Chapter 316 New World Adventure

"Now, Vegett, tell me, how did you do it?"

The child leaned in front of Vegett, waiting for the answer with excitement and expectation.

This look is exactly the same as the Zeno I saw before.

At this time Vegeta finally believed the fact that the child in front of him was Zeno.

So, he used the power of the soul to pass through the space wormhole before, but he didn't actually find the location of Zeno's real body.

Instead, I found the exit of the game world, and jumped from the game world to the real world?

Do not! It shouldn't be like this!

Vegeta couldn't accept this at all, and immediately sensed the energy in his body silently.

What surprised him was that his strength was still there, and all his abilities were the same as before, without any change.

"Tell me, tell me!" Seeing that Vegett was in a daze, the child urged him to behave like a baby.

Vegett was completely relieved that his strength had not disappeared.

As long as the strength is still there, no matter what happens, he is confident that he can handle it well.

When he looked at the child again, his eyes became very strange.

In his induction, the child in front of him was completely ordinary, without any strength.

Moreover, under perception, this is just a small planet with technology as the mainstay. There are no cultivators at all. The strongest person's combat power is not more than ten points. I am afraid that only Satan can sweep the entire planet.

In such a place, is it possible to make a game like Dragon Ball World?

To be honest, Vegett couldn't believe it until now.

"Tell me first, where is this place and who are you? Also, about the Seven Dragon Ball..." Vegett ignored the child's earnest gaze.

The child pouted and was not happy: "You ask so many questions at once, and I don't know how to answer."

The child is young, and it is not easy to communicate normally.

Although Vegett's question is simple, it is obviously not something he can understand.

In desperation, Vegett could only ask one by one, in great detail.

After a long time, he finally asked the question he wanted to know.

This place is called Box Planet, and it is indeed based on technology.

The child's name is Burt Cullen Ozriquan!

Well, Aquan for short, the name of the game is Zeno...

Here, Seven Dragon Ball is a new game, and the game type is a nutrient type.

To put it simply, it is to run games such as Universe.

Create the universe and creatures according to the player's own wishes.

Afterwards, the evolution of those creatures and the perfection of the universe will allow players to earn points, which will allow players to continue to expand the universe.

In other words, the Dragon Ball world where Vegett is located is entirely created by Ah Quan.

Of course, the plot inside has nothing to do with Ah Quan, it is completely evolved by the creatures themselves.

So once there is something that doesn't suit Ah's whole heart, he can delete and rebuild at any time, which is the erasure in Dragon Ball.

Perhaps because of his young age, many things are messed up, so he just follows his own mind, just like in that world, whoever wants to be erased is erased, and if he wants to erase the universe, he erases the universe. .

As for the result of the Tournament of Power, it's not that Zeno is really willing to keep its promises.

It was that he made his own choice at the time, and the game system automatically judged it.

So when he won the victory on the 17th and made a wish to restore all the universes, even Ah Quan could not change it. The result was that the universe failed to be erased, which is the same as the failure of customs clearance.

In addition, the Grand Priest, who has been helping Zeno, is the housekeeper in the game, just like a system wizard.

As for the two pencil guards, they are all summoned beast pets.

If it is said that before knowing these things, Vegett's mentality has collapsed.

Then after learning these things, his broken heart was completely shattered.

After checking Ah Quan’s gaming watch, Vegeta found that he could not re-enter the world, even with Ah Quan’s account.

He could apply for an account by himself, but in this way, he would not be the original world. Like Zeno, he would also become the creator of that world, creating a world by himself.

How can this be? !

There are still many people who care about Vegeta in that world, and it is impossible to just leave it alone.

He couldn't log in to the game world, so he madly released the power of his soul, hoping to find the entrance to that space wormhole again.

What made him pleasantly surprised and exasperated was that he finally sensed the existence of a spatial wormhole in Ah Quan's gaming watch, and that entrance would move with the movement of the gaming watch.

In other words, in fact, the entrance of the space wormhole is just a data port on the game watch.

Although Vegett still didn't understand the principle of this, he had already faintly guessed the general situation.

Compared to this world, he is a set of codes in the Dragon Ball world, but he is out of control through his own ability, and exists like a virus.

After that, he found the port for data docking. For unknown reasons, he came into this world after passing through that port, and transformed from the data code into a real human being, even with the power of that world.

When he uses the power of the soul to pass through that port again, he will be transformed into a data code into that world from a real human being.

The principle can be explored later. Now that he understands what happened and he can return to the Dragon Ball world, Vegett is relieved.

The world in front of him really makes him feel absurd.

Go to the game world of Temo. For Vegett, Dragon Ball is the real world.

"I want this game watch. In exchange, I will give you the same game console before." Through data conversion, Vegeta went to the Dragon Ball world again and brought out the game console previously given to Zeno.

After having an experience, now he is switching between the two worlds, just like a fish in water.

A game watch that can enter and exit the world of Dragon Ball must no longer be left to Ah Quan. Otherwise, if one day he breaks it, Vegett will be cold? So he changed the gaming watch.

Ah Quan happened to have no interest in this game anymore. Naturally, he was very happy to get a new game console, so he changed it without saying a word.

But Vegett keeps the game watch away. For him, the Dragon Ball world is now his own private world.

Therefore, Vegete didn't rush back to the Dragon Ball world, but explored the world where Ah Quan was located.

Although it is a technological planet and its size is small, with Vegeta's ability, it is not too simple to shuttle through the universe. You can go directly to find things outside of this planet.

In the Dragon Ball world, he has nothing to pursue, but he can first see if there is any danger here. If the danger is not great, I will bring my own woman to explore here in the future.

[The Dragon Ball roll is over here. Although it's a bit of a joke, it's a bit of a joke no matter how you write it in the world without a system. Anyway, I can accept it, haha. 】*

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