Chapter 304

"Forget it, you can do it if you like it, I don't care if you die first." Vegeta said proudly.

Son Goku grinned suddenly: "Hey, I'm not that easy to die!"

"Could it be that you..." Vegeta was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that this guy is hiding his strength again!

It was like this every time, always thinking that he had caught up with this guy, but in the end he went further.

"It looks like I lost to you again." Vegeta gave a wry smile and shook his head. "Forget it, it's still too early to say this, and wait until you can beat that guy."

Vegeta took a fairy bean from his arms and ate it, then let out the battlefield.

"Who are you? It hurts me just now!" Majin Buu had already returned at this time, rubbing his stomach that had just been kicked, and casting an unkind look at Son Goku.

"My name is Son Goku, and I will be your opponent next!" Son Goku gave a low cry and entered the Super Saiyan II state directly.

Majin Buu looked at Son Goku and then at Vegeta who had retreated, his face a little confused.

He scratched his head, and said in a daze, "You look like him."

At this time, Majin Buu was not murderous, and Son Goku was not good at attacking directly.

Seeing his doubts, he explained: "I call this state Super Saiyan II. The strength is a hundred times stronger than usual."

"Really? It seems to be very powerful!" Majin Buu pinched his fingers, but he didn't know how much it was a hundred times.

"Hey, Majin Buu, what the hell are you doing? Get rid of them quickly!" Bubidi in the distance was so angry that his lungs exploded.

This Majin Buu was confused again at the critical moment.

The same was true when I was fighting Videl just now. It was clear that I was about to win, and the battle was suddenly stopped.

Forget it the first time, now it's the second time.

Vegeta is already defeated. As long as Majin Buu makes another move, he will be cold, and now he stops talking to other people.

But the confused Majin Buu can't be pulled back by just shouting.

And at this time, Son Goku also retreated from the fighting state in order to eliminate Majin Buu's alertness.

"Now is what I usually look like, referred to as normal. Next is... Super Saiyan!"

Son Goku snorted and went from the normal state to the super one state: "This is the Super Saiyan one, which is fifty times more powerful than the previous normal state."

"Hmm!" Majin Buu was completely drawn to his attention, was excited to watch, and clapped his palms in applause.

"Then... Super Saiyan II!"


Son Goku continued to transform, from Super One to Super Two. His appearance did not change much, but his eyes were sharper, his hair stood up more, and his body kept flashing electric arcs.

"This is Super Saiyan II, one hundred times normal."

Only this time, Majin Buu was a little dissatisfied: "It doesn't look like anything has changed, and in this way, it's not my opponent."

He can also sense the strength of his opponents, and found that Super Second Son Goku is no better than Super Second Vegeta, and naturally it is not his opponent.

"Don't worry, let me show you something more powerful next!" The corner of Son Goku's mouth curled up.

His words not only aroused Majin Buu's interest, but even Vegeta, Son Gohan and others who were heard in the distance couldn't help but be shocked.

"Dad said, there is something more powerful? This refers to..." Son Gohan looked dumbfounded.

Super Saiyan II, they are called Super Saiyan beyond the boundaries, but now Son Goku actually said that beyond the boundaries, there is even more powerful?

Vegeta snorted coldly, "I knew that this guy still has something to hide. It's so annoying."

"Hmph, no matter how powerful it is, it's impossible to be my Majin Buu opponent, just let you toss it a bit, anyway, you will die soon." Seeing Majin Buu ignored him, Babidi could only comfort himself. .

Although he doesn't respect Majin Buu's ideas very much, he also knows that he can't keep pushing, otherwise it would be troublesome to bounce back.

But when he spoke like this, Videl and No. 18 noticed him again.

The two winked at the same time, and then secretly prepared. Now it was just an opportunity.


Son Goku condensed a greater amount of energy, and that breath was really amazing, even Majin Buu felt the pressure.

I saw that his originally erected blond hair began to grow rapidly, extending directly to the back of his waist.

The golden eyebrows disappeared, the cheekbones became higher, and the facial features were sharp as sharp as a knife.

The flashing arc around Son Goku has become denser and more shocking.

"In this state, I call it Super Saiyan III. The combat effectiveness is four hundred times that of the normal state!"

"So amazing! So amazing!" Majin Buu clapped happily, as if watching a trick and seeing something happy.

"It's amazing!" Son Gohan, Supreme Kai, and Vegeta also said the same, but their tone and attitude were completely different, and they were all shocked.

"It's now!!"

Videl and No. 18 didn't have the time to be shocked, taking advantage of everyone's attention being attracted by Son Goku's super three changes, they immediately rushed towards the position of Babidi.


There are strong players, so of course they can't hide their actions from everyone. Almost everyone looked at it for the first time.

It's just that even if they discover their intentions, no one can stop them at this time, including the super three Son Goku and Majin Buu.


Videl and No. 18 both came out together, which is considered to be double insurance, and the two of them cut a hand knife against Babidi from left to right.

This attack was launched with pure physical power, just to prevent Babidi from suddenly deploying his protective shield.

That kind of protective shield can only defend against energy-type attacks, but it cannot prevent physical power.

Sure enough, Babidi felt the threat, and almost subconsciously opened the protective cover. As a result, two hand knives directly broke through the protective cover, one left and the other split, directly splitting Babidi into three sections.

"How... how... I am the future... ruler of the world... how can I be given to by these guys..."

Babidi's head, body and legs were cut into pieces, and they fell to the ground one after another, but they didn't seem to be completely dead. Even if they were split into three pieces, they were still alive.

Originally intending to cut the grass and roots, Videl naturally found out, so he launched a wave of energy bombs at Babidi, completely destroying his body.

At this point, Babidi turned into fly ash and disappeared from this world forever.

"You...what are you doing?" Majin Buu got up suddenly and turned his head to stare at Videl.

Videl glared at him directly: "Didn't you just promise me to kill him, why did you let me do it myself in the end?"*

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