Chapter 305

"I... I forgot!" Majin Buu scratched his head embarrassedly, then suddenly looked at Vegeta in a violent voice, and said, "He scolded me. When I was angry, I forgot."

At this time, Majin Buu looked no different from an innocent child, and was really shocked.

Vegeta, who was thrown away, was not at all irritated at this time, some were just surprised.

How did this Videl do it?

Videl pinched his waist with his hands, standing in front of Majin Buu with an arrogant expression: "Then I kill Babidi now, what are you going to do? Do you revenge for him?"

"No!" Majin Buu shook his head decisively: "I hate him, he always threatens me with seals."

"Well, in that case, you will follow me in the future. I will give you delicious food and fun, but you have to be obedient." Videl is like coaxing a child, hitting a stick before giving sweets.

"Is there something delicious and fun?" Majin Buu really ate this set, and suddenly smiled and said, "Then I will listen to you in the future, but if it's not delicious, it's not fun, I..."

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Videl stared.

Majin Buu was a little bit stunned, and shrank his neck and said: "I like you, I won't kill you. But I will be very angry, I want to kill other people!"

"No more murders without my permission in the future, otherwise there will be no delicious and fun." Videl immediately followed his words.

Majin Buu thought for a while and said, "If you don't like me killing, then I won't kill."

"It's a deal!" Videl breathed a sigh of relief. Turning his head to No. 18, Son Gohan and others showed a smug smile.

What's the use of beating life and death? Not as useful as her few words.

Others have been watching it for a long time, so there is such an operation?

Supreme Kai even stared out, and his chin fell to the ground.

If you knew that Majin Buu was so foolish, why did you take so many Supreme Kai's lives back then?

Thinking about it now, I always feel terrified.


However, just when Videl was proud, Majin Buu suddenly showed pain.

"Majin Buu, what's wrong with you?" Videl was taken aback, and the others immediately became alert.

Majin Buu clenched his fists, teeth clenched tightly, and squeezed a sentence from between his teeth: "Run away, run away, I'm going to die!"

"What's going on?" Videl naturally couldn't turn around just because of a sentence, and was a little worried about Buu's state at this time.

"Hurry up!" Unexpectedly, Majin Buu lost his temper and yelled at Videl.

Videl hesitated, then winked at the others, and stepped back together.

Now Majin Buu's state is very wrong, no one knows what is going to happen, so they can only watch the change temporarily.

After a short while, several vents on Majin Buu's forehead sprayed out a lot of pink smoke, but the pink smoke still contained some grayish air, and the color was much grayer, which was obviously different from the color of Majin Buu.

When the smoke came out, Majin Buu's complexion looked much better.

It feels like a sudden unclogging after constipation, just a little collapsed.

"What the hell is going on?" Supreme Kai looked there nervously.

Even he, someone who knows a little about Majin Buu, doesn't know it, and other people don't even know it.

Son Gohan suddenly exclaimed: "Look, the smoke has turned into another Buu."

Sure enough, the darker pink smoke that was sprayed out gradually condensed into another Buu appearance.

It's just that this Buu is a thin and tall man with ribs. He is much taller than the original fat Buu, but his skin is darker, just like the smoke.

"This...this is... it doesn't feel good, the evil attributes in Majin Buu ran out." Supreme Kai still has some eyesight.

Videl's eyes lit up and said, "So, that is the real evil Majin Buu, and leaving this fat and fat one is really like a simple child?"

"Uh...maybe so..." Supreme Kai is not sure, but Videl's statement still makes sense, and it is very likely that it is.

Otherwise, he really couldn't figure out why the extremely evil Majin Buu he had seen before would be limped by Videl in a few words.

Moreover, this fat Buu has only become like after absorbing the Supreme Kai. I think the character should be influenced by the Supreme Kai.

"It seems that the two of them are going to meet each other, shall we help?" No.18 asked from the side.

She could see that Videl was a little concerned about Fat Buu, and she seemed to really want to subdue Fat Buu, so she asked.

"Better not!" Supreme Kai took the lead to stop him: "Now we are not sure that the truth is the same as guessed, so let's just wait and see the changes, maybe there will be new changes."

Majin Buu does have a lot of knowledge for them, and if they intervene indiscriminately without knowing what they are inside, they may make things go bad.

Everyone also agreed with Supreme Kai's view, and they all stayed away and watched quietly.

Thin Buu and Fat Buu seemed to be natural enemies. As soon as they met, they looked upset at each other, and they soon became a ball.

Only in terms of strength, Fat Buu was obviously at a disadvantage, most of his power in his body was taken away by Thin Buu, or that there were too many evil attributes in his body.

"Coincident...chocolate...I want to turn you into chocolate!"

Fat Buu gritted his teeth and activated a spell on Thin Buu.

As a result, when the thin Buu blows his mouth, the magic immediately rebounds and returns to Fat Buu, turning Fat Buu himself into chocolate.

"Not good!" Everyone on the sidelines changed.

"Majin Buu!" Videl exclaimed, subconsciously rushing to rescue.

However, the fighting rhythm of the two Buu was too fast. Fat Buu just fell into a disadvantage and was immediately defeated. There was no time to rescue them.

Before Videl rushed over, the thin cloth made a fat hand and threw the chocolate that the fat Buu had turned into his mouth and chewed it.

"Asshole! This damn asshole, it's bad for me!" Videl gritted his teeth with anger, regretting that he had just believed Supreme Kai's words.

Obviously, this Supreme Kai is a weak bastard, why did he believe in his evil?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there are two Buu, one fat and one thin, one simple and the other evil.

Now that the thin Buu has eaten the fat Buu, he may have complete strength again, and he is still dominated by this evil Buu.

This battle is probably unavoidable, and it will be much worse than the previous situation. *

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