Chapter 327

"Okay, let's leave!"

The monkey actually didn't understand the meaning of Vegett's words, but he stood up decisively and prepared to leave with Vegett.

For him, Vegett has long been an indispensable person in his life. If he is the only one who can stay, then he must not do it, even if he stays here, he can learn the art of immortality. .


However, the ancestor of Bodhi hadn't spoken yet, but Miao Shan couldn't help it.

She looked at Vegett with a cold light, and said sharply: "Do you know who you are talking to..."

"Cough!" The ancestor Bodhi coughed at the right time.

Only then did Miaoshan realize her current identity, and immediately changed her words: "It's okay if you misunderstood me, but in front of the ancestor, you dare to speak such nonsense. This is a big disrespect to the ancestor, so don't apologize quickly!"

Begett sneered secretly in his heart, and he was naturally indifferent on his face: "If it is someone I should respect, I will maintain the proper etiquette. But if virtue is not worthy, why do I need respect? Want me to apologize, What a joke!"

"You..." Miao Shan was half to death with anger, but she couldn't say too much without revealing her identity.

If she was really just an ordinary person, what Vegett said was indeed correct.

Vegett and the monkey were originally in the same group, and the credit for saving the lives was naturally counted as double.

However, she relied on her dignity, and this was originally a scene, she didn't take this kindness to heart at all, and of course she ignored it.

At this time, Vegett said that she would avenge her revenge, and that Sanxingdong was concealed in dirt, but there was really no way to refute it.

Bodhi ancestor has never looked angry. At this time, he stroked his white beard and smiled and said: "So in your opinion, what kind of talent is worthy of your respect? What kind of morality is worthy? Don't forget, Sanxingdong is Mine is mine, I want to teach someone, but I don’t want to teach someone, but I have the final say."

Vegett did not expect Bodhi ancestors to have such a good moral support. Since this question can be asked, it proves that Vegett's words just now did not irritate the other party.

But if it's just reasonable, Vegett is even more uncomfortable.

"As the saying goes, if you are poor, you will be good at yourself, and if you want to benefit the world, this is the duty of a man. The ancestor's own ability is naturally taught to whomever he loves to teach. But if you teach the ability to some unscrupulous people, The evil things she does in the future will also be your sins."

"Nowadays, the ancestors only pay attention to the relationship but not the character. The quality of the disciples taught is naturally uneven, and the possibility of teaching the villain is also great. How is such a behavior worthy of my respect?"

Vegett did not answer what is the collocation of virtue and talent. This topic is quite subjective. If you want to talk about it, you can't finish it for ten days and ten nights.

So he only explained why he didn't respect Bodhi, and every time he said that his mind is not right, evildoers and the like will look at the wonderful good, the meaning is quite obvious.

The latter gritted his teeth for a while, but was helpless.

She knows very well that today's event can be regarded as a major historical event and will inevitably arouse the attention of all parties. It is like a live broadcast.

So these words will inevitably be spread out, and she will also become the joke of the Three Realms.

Therefore, the Liangzi between them is settled.

What's more hateful is that she can't attack on the spot yet.

After all, she didn't pay attention to her own actions, and left others with it.

If you get angry when you get pierced now, it seems too stupid.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Unexpectedly, the ancestor Bodhi laughed directly after listening, shook his head with a helpless expression, and said: "You monkey is interesting, and your insights are also considered unique. If you are poor, you will be good at yourself, and Da will help the world. good."

"Well, for the sake of your words, the ancestors and I have accepted you too, but you can only start with a named disciple. Would you like it?"

Vegett froze for a moment, then reacted, and immediately bowed and said: "Disciple Veget, pay homage to Patriarch!"

The ancestor Bodhi shook his head and said with a smile: "It seems that you still have anger in your heart, but I won't punish you anymore, lest you say anything unpleasant. But I have a word of warning, regardless of whether you are successful in practice in the future. , And remember what you said today, if you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. If you can’t do it..."

"If you can't do it, the disciple is willing to fall into the hell of Abi, and there will be no reincarnation forever!" Vegett immediately took the dilemma.

He is not afraid of oaths, and he is not the kind of person who has the ability to treat people like grass.

As for why Bodhi Patriarch said he was angry in his heart, he certainly understood.

Tiandijun is a teacher, a teacher for one day and a father for life.

Since the ancestors of Bodhi agreed to accept Vegeta, Vegeta should bow down and worship, not to mention three kneelings and nine knocks, at least three knocks.

But just now, Vegett just bowed himself to pay respect, and naturally he was regarded by Bodhi ancestors as unwilling to be a named disciple.

But in fact, Veget is just not accustomed to kneeling, nor does he think that Bodhi Patriarch can bear his bowing ceremony.

But if he really learns something useful from Bodhi, he will naturally respect it.

Miaoshan next to her was very angry, but since Bodhi had made a decision, she couldn't say anything.

After all, Subhuti's status is not inferior to her, and her ability is also not weaker than her. Bodhi's willingness to give her face is already very good, and she is not qualified to intervene in receiving disciples.

The ancestor of Bodhi was very satisfied with Vegett's reaction, and then turned to the monkey after nodding, with a trace of teasing in his eyes.

"Are you leaving now?"

The arrival of the monkey is destined, and Bodhi just passively accepts it without any thoughts.

When the time comes, teach the monkey what to do, and then you will be able to retreat.

In his realm, he didn't think about what merit should be attributed to the monkey. He made up his mind a long time ago and cut off the connection between the two parties after the event was completed.

In comparison, he prefers the gibbous ape Beget, which seems more spiritual.

To be honest, monkeys who have not experienced any hardships now seem to be rather dull indeed.

Even if he saw the whole process here, his brain was still a little confused at this time, and he didn't fully understand the status quo.

He didn't understand why he looked like a rattling sword just now, but now he suddenly disappeared.

I don’t even understand why Vegett, who was in the posture of ‘do not stay here, has a place to keep him’ just now, suddenly worshiped Bodhi Patriarch as a teacher and was willing to be a named disciple.

But after Vegett winked secretly, he was still clever and didn't ask much, and immediately bowed down to the ancestor Bodhi and said, "The disciples are not going. Since Vegett has stayed, the disciples will not leave. The disciples will see you. Patriarch!"*

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