Chapter 309 Super Four Nappa Buu

Raditz's transformation is indeed a serious Super Saiyan IV, except that the basic combat effectiveness is a bit weak, there is nothing else to fault.

When Raditz fought with Da Buu, Da Buu quickly fell under the wind and became the target of being beaten.

However, it is not easy for Radtz to completely suppress Da Buu, because Da Buu will recover soon after being injured. Unless he is beaten so that there is no cell, no matter how many times he is injured, he will even be broken into pieces. It's useless.

So it didn't take long for Raditz's offensive to gradually weaken.

"Damn, this guy has such a strong resilience, and his physical strength is exaggerated and scary, as if he can't see the bottom, do I have this transformation, and I will lose to him?" Raditz became more and more frightened. , But also hate it.

Da Buu was also solemn from the beginning, and gradually stopped paying attention to Raditz.

This is indeed the strongest opponent he has encountered today, but unfortunately he still failed to reach the point of crushing him, which gave him a chance.

"Damn it, Nappa, come and help, this guy is recovering too fast!"

Feeling the decline in physical strength, Raditz finally sent a signal for help.

I spoke so beautifully just now, and now I call Nappa for help, which is really shameful.

But Raditz isn't as desperate as Vegeta, and calling Nappa for help is better than losing to Majin Buu, right?

Nappa also saw that the situation was wrong, and was already prepared.

As soon as he heard Raditz's words, he immediately exploded and prepared to rush over.

However, Da Buu hummed and said, "I knew you would definitely join hands, so I was also prepared."

Suddenly a huge meat net opened behind Nappa and covered him in.


Almost everyone was taken aback. This was something they didn't expect.

And they didn't expect that Da Buu even hid a hand.

After the meat net completely wrapped Nappa, Nappa's anger disappeared, and he didn't see how he struggled.

Then, before everyone could react, the meat net wrapped into a ball of meat, which turned into a streamer and merged into Da Buu's body.

boom! !

The aura of Da Buu suddenly exploded, and some new changes appeared in his body shape. There was a red coat on his upper body, which looked similar to the red body hair of Super Four. This is a special feature of Super Four Nappa.

"Asshole, you actually absorbed Nappa!" Raditz's eyes were cracked with anger, and his heart was cold.

I thought this Majin Buu would be easy to solve, but who would have thought it would turn out to be like this in the end?

"This is over!" Klin and the others all saw the changes in Da Buu, and their faces showed hopelessness.

The original Big Buu was terribly strong, and he could absorb the power of others to improve himself. Now he has absorbed a Nappa that is stronger than the Super Three Goku. Where else can anyone beat him?

"This power... is too powerful!" At this time, the big Buu has become Nappa Buu. After feeling the power after the explosion, he suddenly screamed with joy.

"No one can stop me now, I want to kill you all!" Nappa Buu glanced at everyone, grinned, and released the murderous intent without any secret.

He had been playing games with everyone before, because he sensed that the power that could threaten him did not appear, so he had been waiting.

At this time, after absorbing Nappa's super four power, he has far surpassed the super four Raditz, no one can suppress him in this universe, and Buu naturally has no need to play anymore.

"Give me all to die!" Nappa Buu flew directly into the air, condensing an extra-large energy bomb, and smashed it down towards the bottom.

He was actually going to blow up the earth directly, so that everyone would have to die, and there was no need to kill them one by one.

The energy bomb released by Buu's strength at this time could not be stopped even if the power of everyone was assembled, and everyone was desperate.

"Run! Everyone is holding hands. I will use Instant Transmission to take you to the Supreme Kai world. Let's avoid this difficulty first." Supreme Kai finally worked at this time.

At the most dangerous moment, Son Goku also thought about leaving with Instant Transmission.

It’s just that his Instant Transmission needs to perceive qi first, which will take some time, and it’s too late to take everyone away.

However, Supreme Kai can only take away these people around here, and nothing else.

But now there is no time for them to think about it. Hearing that Supreme Kai can take everyone away, everyone immediately got together and was quickly transmitted to the Supreme Kai community by the Supreme Kai collective Instant Transmission.


After everyone left the earth, the whole earth turned into a firework under the energy bomb of Nappa Buu, and it was blown to pieces along with Nappa Buu.

However, Majin Buu's physique is capable of infinite regeneration and can survive in the Universe. He did this deliberately. It only takes a little time to recover soon.

Since Buu hadn't seen Instant Transmission before, he didn't realize that Son Goku and others had escaped and were still there slowly recovering themselves.

Anyway, for him, the things that should be done have already been done, so there is no need to worry.

After Supreme Kai brought Son Goku and his party to the Supreme Kai world, before he could stand firm, he immediately faced a violent spray.

"The old man has already warned you that you must not resurrect Majin Buu. Look at what stupid things you have done. They don't know how good Majin Buu is. Don't you know it yourself?"

The old Supreme Kai who was released by Vegeta in advance was waiting there long ago, and it was a violent squirt at Supreme Kai Sinn.

"Alright now, Majin Buu has become unimaginably tyrannical. I am afraid that no one can solve it except the one in this universe. Now not only is Jabit dead, the earth is also destroyed, how do you end up? ?!"

Supreme Kai was sprayed and blushed, and almost got into it. He could only hopefully said, "I'm sorry, ancestors, I didn't expect it to be like this in the end."

Although other people still sympathize with Supreme Kai, they are not in the mood to speak to Supreme Kai, nor are they bothered to figure out the identity of the old Supreme Kai.

Because they all know that at the moment they leave, the entire planet cannot be kept, including those relatives and partners who are still on the planet.

There are many more people who came to Supreme Kai at this time than the original, but after all, not everyone.

"This is my fault!"

Vegeta had already been demonized after Babidi died, and at this time he had returned to his original state.

He stood up and said firmly, "I will go to Majin Buu. Even if I drag him to death, I will defeat him as much as possible."

[Uh, sorry, I have already written about the transformation of Raditz and Nappa into one, I forgot. It's good if everyone ignores it, anyway, it has little effect on the plot. 】*

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