Chapter 329: Uneaten Sour Grapes

The girl who brought Vegett and them did not tell them much, but simply talked about what they needed to do on weekdays, and arranged a disciple room for them. The two were not in the same place, and then left.

It was Vegett who was pestering her, wanting to know more about the situation here, but in the end he only knew that the other party's name was Mingyue.

It seems that among the Taoist sects, boys like to name them Qingfeng, Mingyue and the like, and these names can be seen almost everywhere.

But Vegett didn't think much, just lamented that he was really asking for trouble.

It would be great to just turn around and leave Fangcunshan, and now I have to sweep the floor for the Bodhi ancestor, and according to the original work, I am afraid that it will take as long as seven years.

Well, it was Sun Monkey who swept seven years, not him.

However, he and Sun Monkey came together. If Bodhi doesn't want the monkey to have an opinion, the two will eventually arrange to be together.

What Vegett is worried about is that Sun Monkey has achieved three years of cultivation, can he keep up with his progress?

If you haven't learned much by then, you will be driven down the mountain with Monkey King, and you will be fucked.

Although Sun Monkey is not progressing faster than Beijit in the practice of martial arts, after all, he is protected by the heavenly way, and maybe he just started it when he was practicing Taoist magic?

"This is completely different from what I thought, Vegett, are you saying that Patriarch is testing us?" Monkey Sun, who was cleaning the steps, sighed.

He is indeed incomprehensible, but that doesn't mean he is an idiot.

On the contrary, Monkey Sun is one of the few smart monkeys in the world, and it seems dull that he has only experienced fewer things, and he has not yet reached the time when he can speak up.

He couldn't understand the matter just now, but after slowly pondering it, he felt more and more wrong.

If it were in the original book, he could only bury his head and work hard, but now there was a Vegett by his side, and he naturally said what was in his heart.

Vegett secretly smiled in his heart, it was not clear whether it was a test for him, but this kind of life will continue for seven years, if you are impatient now, how will you live in the future?

Beget chuckled softly: "Then what is the scene in your imagination? After becoming a disciple, the ancestors taught each other and the brothers tried their best to help each other. With you in hand, you quickly climbed to the top?"

Monkey Sun grinned, and said: "I didn't think so, but in Baoshan, I can only watch others scrape the baby. I have to do some chores, and I feel a little disappointed."

This is the nature of Sun Monkey!

Vegett smiled and said: "They have their way of practice, we have our way of practice, there is no need to envy them."

"Does this mean that I can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour?" The four young disciples walked down from the top of the steps.

The leader sneered: "It can comfort me, but I think it is necessary to tell you one thing."

"Don't say it is the disciple of the Patriarch, even if it is a registered disciple, there is no need to clean up. This kind of work is usually done only by handymen. The Patriarch accepts you only for the sake of the jade pendant. ,Understand?"

"What are you talking about?" The monkey had a bad temper and exploded as soon as he heard it.

The disciple obviously didn't expect Sun Monkey to have such a violent temper.

And this is just getting started, I haven't learned anything yet, so my skills are so good.

He didn't notice for a while and was hit by Sun Monkey with a fist, and his cheek immediately swelled.

"You dare to hit me? I'm impatient! Brothers, hit me!" The disciple was furious, and immediately waved his hand and asked the four of them to join him.


Vegett stood up, scanned the four disciples up and down, raised his eyebrows and said, "If I remember correctly, you should all be only three generations of disciples, right?"

"So... what about that?" The leading disciple shrank his head, seemingly a little guilty.

Begett smiled suddenly and said, "So, if you can’t eat grapes, say grapes are sour, you are talking about yourself? Don’t care whether we are disciples in the room or named disciples, we all directly worship the ancestor as our teacher, but it’s true. The second generation of disciples, understand? Everyone... Master Nephew!"

"So that's it!" Sun Monkey's eyes lit up and he smiled grinningly: "Your feelings are sour in your heart. You are deliberately looking for something, right? You want to commit the following crimes and beat Master Uncle. I think it's you who are impatient for your life, right? beat……"

Monkey Sun rushed up and hit several disciples with a fat beating.

Originally, they were just bullying their new ignorant, but now they have been debunked by Vegett. These disciples dare not fight back. They can only use Taoism quickly to guard against Sun Monkey's fist.

Fang Cunshan's Taoism is indeed extraordinary. Although these three generations of disciples are not very good at cultivation, after prescribing the right medicine, they used the ability to resemble petrified skin, but Sun Monkey's hands hurt.

"You guys are disrespectful to Uncle Master. I just tried to teach you a little bit, and even dared to use Dao Fa. What's the difference between this and fighting back? It's just a crime, so I don't rush Dao Fa!" Sun The monkey couldn't break the shells of these tortoises, so he suddenly yelled at him with anger.

Those three generations of disciples sneered in their hearts. They were originally bullying Sun Monkey and the newcomers. Now they are already embarrassed if they are beaten. How can they remove Dao Fa Ren Sun Monkey's beating?

When Vegeta was watching the show with his arms around him, he couldn't help but said: "You idiot, they have learned some nine-flow methods. You can't beat this? Look at me..."

For some of the younger disciples who deliberately looked for things, Vegeta would naturally not be polite. He picked up the broomstick in his hand and slammed it against one of the disciples' weak defenses, that is, the opponent's lower body.


The disciple who was beaten instantly yelled like a wolf howling, and jumped more than a dozen meters high, and the defensive method just now was directly broken.

"This is your way? I thought there was a clever trick!" Monkey Sun suddenly felt speechless.

Vegett rolled his eyes and said, "Don't worry about the subtlety, what is useful is a good trick, watch it!"

Vegett repeated his tactics and stabbed another young disciple who was about to escape quietly.

There was another howl of a wolf, and he also stepped on the back of the former.

"Hey, I'm coming too!" Monkey Sun looked funny, scratching his head for a while, and suddenly grabbed the broom thrown on the ground, ready to learn something.

As a result, there was a crash, and the remaining two young disciples performed a light-weight technique and ran away in an instant.

The first young disciple to be stabbed was also the leader of a few of them. He had just landed at this time and hadn't fully established his footing, but his eyes were sharp and he shouted: "You are the one who forced me, so don't blame me. Let's be cruel!"

As he said, he turned into a long sword with a whirl, and the sword buzzed, with a fierce celestial aura, a sword split the broom in Sun Monkey's hand into two pieces, and then the rest remained strong, straight slashing. Sun monkey forehead. *

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