not hide, because he was arrogant but did not expect that it was his confidence in his strength.

"Not bad, a little strength, just right to beat my back,"

Beerus simply patted the dust on his body, and said without saving face for Sun Wukong.

"You can taste mine too"

The next moment, Beerus stretched out the finger of his right hand and aimed it at Sun Wukong, only to see a purple energy light bullet that increased countless times in an instant, almost the same size as Sun Wukong's body.

"Oops, Lord Beerus has to be serious, even Goku, who has become the god of Super Saiyan, can't help it,"

the Northern King who was watching the battle on the King of the Realm at this time was already frightened and ran around, his face full of anxiety and shouted.

"Mr. Weiss, do you think Goku can block this blow from Lord Beerus"

The crowd who was watching the battle through Weiss's scepter on the luxury cruise ship was a little worried about Goku, and Klin asked Weiss next to him a little anxiously.

Weiss looked at Beerus and Sun Wukong, who were fighting, calmly, and thought for a while before saying to everyone who looked expectant:

"It's hard to say, but I can tell you clearly that Lord Beerus has not used his strength yet."


" Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and Vic was even more frightened, his face was a little ugly, and he whispered in his mouth

, "I didn't expect that Goku has been forced to this point, and the other party has not yet shown his strength, and the God of Destruction Beerus is really terrible."

In the sky, Sun Wukong did not dare to be careless in the face of Beerus's terrifying energy bomb, and fought the spirit of twelve, frantically mobilizing the remaining strength of his body to prepare to resist, yes, it is to resist, not to mention that the other party's speed is far above him, he can't dodge at all, even if he can, otherwise the earth may really be destroyed.

"Go, Sun Wukong doesn't know if you can take my move"

Beerus said lightly to Sun Wukong, and then his fingers flicked gently, and a huge ball of energy light slowly smashed towards Sun Wukong, the terrifying aura full of destruction made Goku feel difficult to breathe every second.

"Ah, ah, ah"

Sun Wukong shouted loudly on the basis of the output relying on the roar, the energy that his whole body could mobilize had all been concentrated by him on his hands, as the energy bullet approached, Sun Wukong directly stretched out his hands to resist, but the terrifying energy had far exceeded his physical limit, and at the moment of contact, Sun Wukong's entire body was wrapped in it.


, ah, ah" Sun Wukong in the dazzling light shouted again, but unlike last time, this time it was Wukong's scream, Sun Wukong only felt that every blood vessel in his body was about to explode, and the brilliance of the Super Saiyan God was slowly fading.


" "Dad

" "Kakarot"

looked at the engulfed Goku and everyone shouted his name at the same time, they could not have imagined that even Sun Wukong, who became the god of Super Saiyan, was still not Beerus's opponent, this god was too powerful, so powerful that everyone felt hopeless.

"Oh, it seems that Mr. Sun Wukong really can't hold it this time,"

Weiss looked at the battle in the sky, smiled and said lightly


End of this chapter

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