In the face of Beerus's contempt, Sun Wukong roared, and saw a raging fire in his right fist, and a steady stream of terrifying energy gathered on his arm


With a roar, Sun Wukong punched out like a red dragon burning with a roaring flame, and appeared in front of Beerus with a large mouth of blood, as if to devour him.

"This trick is a little interesting"

I saw a faint smile on Beerus's calm face, and he did not hesitate to praise Sun Wukong.

Of course, it is not because these moves can affect Beerus, and the destructive power of this move has far exceeded Sun Wukong's strength by more than ten times, even as a god of destruction, he has to become a god Sun Wukong is indeed a genius in battle, and he can even think of this kind of trick.

"Lord Beerus, let's see if you can take the trick that I have painstakingly created for many years"

Sun Wukong said to Beerus with an excited face, obviously he was also full of confidence in his own move, originally this trick was prepared for my brother Raditz, but I didn't expect to use it in advance.

"Okay, let you see how powerful this god is"

Beerus was also completely interested in the face of the current Monkey King, and with the bursts of purple flames burning in his eyes, his whole body was also covered with purple light at the same time, and he who was originally careless now became serious.

The "boom"

red dragon instantly engulfed Beerus, only to see that it suddenly shone with a deep purple dazzling light, and the red and purple brilliance was extremely dazzling, and a huge roar sounded in the sky.

Streams of white smoke permeated the surrounding 10,000 meters away, and then Beerus blew lightly, the billowing smoke quickly disappeared without a trace, and as the smoke dispersed, I saw the unharmed Beerus appear in front of Sun Wukong.

"Isn't this all okay"

Sun Wukong stared at Beerus, the incredible look in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed, he never thought that the decisive battle he had developed for many years was actually vulnerable in front of this person.

"This trick is really good, enough for me to move my hands and feet"

Beerus in the sky twisted his neck, and then the figure disappeared in an instant.

"If this is all your strength, then this game should be over"

As Beerus's voice sounded behind him, Sun Wukong did not hesitate to quickly turn around, only to see that the disappeared Beerus had gently raised his hand in front of his eyes at this time, and then slapped Sun Wukong's face, like a heavy blow Sun Wukong fell from the air at great speed and fell heavily to the ground.

"So strong"

Sun Wukong, who had a huge cat's paw print on his face, got up from the ground with difficulty, and now half of his face can no longer feel any sense, and Sun Wukong, who is already convinced of the strength of this god of destruction, has already served in his heart. Now Sun Wukong is not only seriously injured, but also has no energy in his body to support him to continue fighting, looking at the unreachable God of Destruction in the sky, Sun Wukong shook his head reluctantly and said

, "Lord Beerus, I admit defeat

" Beerus, who was a little unfinished in the sky, suddenly felt a little bored, his faint eyes revealed some disappointment, and he spoke:

"Is it over like this, it's really boring"

"In that case, then I can only..." "

Is this not a pain, let's do another one"

Suddenly a voice came to Beerus's ears, interrupting what he just wanted to say, following the source of the voice, I saw a man with long black hair appear in front of Beerus, this man's face is seven points similar to Sun Wukong, but his body is stronger than him, his eyes are sharper, and behind him are two strange guys with one gold and one red.

"Who are you?"

The man who suddenly appeared on the opposite side, a faint chill appeared in Beerus's eyes, and he asked.

"Brother, why are you here"

Before Raditz could answer, Sun Wukong, who was lying on the ground, had already spoken first.


" and "Raditz"

watched the game on the luxury cruise ship and saw the miserable appearance of Monkey King being beaten, but the sudden appearance of Raditz made their faces happy.

"This guy is finally here,"

Bulma exclaimed happily.

"Hmph, what about coming, even the Super Saiyan God can't beat Beerus, you don't think he will be an opponent."

Vegeta snorted coldly, now he has thoroughly seen the strength of Beerus, so he is not optimistic about Raditz today.

"Hey, Vegeta, don't you want to spoil everyone,"

Bulma straightened her chest and said angrily towards Vegeta.

"Yes, Mr. Raditz is also very strong, at least I have never seen him lose at anyone's hands."

Tianjin Fan, who was the number one little fan brother of Raditz on the side, also spoke at this time.

"Che, I'm telling the truth"

After saying that, Vegeta was too lazy to argue with the group, turned his head and did not continue to speak.

"Is he Raditz, I don't know who the golden gentleman next to him is"

Weiss saw the sudden arrival of several people, facing Raditz and Buu only glanced lightly and did not pay attention, and all his eyes were on Xiao Jin's body, and the whole body looked at him carefully.

"His family is called Xiaojin, he is the servant of that guy in Raditz, and his strength is not bad."

Hearing Vegeta's answer, a hint of surprise flashed in Vese's eyes, maybe others couldn't feel it, but he clearly felt the divine divine aura on that little gold, which can be said to be very noble, but now they say that they are just a mortal servant, in other words, no one can believe it. Even as an angel, he was a little unsettled now, and muttered in an extremely small voice

, "Interesting person, Lord Beerus, do you feel it too."

At this time, Beerus and Raditz were looking at each other in the sky, and from Sun Wukong, he also figured out the identity of the other party.

It wasn't the first time he had heard the name "Raditz", and even when he was in the realm of King, Weiss said that this person could be the one who could be his opponent, but now it seems that he is not enough.

However, as Weiss said, Beerus also noticed the divine breath of Xiaojin behind Raditz, and couldn't help muttering

in his heart, "There is actually a god next to this guy, and the other party is definitely not from the seventh

universe" Some curious Beerus directly swept past Raditz's side and came to Xiaojin, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, asked:

"Which universe are you the god"


End of this chapter

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