Chapter 308: More Suitable For Saiyan's Transformation

"Hmph, Kakarot, I don't know what you are like now, but you should just surpass on the basis of Super Saiyan? Just like Vegett back then?"

Raditz did not immediately show his strength. Instead, he said in a slightly preaching tone: "Although it is not very good to say this kind of words, this way of transforming is ultimately just the way of Vegett, not necessarily suitable for other Saiyans. So. , I'll let you see what is really suitable for Saiyan!"

Speaking of this, Raditz suddenly yelled, and his breath exploded rapidly, but in a short moment, his body hadn't started to change, but his breath was almost close to Son Goku.

Nappa chuckled and said, "I'll come with you too! Drink it!"


Nappa's breath also exploded, although it was a little weaker than Raditz, it was still enough to shock everyone.

"What did he mean?" Son Goku actually didn't figure it out.

Son Gohan hesitated: "It seems to be saying that the road that really suits Saiyan is a stronger transformation than Super Saiyan?"

"What's the joke, how can this kind of thing be done? There can be no more powerful way of transforming than Super Saiyan in this world!" Vegeta has a self-esteem, has struggled to stand up, and Son Goku and the others stand together.

Although he still has celestial beans on his body, he can't eat celestial beans as soon as he is injured.

During the whole process, Da Buu kept watching with cold eyes, did not interrupt or initiate an offensive. Instead, he used magic to make a recliner float in the air and lay there drinking a drink, looking relaxed and contented.

Others also found out, although they felt insulted, they were greatly annoyed.

But there is no way, who can let them beat Da Buu, now Da Buu Ken releases water, it is also a good thing for them.

"Is he serious? But I can really feel that a very powerful force is gathering, and it seems to have surpassed the so-called Super Saiyan III." Videl's face was solemn, and he carefully sensed the changes in the breath of Raditz and Nappa.

It didn't take long for a dazzling golden light to flash, and Raditz and Nappa had changed their looks, and they were indeed completely different from Super Saiyan.

Vegett, who was only in Videl's body, felt this scene, and couldn't help being shocked.

This is so special, these two people are on the hook, right?

Their current look is indeed not Super Saiyan One, Two, or Three, but Super Saiyan Four!

That’s right, after Raditz’s transformation, the look is similar to the super four Son Goku, with black hair, red body hair and tail, and the eye sockets have also turned red.

Raditz's changes are somewhat similar to Super Four Vegeta, but because he has no hair on his head, this Super Four look looks a little weird.

Originally, Vegeta planned to see what the Super Saiyan look of the bald Nappa looks like, especially Super Saiyan III, will it be like the kind of spoof on the Internet, directly turning into a thick golden long beard.

It’s a pity that Nappa didn’t give him this opportunity, skipping Super Saiyan One, Two, and Three, and completed the Super Four Transformation. This is so much more like the protagonist than Vegeta, and Vegeta couldn’t figure out who the other party is. How did you do it.

" so powerful...this breath is also too strong!" After Son Goku was stunned for a while, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Not only is the breath strong, but the style is also cool.

The most important thing is that this is a power that Son Goku doesn't know at all. Maybe he can also learn this kind of transformation, so that his current strength can be improved again.

"Huh, what's the strength, you have to know after the battle, maybe it's just a bad idea." Vegeta said sourly.

At this time, his self-esteem has been broken, and it is enough to be separated by Son Goku, anyway, he is used to it.

But now even Raditz and Nappa have surpassed him, this is what Vegeta cannot accept.

But now he can't help it even if he is not reconciled, the facts are already in front of him.

Son Gohan naturally didn't know what Vegeta was thinking, so he simply didn't save face, and said excitedly: "The breath alone has surpassed Dad's Super Saiyan by three, even if they fight a little bit weaker than the strength of the breath, but Together, they can definitely beat Buu."

No matter what, the most important thing is to deal with Da Buu now.

Hearing this, Vegeta could only choose to be silent, but he was gnashing his teeth inwardly.

Da Buu was also shocked by the breath of these two people, and immediately withdrew the magic, standing there with a vigilant expression.

"Hmm, how is it? Are you scared by our transformation?" Raditz pinched his waist with his hands, his face full of ambitions.

In the past, he and Nappa had always been at the bottom, and their basic combat effectiveness was too low to comprehend the transformation of Super Saiyan.

And because of Saiyan's physique, he couldn't cultivate his potential state.

For a long time, they were not even as good as Klin and Tien Shinhan.

So even if they knew that there would be a powerful enemy like artificial humans on the earth, they still chose to leave the earth and went to the Universe to find other ways to become stronger.

Their choice was indeed the right one. When they came back a few years later, they finally turned to be a serf and sang, which became the last hope for dealing with a powerful enemy.

"Brother, how did you do it?" Son Goku doesn't care about other things, let alone care about self-esteem and face like Vegeta.

If you can learn Raditz and the others, you can even say something nice to Raditz.

"This is a long story, let's wait until we solve Majin Buu!" Raditz snorted, and said to Nappa: "I'll take the shot first, and you just need to be behind."

"Why is it like this again, every time you shoot first." Nappa was suddenly upset: "When you finish playing, there is no chance for me to shoot!"

But he was unhappy, he seemed to have some respect for Raditz, so he didn't grab the credit.

This scene made Vegeta hate even more. Nappa was only afraid of him before, but now he has respect for Raditz. His face, Prince Saiyan, who is better than others, can no longer hold his face.


At this time, Raditz exploded with a powerful breath, and his body gushed with white flames.

Although it is white as normal, the intensity is extremely amazing, and it has completely surpassed Son Goku's super three.

Of course, Raditz's normal combat effectiveness is definitely far inferior to Son Goku, so even if it can transform into Super Four, the overall combat effectiveness is worse than Super Three Son Goku, not much stronger, but it is enough to suppress Big Buu. *

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