Chapter 324

The place where Vegete and the others first arrived was the southern part of the continent, and they entered the human town. Because of Vegett's guidance, both of them wore cloth towels on their faces, which did not cause any riots.

After asking about the location of Xiniu Hezhou, the two of them each got a mount and went all the way west.

Although the process also took a lot of time, it was several years less than the original work, and it came to the Fangcun Mountain Boundary.

"Beget, how do I feel that you had a goal from the beginning, and you came directly in this direction along the way." The monkey is not an idiot, he has discovered this a long time ago.

In order to save time, Vegeta didn’t even think about hiding it from him. Seeing the monkey finally couldn’t help but ask questions, he couldn’t help but chuckle and said, “If I say, I’m just on the road with my instincts, and feel that we It is destined to this place, believe it or not?"

"Of course I believe it!" The monkey nodded without thinking: "From the start to the present, you never said that when you missed it, you know more than me, so I naturally believe in you."

All right!

Vegett rolled his eyes. This monkey is so innocent. Once he has a sense of trust in someone, he will never doubt it again.

Now he naturally does not have any doubts about Vegeta's long-awaited life and death partner.

But what Vegett said was not meant for monkeys, but some great figure in secret.

He had already seen it, in this square inch of mountain boundary, there was no oblique moon three-star cave, and there was no woodcutter who sang Huang Ting, and he didn't know if it was early, and it was not yet the time when the monkey opportunity opened.

"But Veget, there doesn't seem to be any fairy fate on this mountain, shall we keep going?" Son Goku looked at the sky.

If you continue to hurry now, you should be able to get out of this mountain before dark.

"No!" Vegett shook his head and said, "We will stay here for the time being."

If the ancestor of Bodhi didn't take the initiative to show up, he could only wait and see if he could run away from the temple anyway.

Since the monkey has come here, the other party will show up after all.

"Uh!" The monkey scratched the back of his head, somewhat uncomprehending.

But he didn't ask too much, just as he said before, as long as Vegett said it, he never missed it.

At this time, in an inner room in the mountain, the fairy mist on the cloud bed rose.

A girl wearing a beautiful emerald crown and a cyan Taoist dress turned her eyes and looked at the white-haired old man on the cloud bed: "Master..."

Patriarch Bodhi opened his eyes, looked through all obstacles, and saw two figures on the top of the mountain.

"The stone monkeys are coming early!" Patriarch Bodhi pinched his fingers, and said with a little weirdness: "Five years in advance, there are more gibbons around..."

The girl opened the mouth and said: "He said that he has intuitive guidance and is bound to my Sanxingdong."

Patriarch Bodhi said: "The Sanxing Cave has already jumped out of the Three Realms. It is not in the Five Elements. Even the Tathagata cannot calculate our position. How did this gibbons find it? Intuition...who is guiding?"

Patriarch Bodhi was puzzled. He had just figured it out, but it was dim and he couldn't figure it out.

"Even the ancestor doesn't know, how can the disciple know." The girl rubbed her nose and said, "But, won't you bring them in? Don't you...will you take that stone monkey as a disciple in the room?"

Bodhi stretched out his hand and knocked on her forehead, and lightly rebuked, "I can say this, but you can't. You can only listen to it in your ears and remember it in your heart. You can't speak out. As for the two of them, it's not enough. Time, I can’t see you!"

"Master, my disciple knows that I am wrong!" The girl shrank her head when she saw him speaking seriously, and spit out her tongue.

At the same time, the purple bamboo forest of Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea.

A Venerable man in a robe stood in front of the bamboo forest with his hands clasped together: "Ananda under the seat of the Buddha, please see Avalokitesvara."

The bamboo trees swayed in the purple bamboo forest and took the initiative to divide a straight path out.

Venerable Ananda kept moving forward along this path, and finally came to the front of a spiritual pond.

He bowed to the barefoot girl on a white lotus by the spiritual pond and said, "I have seen a Bodhisattva."

The girl Bodhisattva wears a white dress, graceful and graceful, lightly sweeps Emei, fragrant skin, bright eyes and white teeth, and a beautiful beauty.

It's just that the look in the eyes of her face, wise, compassionate, sophisticated, vicissitudes, struggle, pain, tenacity, pity...

Countless emotions are hidden in a pair of beautiful eyes, and what Ananda feels is not admiration, but horror.

It is said in the world that the Bodhisattva is one of the saints of Buddhism with compassion, thinking of sentient beings, pains of sentient beings, and salvation of suffering.

But only those Buddhist high-level people know that Guanshiyin has long ago realized that the body rectifies the Tathagata in the past, and the current body responds to the Dharma to realize the Tathagata.

Among the three sages, ambition, or ambition, is the greatest.

It is not the present body Tathagata and the future body Tathagata, it is precisely this past body Tathagata.

In an environment where she could not be sanctified, she wanted to go against the sky, creating his own divine art, deifying tens of thousands of people, hiding in the three realms, practicing together, and accumulating countless good deeds.

I want to be like Amitabha, to prove the way by virtue and achieve the position of saint.

Nowadays, all beings in Buddhism recite the name Amitabha.

What Guanshiyin wants to do is to wait for all living beings to recite Guanshiyin!

Ananda was horrified by the horror he had transformed into his freedom, and even more terrified Avalokitesvara's ambition, so now when he stood in front of her, his body trembled slightly.

"Venerable Ananda, what do you want to do with me?" Guanyin smiled and spoke like a spring breeze, causing Ananda to release his guard in an instant.

However, it also made him startled in a cold sweat after a while.

The other party clearly didn't treat him, but he just let go of his guards, how terrifying it is.

After swallowing hard, Ananda didn't even dare to wipe the sweat on his forehead, bowed and said: "Tell the Bodhisattva, the Buddha said that the stone monkey should enter the Tao."

Avalokitesvara froze for a moment, pinched a finger, and said in amazement: "This monkey head has gone a few years earlier..."

Every moment he stayed with Guanyin, Ananda was suffering inexplicably in his heart.

So as soon as the words arrived, he bowed and said, "It is true, it is said that there is a monkey with a gibbous monkey beside him. Dare to ask the Bodhisattva, is there any order? If not, Ananda will return first."

Avalokitesvara placed his wonderful eyes on him, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be so careful with me. You are both Buddhists, and you should take care of each other no matter how you say it. After all... Venerable is my disciple under the seat of Buddha."

"Yes!" Ananda agreed on the surface, only he knew what he thought.

Avalokitesvara did not say much. After waving her hand to let her leave, a beautiful girl and nearly a hundred evil criminals appeared in front of her, and then turned into a stream of light and galloped away.

[Well, the setting must be different from the traditional one, and also different from the mainstream, so it's overhead, what to write about when you think of it. 】*

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