Chapter 310: Learning Combination Technique or New Transformation?

"Vegeta, you don't need to do this."

Son Goku wanted to dissuade him, but as soon as he spoke, Vegeta yelled, "Shut up!"

"When you were fighting with me, your strength was already higher, but you didn't even conceal it. What Super Saiyan III, it's simply a guy who made people watch the anger rise!"

Vegeta had been suffocating for a long time. If it was only Son Goku, even Raditz and Nappa had already walked in front of him. Vegeta was just a gunpowder keg that exploded at a point.

"Yes... I'm not good!" Son Goku suddenly bowed his head and apologized: "That's because the time for transformation is really limited, just in case..."

"I don't want to hear any excuses!" Vegeta gritted his teeth: "Anyway, it can't change the fact that you perfuse me, which means you look down on me."

Son Goku said: "These things will be discussed later. Now the people on the earth are left with us. If you go to die again, it will be more difficult for us to defeat Majin Buu."

"What do you mean?!" Vegeta was furious.

Although he did hold on to desperately wanting to pull Majin Buu as a back cushion, Vegeta still accepted that he was going to die from Son Goku's mouth.

"I didn't mean that!" Son Goku waved his hand: "I just wanted to say, maybe I have a better way to deal with Majin Buu."


Son Goku's words made everyone look at him.

Raditz immediately stepped forward and said, "Kakarot, you have to think about it. Now Majin Buu has absorbed Nappa, and now he has completely surpassed my realm. What else can you do against him?"

If there is a way for Son Goku, then the power needed must far exceed his newly learned transformation, which is also something that Raditz can hardly accept.

"That's right!" Son Goku nodded with certainty: "After I blew myself up in Cell, I spent several years in hell. I met the Medamores there and learned a Fusion technique from them..."

Son Goku explained the Fusion technique of the Medamore Stars, and even went to the battle to demonstrate the steps that the Fusion technique needs to take, to put it simply, those few dance moves.

After that, almost all of them had black lines on their faces and the corners of their mouths twitched.

"Just kidding, you want me to fit in with someone else, this is absolutely impossible!" Vegeta refused at the first time. No matter who the fit is in, this is not his style.

Raditz patted Son Goku on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "As an older brother, I have never taken responsibility. Now I want to give you a lesson in being a younger brother... You are so embarrassed of Saiyan!"

"Huh?" Son Goku didn't understand why Vegeta and Raditz refused so swiftly.

If both of them disagree, then only Son Gohan will be the only one who can successfully merge with him.

"Stop it, Dad..." Son Gohan was shocked when he saw him turn his eyes.

"Why do you all react like this? The Fusion technique is really powerful. As long as the four of us use Fusion technique, we can definitely defeat Majin Buu." Son Goku is still very surprised by everyone's reaction.

"Hehe, only a simple guy like Son Goku can learn this trick." No.18 let out a chuckle next to him.

Videl also smiled slightly. Fusion does sound interesting.

If someone else performed it in front of her, she would love to hear it, but if she was asked to fusion with others, then her attitude would definitely be the same as Vegeta, and she would not fight to death.

"Fusion technique? That is indeed a very powerful trick. If you can successfully Fusion, it is indeed possible to defeat Majin Buu." At this time, the old Supreme Kai suddenly interrupted.

When everyone was talking, everyone also figured out the identity of the old Supreme Kai.

At this time, he also agreed with this point of view, and Son Goku was immediately delighted: "Am I right? Old Supreme Kai said that Fusion can defeat Majin Buu, you guys..."

"Killing to death!" Vegeta and Raditz were extremely determined.

Son Gohan also pretended not to hear, and turned his face away.

Of course, he just felt embarrassed, not as determined as Vegeta and the others.

If there is really no way in the end, and Son Goku insists, Son Gohan will definitely compromise.

Only at this time, the old Supreme Kai said leisurely: "I haven't finished my words yet. Although the Fusion skills of the Midamor Stars are indeed very powerful, the opponent is Majin Buu. How could he leave time for you to use Fusion? Surgery."

"What should I do?" Son Goku was dumbfounded.

Supreme Kai Xin En wondered: "Old ancestor, do you have a better way?"

"Of course, otherwise, how could I be your old ancestor!" The old Supreme Kai was so pretentious, and after Son Goku begged repeatedly, he continued: "My method is very simple, it is also a fit, but it works. But it is a hundred times stronger than Fusion technique!"

"One hundred times?! What do you want to do?" Son Goku was excited again, but he never thought about the question of whether anyone would like to fit him.

Since Jebite is dead, the plot development is different from the original, so he has not been resurrected, and he cannot be used by the old Supreme Kai as an experiment.

Therefore, the old Supreme Kai only explained it verbally, and even said what he had been together with an old witch.

But firstly, everyone has never seen a sample of the earrings after being assembled. Secondly, the old Supreme Kai has not yet developed the potential for Son Gohan, so the credibility in his words is not so high.

At least not everyone believed him, and even if they believed, they didn't think he was as powerful as he said.

"I think it is more practical for you to practice new transformations with me!" Raditz hugged his arms, full of disdain for the fit technique.

"Uncle, can we also practice?" Son Gohan immediately dropped Son Goku and ignored him.

He was obviously more interested in new ways of transforming compared to Fusion technique and body technique.

And if Son Goku, Son Gohan, and Vegeta have all learned this kind of transformation, it will not be difficult to deal with Majin Buu.

"Of course, it's just that this kind of cultivation method is very hard. If you want to learn, you have to be mentally prepared." Raditz didn't want to hide it.

His consciousness is much higher than before, so even if it is Vegeta with a constipation expression, he will teach if he wants to learn. *

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