Chapter 314 The Worst Situation

Vegett's soul power was released carefully, bypassing Zeno's perception, carefully sensing his surroundings.

In the simple test just now, Vegett roughly knew the strength of Zeno's soul power.

In general, Vegett’s current accomplishments in this area are not much weaker than Zeno.

Of course, because it has never been used before, if the two sides face each other head-on, Vegett doesn't know if he can win.

However, it is still possible to just use it to find the source of Zeno's soul projection.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, and Zeno was obsessed with game consoles and couldn't help himself, Vegeta quickly found what he was looking for.

It was a very tiny space wormhole, the entrance of the hole was so small that it even reached the nanometer level, and the outside was sealed with the power of the soul.

Vegett also carefully probed for a long time, not leaking any gaps, and this was just enough to find this location.

If it doesn't have the same soul power, even if the strength is strong, it will not be noticed.

So Vegeta was sure that Grand Priest was absolutely unclear, and he didn't even know that Zeno's body was just a ghost of the soul.

As for the two mysterious pencil guards, Vegett is still unsure of their origin and location.

They seem to have always existed as Zeno's shadows, saying that they are guards, and there is nothing for them to do, and they usually stand there without saying a word.

Occasionally, he stared at people close to Zeno, but he basically didn't do anything.

Their vitality is different from the humans and gods in the Universe, and they are also different from Angel. They seem to be a completely independent life form, anyway, Vegett hasn't figured it out until now.

Leaving aside the matter of the pencil guard, Vegett hesitated after sensing the spatial wormhole.

Because the entrance of the cave was sealed by the power of Zeno's soul, if Vegett wanted to follow this space wormhole and explore the situation there, he would have to break this blockade.

However, once touched, Zeno must be aware of it for the first time, and it is hard to say what will happen then.

"Master Zeno, I'm here this time, but I actually want to ask you something."

In the end, Vegett did not choose to head-on, but took a roundabout way.

The ghost knows what Zeno's specific strength is, although Vegett feels that he is invincible, even if he is in a head-on collision.

But if there is no conflict, it is better not to happen. Even if there is a conflict, the hatred value should be reduced as much as possible.

In any case, Beijit only wanted to climb to a higher level, not to pull Zeno off the horse, nor to fight against Zeno.

"What's the matter?" Zeno froze for a moment.

However, his attention was still on the game console, just a quick question, and he didn't seem to care too much.

Vegeta didn't care too much, and continued to speak: "Does Zeno-sama know that the power of the soul can also be cultivated?"

This question is very interesting, at least looking at the entire Dragon Ball world, no one has the power to cultivate the soul.

The ability to deal with souls is also very rare. Gods of Destruction counts as one destruction, Zeno's erasure counts as one, and then only the abilities and machines in the underworld that specifically target the dead are left.

Hades can extract the souls of others, purify them, and send them to reincarnation. There have also been machines that can freeze souls in GT.

However, these can only be regarded as harmful to the soul, but it cannot be said that these abilities contain the power of the soul.

At least the rules of breaking that Vegett knows do not contain the power of the soul.

"Cultivating the power of the soul?" Zeno seemed a little dazed, and said strangely: "What does this mean? Are you a newly learned transformation? Or show me it!"

Zeno finally moved his gaze away from the game console, and his gaze at Vegeta was full of excitement and anticipation, just like seeing him transforming into Super Saiyan.

Now it's Vegett's turn to be dumbfounded. Is Zeno pretending to be a fool? But it doesn't look like it.

If it hadn't been for the existence of a wormhole in space, Vegeta would wonder if he had made a mistake when he saw Zeno's reaction.

Vegett took a closer look at Zeno and realized that he didn't really seem to be acting stupid, but really didn't understand the term soul power.

Or maybe, this ability is not called the power of the soul in Zeno?

"It's not a transformation." Vegeta looked at Zeno and said, "I just discovered a new energy, that's it..."

Vegett released the power of his own soul and filled the entire palace without hurting others.

"This is a kind of mental energy, which cannot directly enhance physical attacks and defenses, but it is easier to use it to perform tricks, such as casting magic, or blessing energy bombs and Ki Blast."

Vegett pretended that he didn't understand, and he didn't directly attack the space wormhole, but the power of his soul had already surrounded it, and he could break into it at any time.

It’s just that after Zeno briefly sensed it, he looked as if he was lacking in interest, and said with a slight disappointment: "Isn’t it a new transformation? I can’t see anything, it’s boring..."

Well, it seems that he really doesn't know the power of the soul anymore.

Although it can be sensed, it seems to be indifferent to it, let alone any other measures.

"..." Vegett couldn't help being speechless for a while.

Although he did have other purposes, he didn't really ask Zeno for advice.

But after he had said everything, Zeno didn't even reply with a simple reply. After saying that was boring, he immediately immersed himself in playing the game console.

It's embarrassing to be this way!

Vegeta feels a little embarrassed, is he too careful?

In that case, I hope I won't turn my face in a while.

Vegett didn't test out anything from Zeno, and finally decided to take a risk.

The power of the soul that was already full of the entire palace, suddenly launched an attack on the space wormhole.

Without any hindrance, he broke through the soul blockade in one fell swoop, and the power of the soul peeked in from the entrance of the cave.

"What are you doing?!"

Sure enough, Zeno's expression changed instantly, and he stood up with a swish, bursting with an unusually powerful but strange aura.

The two pencil guards also changed their complexions at this moment, and the two rushed towards Vegett almost without hesitation, and made the appearance of intending to kill with one blow.

Vegett was also a little nervous in his heart. This picture was the worst situation he had expected, and the opponent launched an offensive without giving him a chance to speak.

Not only the two pencil guards, after Zeno exploded, he also looked like he was going to be erased at any time. *

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