Chapter 328

Seeing the simple appearance of the monkey, Bodhi Patriarch couldn't help but shook his head and laughed.

In comparison, it was the gibbon monkey that he loved more.

It is a pity that Lingming stone monkeys are born of heaven and earth. They are protected by the great road and blessed by the general trend. Their future achievements are not comparable to those of a monkey.

However, the patriarch of Bodhi also emphasized on obedience to the destiny of the Buddha and Taoism, and he did not think much about it, and performed it according to the original script.

When asked about the name, I thought that the monkeys born in Heaven and Earth should have no name and no surname, but unexpectedly came out with the name "Blasting Stone", which is really ridiculous.

"The disciple jumped out of the rock, and he claimed to be the Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain, but he always had a name when he came to the world, so Vegett had one named Bursting Stone." The monkey didn't know yet. How crude and funny the name is, and it looks triumphant.

Don't you know that even after Vegeta named him this name, he was embarrassed to call him that, and kept calling him monkey.

The ancestor of Bodhi sneered at Vegett with his mouth covered and shook his head without hitting the monkey. , But like a pine cone-eating hozen..."

After citing the scriptures for a while, the ancestor of Bodhi still named the monkey Son Goku just like the original.

This name is a monk, and it must have been settled long ago, and Bodhi just said it along the way.

The monkey didn't know this, and his mind couldn't think of so much. Seeing that the ancestor of Bodhi gave him a dharma name, he thought he really liked him.

After living for hundreds of years, it was the first time he felt the love from the elders, and he was so happy that he danced and turned somersaults.

But in fact, he still prefers the name Blaststone in his heart.

Perhaps because this is his first name, he has a preconceived impression.

As for Vegett, he is only a named disciple now, and Bodhi Patriarch did not appear to be too close, as if he had ignored him, and did not take the initiative to ask him about his situation.

However, Vegett can perceive from the attitude of Bodhi Patriarch, the latter is not so indifferent to him on the surface, and even treats him more differently than monkeys.

It's just maybe to show it to others, or to test him deliberately, that's why he put on such a posture.

Beijit is not a child who needs the attention of his parents. It is enough to understand the mind of the Bodhi Patriarch. The name of the named disciple can be removed in a short time, so he is not in a hurry.

But the monkey seemed a little dissatisfied with it, and not long after he was happy with the name, he looked glum.

It's just that although there is resentment in my heart, I don't know where to spread it, so I can only hold it in my heart.

But there are all human beings, who can't tell? It's just that no one clicked it.

The ancestor of Bodhi summoned all the immortals under his family and introduced them to the monkey and Miaoshan one by one.

However, there was no mention of Vegete, which made everyone see the difference. Therefore, no one under the clergy paid any attention to Vegete, only treating him as a small attendant.

After it was over, the ancestor Bodhi waved away the immortals, and arranged cleaning work for both Vegett and the monkey, and then asked the girl under the door to take them down.

After everyone had left, Miaoshan vacated her body and sat down cross-legs. A white lotus emerged automatically. At the same time, she also regained her real body, and she was indeed the Nanhai Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Welcome to Bodhi!" Guanshiyin stood up with a single palm, and slightly sent his head towards the Bodhi ancestor.

Subhuti waved his hand and said: "You are the Tathagata for the past, and you have noble personality. You don't have to be like that."

"Now the Tathagata in the past is already a burning ancient Buddha." Avalokitesvara corrected and said: "I walk him into one's own life, and become thousands of people. There is no past body, present body, future body."

"The Bodhisattva takes the initiative to abandon the throne of Tathagata, and cultivate to a higher level." The ancestor of Bodhi smiled and said: "Amidst Buddhism, you can still enjoy the throne of Buddha."

Avalokitesvara smiled slightly, and said: "Don't talk about these old things, Bodhi, what do you think of this gibbous ape? He shouldn't be born, and he is still with the stone monkey."

The gibbons are one of the four great monkeys, and they are no worse than the Lingming Stone Monkey Son Goku in terms of birth.

It's just that the stone monkey was chosen by the general trend. If it were not for the body of the catastrophe, the other great monkeys would be severely suppressed, and eventually everyone would be wiped out.

In the original work, only the six-eared macaque is the body that should be robbed, so he has the same ability as the grandson monkey, and the end result is naturally buckled.

As for the remaining thong-armed monkeys and red horse monkeys, they can only be reduced to the four great generals in the Huaguo Mountain just like other ordinary monkeys, and they have no feats at all.

This is the general trend, not man-made manipulation, so Guan Shiyin has this doubt.

Subhuti said: "The way of heaven is unpredictable, who knows if it will be another track of destiny? I think it is better to leave him alone and let it develop. This is in compliance with the destiny."

If Subhuti has deep eyes, Guan Shiyin's heart will be stunned.

She knew that this was Subhuti reminding her, or even warning her, not to interfere with the fate of the monkey.

Guan Shiyin smiled bitterly, and sighed: "The ancestor is too worried. I just feel that something has changed in him, but no matter how I guess, I can't infer any changes. This is terrifying."

"If you can hide your existence, I'm afraid there is only the way of heaven, right? This also confirms my words from the other side." It’s not worth the trouble."

Under the advice of Bodhi Patriarch, Guan Shiyin let go of his doubts about Vegeta.

As for whether she will remember her grudges and whether she will wear small shoes in the future, only she knows.

Avalokitesvara then turned to ask: "Stone monkeys are sacred monkeys bred by heaven and earth. They have the highest aptitude in the past and present. How are you going to teach?"

Bodhi did not hide it, saying: "Ten years is a summary. I am going to teach him for ten years. In the first seven years, I will not teach any Taoist magic, refine his heart, and strengthen his body. In the next three years, he will teach him the secret magic of magic. , And when he has achieved something, he will drive him away, so that he can unlock his destiny."

"It's so good." Guanshiyin nodded slightly, and said: "But don't teach him to be a Confucian who knows books and rituals, a wise and indifferent Buddhist, a pure and innocent Taoist... Try to keep his wildness as much as possible, so that later Things are done."

Bodhi nodded and said: "I will pay attention and will not obliterate his nature."

"With your words, I am relieved, and I hope that nothing will happen." Guan Shiyin finished speaking, and then he and Bodhi said their farewells, turning into a light smoke and disappearing without a trace.

When Bodhi was the only one left here, he raised his eyes slightly, with immortal power flowing in his eyes, and looked out of the cave, on the climbing stone steps, he was cleaning Vegett with the monkey grandson.

"When your fate is normal, but you are here, what is the reason?"*

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