Chapter 255 Becoming the Lord of the Demon Realm

After Vegeta communicated with Kayin through voice transmission, she learned that because of the death of Mech Capra, the entire demon world was also on the verge of collapse and annihilation. She had left with Son Goku and others.

After thinking about it, Vegett felt that it was a pity that the Demon World had been shattered, so he returned to the Demon World to stabilize it again.

And replaced Mechkapura as the new master of the demon world.

As he helped the Grand Priest to stabilize for a long time, Vegett also secretly learned that ability, so it was very handy to use it at this time, and it didn't take much effort to stabilize the demon world again.

After the death of Mechkapura, the Demon Realm was already a land of no owner, and it was easily replaced by Vegett’s current realm.

With this experience, Vegett suddenly understood.

If he wants to take the place of Zeno and become the lord of the twelve universes, then in addition to pulling Zeno off the horse, he must also be killed.

How can Zeno be so easy to kill? Who knows which step his strength has reached, any ability to erase it will make many people daunted.

Even Vegett can't guarantee that he will win Zeno, let alone kill Zeno.

However, he has never thought of replacing Zeno, and naturally there is no need to consider these.

When the Demon Realm was stabilized again, the creatures of the Demon Realm were also reborn, and they had already sensed the existence of Vegett.

At this time, those who had previously opposed them, who were the old part of Mechkapura, were standing in front of Vegeta, and their expressions were very complicated.

"Meet Master Vegett!"

Shulumu, Sarusa, Kuronoya, Putin, and Gurebi, a total of five people, are respectfully saluting Vegett.

Knowing that Vegeta became the master here, they naturally understood that Vegeta had already killed Mechkapura.

This is a very unbelievable thing, in their view it is impossible.

But no matter how unwilling to believe it, this has become a reality.

If Vegett hadn't defeated Mech Capra, how could he become the master of the devil world?

Realizing this, Xiulum and the others almost didn't even dare to get out of the air at this time, and their hearts were full of anxiety, fearing that Vegeta would settle accounts after the fall.

Vegete rubbed his chin, but was thinking about how to deal with these people.

In fact, they didn't have much fault, but in the demon world, if they want to live better, they naturally have to do things.

Moreover, in this general environment, only a bloodthirsty and cruel character can survive.

Regardless of Lagusi's soft and gentle appearance, she came from the Demon Realm, and she was not merciless in killing people.

Therefore, Vegett has no objection to these people, and does not want to take them off.

But now that he has become the lord of the demon world, he must be dismissed from the horse, after all, not long ago, Xiulum and other talents had just been in the opposing camp with him.

But also because his realm is too high, he really wants to deal with it, but it is also a cannon to fight mosquitoes, making a fuss.

"Okay, you first gather the people in the Demon Realm, and kill those who dare to resist!" Vegett waved his hand with a headache.

In the end, he still didn't think about how to deal with them. It was not good whether it was too light or too heavy, and he was not good at doing these things.

The most important thing is that these people in the Demon Realm are all unruly generations. As long as they have enough strength, they are not afraid of being disobedient.

After thinking about it, Vegett decided to let Lagus lead them, and let Lagus decide what to do at that time.

"Yes, Master Vegett!"

Upon hearing Veget's instructions, not only did Xiulum and others not dissatisfied, they looked surprised.

In fact, they were also afraid that Vegeta would directly sentence them to death because of the previous incident.

Now that Veget tells them to do something, it shows that there is still room for them.

As long as they work harder and complete the tasks that Vegett has given them, they may get even greater opportunities.

It would be even better if he could become Vegett's spokesperson in the Demon Realm, and he would also exist similarly to Fu in the future.

Thinking of this, Xiulum and the others were full of enthusiasm.

It's just that their hope was destined to fail, after all, Vegett didn't look at them straight.

Here in the devil world, he is ready to hand it over to Lagus.

Taking advantage of this moment, Vegett once again used his space-time transmission ability to connect to Vados' Angel staff.

"Master Vegett, have you finished handling the matter over there?"

After the connection, Vados immediately respectfully said.

After experiencing that incident, now Vados is extremely honest in front of Vegeta, and still respects from the heart, which even makes Vegeta doubt whether she will have the M attribute.

But such Vados, Vegett obviously likes more, so his attitude towards her is much better than before.

"Forget it, I'll tell you the specific situation later. What's wrong with you?" Vegett asked.

Because it was the past time and space 3-3 to deal with the dark black incident, as a result, Vegete chased Zamasu to the demon world by himself, while the others were lost in time and space 3-3.

Of course, by the way, let them deal with the time and space ruined by Zamasu.

Vados replied: "This time-space wishing bead has been used by Zamasu. Son Goku thought of Namek's Dragon Ball, so we went there. Now the earth has been restored to its original state through Namek's Shenron, even early. In the past, Son Goku and Vegeta who died in this time and space."

Beiji nodded and praised: "You did this right. With Son Goku and Vegeta, they can solve many things by themselves."

"Thank you, Mr. Veget, for the compliment, I think so too." Rarely recognized by Veget, Vados suddenly squinted his eyes.

After a pause, Vados continued talking about the next thing.

The earth has been restored to its original state through Namek Shenron, but almost all the gods of the twelve universes have been killed by Zamasu. If you want to resurrect them, you must let Super Shenron go.

It's a pity that the wishing bead has just been made immortal by Zamasu, and it is still in CD time, and it has to wait until a year later.

And Vegeta was not there at the time, Vados himself did not have the right to travel through time and space, jumped to other timelines to collect wishing beads, and stayed there waiting for Veget's news.

"Just leave the matter over there to me. Now you bring Lagusi to the Demon Realm, and you need her to sit here."

Although Vegeta was reluctant to put Lagus down, he didn't have the energy to take care of the Demon World.

As for the world of the devil, which has been avoided, it would be a pity to leave it alone. Let Lagusi build it into his own base camp, presumably Lagusi would also be very happy.

After all, the latter always wanted to do something for him, but he could only fight with him, which was not what Lagus wanted. *

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