Chapter 323

When the warm sunlight came down, the monkey was so tired that he collapsed on the deck, unable to move a single finger.

After a fierce battle, even Vegeta didn't know how many big fish they had repelled.

At first there were only a few hundred fish around, but gradually they gathered more and more, almost looking around, the entire sea was densely packed with such big fishes.

Vegett even felt that they couldn't survive this difficulty, and it was very likely that they had to abandon their bodies and leave by themselves.

Fortunately, when the sun came out, the group of big fish retreated by themselves, otherwise Vegett would really not be able to save the monkey.

"Be...Beget, you are really amazing..."

The monkey looked weak and weak, and said: "The big fish I attacked didn't even have a tenth of you. Now you have lost your strength, and you are still very energetic. Can you tell me how you usually practice? ?"

It seems that the monkey was also hit, and if he hadn't been helped by Vegeta, he would have been killed.

But now, even though he lost his strength, he didn't even have a scar on his body, and he didn't even lose his root monkey hair.

The first thing he thought of was not to escape from the sky, but to be ashamed, thinking that he was a dignified monkey king, and he could not even keep his subordinates. Instead, he wanted his monkeys to save him.

As long as he thinks of this, he feels very embarrassed.

Vegeta sat on the bow leisurely, dangling his legs, biting a peach brought by Huaguoshan in his hand.

Hearing the monkey’s words, he couldn’t help but chuckle and said: “These fish’s attacks do not constitute harm to me at all, and naturally there will be no physical exertion. If it’s not at sea and I don’t have a weapon in hand, I can do it alone. They kill themselves and retreat."

"If you want to spread dung on the wall and practice seriously, I can teach you. Anyway, it's just some exercises. It can only strengthen the body and it is of no great value."

If ordinary people learn the exercise technique of Vegett, at least they will be able to become masters and reach high places. It is not an exaggeration to take the top rank among a million army.

But after all, this is the West Journey world full of gods and Buddhas. This kind of body-building technique among ordinary people is no match for a magic trick no matter how powerful it is.

So to say that there is no great value, it is not just talking about it.

The monkey sat up with the last bit of strength, looked at Vegeta with a serious expression: "From today, you will no longer be General Beng under my hand, but my good brother Vegett, who lives and died together. So today's I don’t want to thank you anymore."

"But I promise that one day, I will give you a top-notch weapon that will let people fight the world."

To be honest, when the monkey's face was serious from the bottom of his heart, Beijit was still very touched, and it was not worthwhile to protect him like this last night.

However, Vegett did not answer the monkey’s words, but said with some emotion: “Speaking of top weapons, I have heard that the East China Sea Dragon Palace is the richest place in the Three Realms, where there are many powerful weapons, and even Xia The needle iron of Dinghai God, which controlled water during the Yu period, was called a treasure in the world."

Having said that, Begett paused, and suddenly said, "If you really want to send me weapons, please bring me the Dinghai Shenzhen in the future."

Although the grandson monkey without the golden hoop is not a complete grandson monkey, Vegett is also very interested in the lingbao of great or small merit.

It's a bargain, everything is unbreakable, everything is unbreakable.

I don't know what kind of brilliance the Ruyi Golden Hoop in my hands can shine.

"Okay, it's a deal!" Sun Monkey laughed and said with great boldness: "When we return from cultivation, I will definitely go to the East Palace of the East China Sea. Whether it is stealing or robbing, I will definitely help you get the Dinghai Shenzhen needle back. "

Vegett couldn't help chuckles in his heart, he really was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers.

If it is not for the protection of heaven and the general trend, how can the mere monkeys take the Dinghai Shenzhen from the East China Sea?

At least if Vegeta had the strength of the Sun Monkey at the time, he didn't think he could forcibly remove the Dinghai Shenzhen from the East China Sea.

The rest of the time was smooth sailing, and there were no more accidents.

Vegete asked him to take the helm on the grounds that the monkeys had good luck, but he drifted across the ocean for dozens of days, and he really came to a piece of land.

During this period, Vegett certainly did not drop the bodybuilding technique, and at the same time had already taught the monkey.

When the two of them are okay, they will learn from each other.

Of course, for Vegett, there is nothing unbearable to drift for dozens of days. I think he had experienced the torment of the Spiritual Time House back then.

It's just that the monkey can't sit still, so he likes to take him to a fight.

I have to say that the talent of the monkey is indeed against the sky.

Even if it was just physical exercises, he was cultivating at a rapid pace, and in just a few dozen days, he had undergone earth-shaking changes, and he was no longer just relying on the innate advantages of the monkey body to fight.

At his current level, no one in the world who cultivates martial arts is his opponent. Some practitioners who practice the methods of Buddhism and Taoism, if they are not deep in Taoism, will also be unable to beat him.

Simply put, it has almost reached the level of Vegett when he first went to sea.

Don't look at Vegeta who only practiced for two or three days when he first went out to sea, but he still relied more on his previous experience when fighting.

According to the physical conditions at that time, it would be far inferior to the current monkey.

Of course, Vegeta today is still much better than a monkey.

In any case, he was a full-level large who came back to rebuild, no matter how talented the monkey is, it is impossible to surpass him.

"Beget, land has appeared!" The monkey at the helm suddenly exclaimed with joy.

After these hours of getting along, the status of the two has almost been transferred.

Although the monkey is still so sturdy, but often it is still based on the opinions of Vegeta, and he has the feeling of a little brother instead.

Neither of them noticed this change of identity. Everything was so logical and natural.

Vegett came to the bow and looked into the distance, only to see a black line in the distance, proving the existence of the coastline.

"Speed ​​up the voyage, let's go and see what place it is." Vegett said to the monkey.

If I remember correctly, it is far from Fangcunshan Sanxingdong, and even far from Hezhou in Xiniu.

I remember it was mentioned in the Journey to the West that the monkeys have been floating in the ocean for more than ten years, starting from Dongsheng Shenzhou, passing through Nanzhan Buzhou, and finally to Xiniuhezhou.

But Vegett had decided to secretly guide the monkey to Fangcun Mountain, otherwise he would have to wait for more than ten years, he would not have such a good patience.

If it weren't for Qi cultivation and direct flight, Vegeta would even fly over with the monkey. *

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