Chapter 313: Bringing a Game Console to Zeno

Of course, Veget’s reason could not convince Bulma, because Bulma was not trying to explain to him at all.

This reaction was obviously missing her time and space and wanted Vegett to take her back.

"If you really want to go back, then ask Vados to take you there. It's okay to live there for a while, I still have something for the time being." Vegett could only comfort him for a while.

He wants to verify his ideas now. He can't allocate time for the time being. He can only promise: "I will make time to spend time with you when I look back."

Bulma was actually not happy, if she wanted Vados to take her back, she would have done so long ago, and Vegett's reminder was needed.

But there was no way. She knew when she came back with Vegett that the two of them are hardly people in the same world.

Fortunately, Vegett is also a more responsible person, as long as he is free, he will definitely accompany them, unlike Son Goku, who is completely careless about his family.

"Forget it, I'll go with my sister and them, they said they want to see them in my time and space." Bulma finally let go.

Although a little disappointed, she didn't let it go.

On this planet Vegeta, she is not the only woman. If Vegeta really spoils her alone, others will also have opinions.

"Sorry, bear with me for a little longer, I will be relaxed soon." Beget comforted again.

Now his strength has reached the pinnacle of this world. After comprehending the use of the power of the soul, his strength has gone to a higher level, and his pursuit in this world is almost gone.

Therefore, after he plans to figure out the essence of Zeno, he will completely idle and accompany his women to play in all time and space. This seems to be a good thing.

Vegeta came back only because the time and space shuttle happened to pass by, so he didn't stay here much. After saying hello to the other girls, he left Vegeta planet.

Not long after, Veget appeared in the Zeno Temple alone.

This time he still didn't take Vados, and the latter couldn't help much anyway. If there was a conflict, she might be embarrassed.


As soon as Vegett teleported over, the Grand Priest appeared, and he was quite surprised at Vegett's arrival.

"Grand Priest!" Vegeta nodded to him as a greeting, and then asked, "I wonder if Zeno is inconvenient to see me now?"

"Are you here to see Master Zeno?" Grand Priest didn't understand what Vegett was coming from, but didn't ask much. Instead, he said, "Please wait a moment. I first ask Master Zeno."

"Trouble Grand Priest." Naturally Vegett wouldn't mind.

It didn't take long for the Grand Priest to get Zeno's approval and brought Vegeta to the palace.

"Beget, you came just right, and I was looking for you."

Zeno was feeling bored when Vegett came in, sitting in a chair sullenly with his feet dangling.

When he saw Vegett, Zeno's eyes lit up and he ran over immediately.

Vegett was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and asked, "Master Zeno has any instructions."

"In fact, it's nothing, but last time I decided to clean up some universes, because there are too many universes to manage."

Zeno revisited the old story and said: "But, because of the Tournament of Power, the winner of the seventh universe finally made a wish to restore the disappeared universe, so now I am troubled again."

"Also, managing the Universe is really boring. It's all about locking things. I feel so boring."

In fact, the main reason is that Zeno is bored.

Managing the Universe is too cumbersome. Although Supreme Kai and Gods of Destruction are present, Zeno also has to maintain its daily operations and needs to use rules to sort it out from time to time.

But these things were too boring for him, and he couldn't stay with Zeno's temperament.

This kind of thing was changed to Vegett, it must have been this kind of thinking, but he would promote some people to help him manage, and even pass on some abilities.

Just control the most powerful combat power by yourself, and don't worry about being turned back.

But he didn't need to remind Zeno, otherwise, let alone whether Zeno would be afraid of his ulterior motives, it would be troublesome if he would share some tasks with him.

So in the face of Zeno's nagging, Vegett just smiled and said, "It just so happened that I came here this time and brought some fun stuff, maybe it can relieve Zeno's boredom."

"What is it? Show me quickly." Zeno is exactly like a child asking for a toy from Vegeta.

In fact, it is indeed a toy. Vegett collected some game consoles from the Earth of Time and Space 2-1 and brought them over.

Zeno got the game console, but he was so happy that it was troublesome to manage the Universe, and he had already lost it to Java.

He didn't seem to have been in contact with these games before, so he played forgotten and yelled.

The two pencil guards who acted as the background board stared at Beijit at first, seemingly dissatisfied with his behavior.

But when they saw Zeno's enthusiasm for Vegeta after playing the game console, they didn't dare to say anything.

The Grand Priest saw that Vegett seemed to have nothing to do with him. Instead, he played games with Zeno and left silently.

He is the steward of Zeno in name. In fact, he does many things in Zeno, and he controls the general direction. Zeno is responsible for some of the main parts.

Of course, at this time Zeno is playing things in despair, and the burden on him is heavier, and the Grand Priest won't say anything.

After the Grand Priest left, Vegett took advantage of this moment to quietly let go of the power of the soul.

After a brief trial, he found that neither the Pencil Guard nor the Grand Priest seemed to have any reaction, and there was no movement, so he secretly relieved.

As he guessed, in the Dragon Ball world, the power of the soul is definitely a very high-end ability. Even the existence of Grand Priest and the pencil guard is a weakness in this respect.

It can't be said that they don't understand at all, but they are far behind Beget, who has studied this ability thoroughly for a few years.

As long as Vegeta is more careful, they won't be able to find out.

As for Zeno, there seems to be a slight sense.

But Vegett simply tried it out, and the power of the soul was released as soon as it was released, and Zeno did not feel hostile or threatened. At this time, he was addicted to the game console, and there was no reaction.

Seeing this, Vegett smiled suddenly, and the first step of the plan was considered a success.

Then, next, he will conduct even more crazier temptations. *

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