Chapter 322 You Are So Amazing?

In the end, Vegete and Monkey naturally got a big ship from Aolai Country for a long voyage.

As for how it got it, it's not enough for outsiders.

I don't know if it was because of the addition of Vegett, or maybe it was the catastrophe that Heavenly Dao deliberately arranged in order to sharpen the monkey.

On the first night of going to sea, they encountered a huge storm.

A thunderstorm suddenly came, the sky was dim, the sea was rough, and the hull was shaking and crunching.

"General Beng, thank you for your reminder. Otherwise, if you cross the sea on a bamboo raft, I am afraid that you will have fallen into the vast sea and died." Under the storm, the monkey had to raise the volume and shout loudly.

Fortunately, this was on a big boat. If you were on a bamboo raft and a wave came over, you would really have to go to see the king in advance.

Even Vegett can only take the power of the soul out of this body and find a new host.

But after all, unlike the monkey who has just left the Novice Village, this storm is not enough to make Vegeta care.

On the contrary, when he heard the monkey address him, Vegett was a little unnatural, so he said: "Outside the ground, the name General Beng is not easy to mention. I gave myself a name, and I will Call me Vegett."

"Beget? The name is novel. But you are right. Don't call me the king in the future, just call... Well, you have a lot of knowledge. If you don't, you can help me pick one?" There was no reaction. Since leaving Huaguo Mountain, Vegett hadn't called him the king at all.

But with his kind of careless character, I'm afraid he just noticed it, and wouldn't care about it.

Vegett had used some common sense of humans with him before, but now monkeys trust him so much that he is allowed to even name things.

It is naturally impossible for Vegett to name him Son Goku directly, otherwise it would be difficult to explain if someone asked him in the future.

After thinking about it, I somehow suddenly remembered a certain Hong Kong version of Journey to the West, and blurted out: "Since you bumped into a stone, it's called blasting. It sounds good and easy to remember."

"Blasting stone?" The monkey pondered for a while, and soon turned his head happily: "Blasted stone, Blasted stone, I have a name, haha, my name is Blasted stone, haha, I have a name!"

Beijit couldn't help but feel amused. If the monkeys knew that there would be another translation for Blasting Rock, called Lababa, what would it be like?

But seeing the monkey so happy, it won't be dismantled.


Suddenly, a deafening thunder blasted, and at the same time, a big fish with dense canine teeth jumped out of the water and leaped towards the cabin.

The monkey reacted very quickly. When he flipped his head, he flipped directly out of the cabin and kicked the fish half his body back into the water.

"Be careful, this fish is going to eat people." The monkey looked solemnly vigilant, to prevent the big fish from jumping out again, and at the same time reminded Vegett behind him without turning his head.

Vegett can see it naturally, but he is not very worried.

Although this fish looks a bit refined, it is still within the scope of the fish body. Judging from the strength of the collision just now, even a monkey can barely handle it, let alone him.

Regardless of the fact that Vegett has no strength right now, but with the body of the four great monkeys, coupled with his own vision, he can completely hang a hundred monkeys.

It's just a trash fish, but he still doesn't care about it.

But just as Vegeta stepped onto the deck, the monkey yelled, "Go back, and I'll be here."

In the wind and rain, the monkey was drenched and his hair colluded, but his body stood straight.

For a moment, Vegett's eyes were also in a daze.

He deserves to be an upright grandson, even if his current status is his subordinate, if he encounters trouble, he will still stand in front of him, no matter if he can handle it or not.

However, the monkey at this time was not the later Monkey King after all. There was no seventy-two changes, no glaring eyes, and he couldn't see clearly in the dark. At this time, a big fish had sneaked into him behind him.

With a flash of Vegett's figure, he kicked the big fish flying at the right time.

When it was, the big fish had opened its blood basin and almost bit the monkey.

The monkey noticed the movement, and when he turned his head to look at it, he just saw that the mouth of the blood basin was getting farther and farther away from him, and he felt a moment of fear in his heart.

"Good risk... I didn't expect your skills to be better than mine, but I despise you." The monkey patted his chest, his face lingering.

"Don't talk for now, there are so many more!" Vegett reminded him with a low drink.

I don't know when, hundreds of big fishes have surfaced in the sea around them, each with its mouth wide open, eager to try.

The monkey's heart shuddered, and he immediately condensed his mind and waited for it.


One of the fish couldn't help but rushed out, bringing up a large splash of water.

Its action was as if it had toppled the dominoes, causing a chain reaction, and other big fish also rushed over.

"Damn, how come there are so many? It's really bad luck." Sun Monkey dodges the collision of the big fish, occasionally fist or kick a fist, and then secretly cursed.

At the same time, he also took the time to shout to Vegett: "If the situation is critical and you can't hold it anymore, you should run first and leave me alone!"

Vegett easily slapped the big fish that had hit him, and he could not help but roll his eyes secretly when he heard the monkey's words.

This is the sea, even if you want to run, where can you go? Jump into the sea to feed the fish?

But the monkey has this heart, and Vegett has a little more caring for him.

At the beginning, I just wanted to use him to find Bodhi ancestors to learn Taoism. Now, maybe it can help him change his destiny.

The monkey didn't get a response, thinking that Vegeta had already been murdered, he was shocked, and immediately looked back, but he was directly dumbfounded.

Unlike his perilous and embarrassing situation, Vegett is simply strolling around.

There were obviously more big fish attacking Vegett, but he slapped one with one palm, and he could find time to help the monkeys to get out of the siege.

The monkey hasn't been injured yet, it's all because of Vegett.

"You... are you so good?" The monkey wiped his eyes with a look of disbelief.

Is this really General Beng under his hand?

If General Beng has such strength, why did he become the Monkey King in the first place?

As if knowing the doubts in the monkey's heart, Begett casually explained: "When you are all immersed in eating, drinking and having fun, and satisfied with the status quo of Huaguoshan, I have always practiced martial arts."

Hearing Vegett's words, the monkey suddenly became embarrassed.

He, the monkey king, has no face to be in front of Vegett. *

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