Chapter 315

Faced with two pencil guards and Zeno staring at him, even Vegeta felt stressed.

And he also sensed that the Grand Priest had already noticed the abnormality and was about to rush over.

It's a pity that there is no time to defend him. The attack of the two pencil guards is about to come, and Vegett can only choose to challenge first.

However, at this moment, the soul power that he broke into the space wormhole suddenly seemed to be drawn by some force. There was a huge suction pulling him, leaving Vegett completely out of control, and going there with his body. Fly away.

"What? This is..." Vegett was startled.

Even so, he just avoided the pencil guard's attack.

But because of his current realm strength, there is still a time when he can't control his body, which is a bit horrified.

What is that huge suction, and what will happen if it is pulled over like this? All this is unknown.

But even if Vegeta wanted to resist, he was shocked to discover that even if he exploded with all his power, he couldn't stop this suction.

The two pencil guards didn't know about Vegett's current situation. They thought it was Vegett who took the initiative to avoid their attack, so they once again gathered their strength to pursue the past.


At this time, Grand Priest also flashed over, but he was a little dazed when he saw the scene, and didn't know what was going on.

On the contrary, Zeno, except for the slight reaction at the beginning, the expression at the back was a bit weird, as if he didn't react after being frightened.

It's just that at this time Vegett hadn't paid attention to this anymore, and he was shocked by the uncontrolled situation.

Before he could do anything, suddenly the whole world became quiet, and there was no more sound, even the sound of his own breathing disappeared, and everything around him slowed down countless times at this moment.

Vegett's brain has also slowed down, and it seems that countless epochs have passed in just a moment.

I don't know how much time has passed, maybe it was a moment, maybe countless years, the original stopped picture moved again, and the sound resumed.

However, what horrified Vegett was that the surrounding pictures resembled a broken mirror, with countless cracks opened, and then completely shattered with a bang.

At this moment, Zeno, Grand Priest, and the pencil guard, all disappeared, turned into powder and disappeared in the fragmentation, and the whole world became nothingness.

This scene made Vegeta feel astonished, completely confused about what happened, and even made him wonder if he had committed any taboos.

But no matter what, things have happened, he must first figure out what happened, and perhaps there is a chance to remedy it.

At this time, his body has returned to control, and he can move freely again.

It's just that there is nothing around here, it's completely nothingness, nothing is in all directions, and even the direction can't be discerned.

Except for the darkness, it was still black.

However, this kind of blackness is not the kind of black without light, but it is all black around, but he can see himself.

No matter the clothes or the skin, it is the original color, only the surrounding area is black.

However, Vegett did not stand on the ground, he could walk, but he didn't know if he was moving forward, or he could fly with air, and he didn't know if he was moving forward.

This is a bit difficult, because Vegett has never come into contact with such a thing before, and has never even heard of it, and it is impossible to think of breaking the game.

"Here...maybe it is inside the space wormhole I sensed before, and the broken picture I saw just now may be because the original picture was re-engraved after I entered here, but it cannot last."

Even if Vegeta was in a predicament, he did not act too panic, and his brain started to work quickly.

Because when I just came in, I used the power of the soul, so if you want to explore the secrets here, maybe you can only use the power of the soul.

Thinking of this, Vegett immediately released the power of his soul.

As a result, the same as the previous situation happened again, the black surrounding it was like a mirror shattered once again, fragmented in pieces, and then turned into dust and dissipated.

The black disappeared, the surrounding colors reappeared, and this time it turned out to appear in the human world.

This is a very large room, full of a strong sense of metal technology.

Not far from Vegett, there was a child standing there, looking at Vegett in amazement.

Maybe Vegett appeared too abruptly?

Vegeta himself was a little stunned. Why would the end point be here after passing through the space wormhole in the Zeno Temple? Or could it be said that this is only a transfer station, and will be broken again later?


However, the child suddenly spoke, the stunned expression on his face remained undiminished, and even more was unbelievable.

"Huh?" Vegeta was stunned for a moment, the other party would even know his name?

It’s just that this sound sounds familiar!

Vegett's face suddenly changed, and his voice trembled, "All... Zeno?"

Is it possible that this little guy in front of you is Zeno's real body? This is where he really is?

The little guy in front of him is very similar to ordinary earthlings, about five or six years old.

"It's really Vegett? You ran out of the game? How cool!" After a while, the child screamed in surprise.

"Wait, you said... the game?" Vegett suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

The child raised his hand on a technology watch and said, "Hey, this is the Seven Dragon Ball. My character in it is Zeno. It's just that this game is quite boring. I played it for a long time without any interest. The information has been deleted."

"But, Vegeta is really interesting. You have so many transformations and the proposed Tournament of Power, I am very happy to watch it."

The child's words really made Vegeta accept that he couldn't. The Dragon Ball world he traveled through was actually just the game world in the hands of this child?

The so-called Zeno this guy is just a player?

Vegett's mentality collapsed, completely unacceptable.

and many more!

If the Dragon Ball world is just the game world in this guy's hands, how did he escape from the game world? If it doesn't come out, what's the difference between it and the real world?

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he ran out of the game world. Is the strength that he worked so hard in the past still still? Can you return to the Dragon Ball world in the future?

If the answer is no, then Vegett's mentality is really about to collapse. *

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