"Mr. Weis

, isn't your relationship with this God of Destruction very good, can you please save

Goku" Seeing the Monkey King who was about to be killed, Klin couldn't help but recall the bits and pieces of his childhood, he really couldn't see Goku die in front of him, but his own power did everything, so he had to plead with Weiss next to him.

"No, I'm just Lord Beerus's entourage, and I can't stop what he has to do,"

Wess looked at poor Klin and smiled slightly, refusing his plea.

"Mr. Weiss, don't be so impersonal, as long as you save Goku, I will take you to eat the best food on earth"

At this time, Bulma moved wisely, directly attacked his weakness, and said to Weiss.

"The most delicious food on earth, it makes people drool to think about it"

Ves has been hooked by the gluttonous insects seduced by Bulma's words, but as a principled angel he still can't agree, and now he is constantly wandering in desire and responsibility.

"Everyone look quickly, there is a change"

At this time, Tianjin Fan's words interrupted Weis's train of thought, and everyone's eyes were on Beerus and Sun Wukong, who were fighting.

In the sky, I saw that Sun Wukong was still shrouded in the powerful energy ball of Beerus, but to everyone's surprise, the disappeared divine brilliance on Wukong's body actually appeared again, which made everyone see a glimmer of hope.

"I can't die, how can I die like this, I haven't surpassed Raditz, I'm unwilling"

In the purple energy light, Sun Wukong's body was being destroyed all the time, and he had already closed his eyes when he was exhausted, but the spirit of not admitting defeat still kept him sane, and the thoughts of longing for battle and strength in his heart continued to surge into his heart.

The next moment, Sun Wukong flashed with dazzling red light, and the whole body burned with a raging fire, at this time Sun Wukong also opened his eyes, at this time his eyes became more fierce than ever, only to see his unfolded hands slowly close, purple energy also cultivated out of his body.

Beerus saw that the energy light wave he casually emitted was actually pushed back by Sun Wukong, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously showed an appreciative smile, and then simply blew a breath, and the purple energy disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Not bad, I actually broke through my limits at the last moment,"

Beerus looked at the current Monkey King and praised without hesitation.

"I don't know what's going on, I just didn't want to die like this, I didn't expect to break through at the last moment,"

Sun Wukong replied towards Beerus with an innocent expression.

"The God of Super Saiyans is originally the power triggered by your heart, as long as the heart does not die, it will never be yours, which is also the most powerful thing about God"

For Sun Wukong's ability to break through, Beerus also gave some simple explanations of it.

"That's right, but it's not important, I just want to have another good fight with Lord

Beerus now" For what Beerus said, Sun Wukong naturally didn't understand, he just wanted to fight now.

"Hehe, it's really getting

more and more interesting" Beerus smiled, he now likes the Monkey King guy more and more, he looks nervous, but he has a heart that no god has.

"Okay, then I'll satisfy you"

Saying that, Beerus instantly disappeared in front of everyone, and when he appeared again, he had already come to the back of Sun Wukong, and the Monkey King who reacted did not wait for Beerus to make a move, and directly attacked.


, bang, bang" Sun Wukong and Beerus have exchanged hundreds of moves in just a moment, the attacks of the two are more and more accessible, and the speed is getting faster and faster, a red and a purple two figures come to the sky to entangle each other, the two people fight more and more fiercely, the more excited they are, the surrounding diffused energy can instantly destroy a star.

"It's really powerful, Goku actually fought a tie with Lord

Beerus" Seeing the resurrected Monkey King on the cruise ship, everyone had a joyful smile on their faces, and he was even more excited to see that he could now compete with the God of Destruction Beerus, and praised Sun Wukong one after another.

"Cut, I can change me,"

Vegeta said a little unconvinced by everyone's praise.

Weiss looked at the discussion of several people and did not speak, but smiled noncommittally, only he knew how strong Beerus's strength was, and he knew how far the gap between the two was.

The battle between Sun Wukong and Beerus in the sky continued, but Sun Wukong found that no matter how fierce the attack he used, he could be lightly dissolved by the other party, but every time the other party just gently patted himself, it made him feel a little painful, this moment made some confidence in being able to tie with Beerus disappear instantly, for the other party, maybe this battle is just a game.


Sun Wukong's next punch from Beerus instantly pulled the distance between the two people far away, and then stopped the movement in his hand.

"Why, don't you dare to fight, then I will destroy the earth"

Facing the rising Monkey King who had just fought and suddenly stopped, Beerus asked with some doubt.

"Lord Beerus, please tell me how much of your strength you have used now" Beerus

did not expect that Sun Wukong would suddenly ask such a question, in order not to hit him, he had to say:


" "Sure enough

" Sun Wukong didn't think he was lying after hearing it, because he had used all his strength, although the other party was strong, but it was impossible to be too strong, and then said

" Please Lord Beerus use all his strength to fight me, let me see the gap between the two of us

" Beerus looked at the Monkey King in front of him with some surprise, and couldn't help but despise in his heart, is this kid really stupid or fake stupid, he obviously wants to let him go, and he actually rushed to send him to death, couldn't help but shook his head secretly mockingly, and said:

"You don't deserve it"

Hearing this sentence, Sun Wukong's anger did not hit a place, although he really couldn't beat him, But the other party actually dared to look down on himself so much, it was really hateful.

"Dragon Fist Outbreak"


End of this chapter

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