Chapter 333

Vegeta was used to living a comfortable life, and now he has come down to worship others as a teacher for the practice of this world.

Let him do the cleaning work and copy the scriptures, of course he is not happy.

But there is no way. If you don't do it, I'm afraid you will be swept out by the Bodhi ancestor, and all the previous efforts will be in vain.

So he thought of a way to take Mingyue, the only talkable person, on the thief ship and let her help share the burden.

For Vegett, the use of a little bit of the power of rules is just the tip of the iceberg in all his abilities, and it is not a big deal to pass it to Mingyue.

Mingyue followed the Bodhi ancestor as a boy, and only learned some simple tuna kungfu.

It is naturally overjoyed to get a spatial spell now, even if the level of the spell is not high, it is very practical.

So she was just helping Beijit share a little work, but in the end, she actually did most of it, and Beijit was always lazy.

Of course, Mingyue wouldn't mind it, she also felt that she had earned it by herself.

On the other side of Bodhi Patriarch, just as Beijit said, although he knew about this a long time ago, he didn't care about it.

From autumn to winter, the temperature drops sharply.

Snowflakes as big as beans fluttered in the sky, and fell rustlingly on the climbing stone steps and the trees on both sides.

At the top of the mountain, beside the highest stone steps, Mingyue, a girl in Taoist clothes, is holding a bamboo broom to sweep the snow, shrugging her nose from time to time, as if smelling some scent.

She always looked like she wanted to turn her head to look at the back, but she endured it again, and the speed of cleaning the snow was getting faster and faster.

Not far behind her was Vegett, who was picking up the snow and dirt.

In fact, there was indeed a burst of fragrance, because at this time Vegeta was making a chicken.

This is also their usual way of working these days.

Mingyue is in charge of cleaning, and Vegeta is in charge of cooking her food, both of them are happy.

It has been two years since Vegeta was punished. In these two years, Vegeta basically only interacted with Mingyue, and other people rarely saw each other, let alone talked.

As for the monkey grandson, he had never seen it once, and even what happened to the monkey grandson now, Beijit didn't know what was happening, and he didn't even ask someone to ask.

Anyway, he knew that Monkey Sun had his own destiny here.

On the contrary, it was Vegett himself. After waiting for two years, he didn't see any movement from Bodhi Patriarch.

I don't know whether to wait to teach Dao Fa with Monkey Sun, or to teach after Monkey Sun leaves.

Vegett didn't want to wait that long. Two years later, he was already a little impatient, and he was wondering whether to find an opportunity to take the initiative to find Bodhi Patriarch.

But if it is mentioned directly, it is easy to be rejected, so until now, Vegett has not spoken.

And Miao Shan, who had gone up the mountain with them, really disappeared completely after the successful apprenticeship.

The ancestor Bodhi said to the outside world that Miao Shan wanted to return to her hometown to practice, so she passed her three volumes of the celestial scriptures and allowed her to leave Sanxingdong.

Naturally, others would not doubt the words of Bodhi Patriarch, but Veget, who had already guessed the identity of Miaoshan, naturally sneered at this statement, but became more convinced of his guess.

I just don't know, if Vegett refuted her face, whether he would be revengeful.

If the other party only finds a chance to retaliate in the future, Vegett is not afraid, just because he is afraid that the other party will do something before his own practice is completed, then it will be a little troublesome.

"Crunch... crunch..."

When Vegett was thinking, his eyes suddenly darkened. It turned out that Mingyue had already walked over when he didn't know, and was standing in front of him with his hands pinched on his waist, and glaring at him with a puffed mouth.

"What's wrong? Sister Mingyue." Beijit couldn't help but wonder.

Mingyue pointed to the fire next to Vegett, and said angrily: "What are you going to let me eat? I thought it was very fragrant just now, but now it only smells of scorched earth! Wouldn't you just make something to perfuse me? Loss? I've done it seriously for you!"

"Uh!" Begett was stunned for a moment, and soon understood, he suddenly laughed.

Beggars are buried in the ground, and the earth is roasted by the fire, which will naturally smell of scorched earth.

But now it's baked, the firewood is burned out, and there is a pile of black ashes left, and Mingyue, who has never seen the chicken, naturally can't understand it.

"You'll find out later, and later you don't swallow your tongue in your stomach." Vegett didn't explain.

The sleeves were waved, luck swept away the ashes, and then pulled a piece of charred stone out of the ground.

"What? You let me eat this?" Mingyue looked disgusted, but didn't say anything bad.

After getting along for so long day and night, the relationship between the two is comparable to brothers and sisters.

Mingyue knows how particular Vegett is about food, and there are countless new tricks she hasn't even heard before.

I can't understand it now, just because it's a new trick again, but she still doesn't doubt the level of Vegeta, and her tone is purely daily antagonism.

Vegett took the scorched stone and slammed it against the ground with a click. The scorched stone cracked, and a strong fragrance suddenly floated out.

"Okay... so fragrant! I've never smelled such a fragrant smell before!" Mingyue stopped talking, swallowing again and again, staring at the cracked scorched stone on the ground without blinking.

Vegett broke the scorched stone apart, revealing the whole chicken, which had been moistened with soil and shed its hair, and came out in a dark yellow color.

He brought a few fresh lotus leaves and put them under the whole chicken.

"Okay, these are yours, these are mine, eat!" Vegett pushed the scorched stone covered with chicken feathers in front of Mingyue, and then drew the whole chicken in front of him.

No matter how stupid Mingyue is, it is impossible to think that the burnt stones can be eaten, so he kicked at Vegett: "I kicked you to death!"

Beget prepared for a while, he smiled, and ran off holding the lotus leaf that was wrapped around the crocodile.

"You stop for me and keep my chicken!" Mingyue immediately chased after him, whipping up his broom and chasing Vegett.

"Come after me, you idiot, haha!" Vegett smiled triumphantly.

Chasing and running between the mountains and forests, there was a faint laughter and curse.

But soon, the two became quiet at the same time, and they also stood together.

Because at this time, there was an extra figure in front of them.

A handsome, heroic man, tall, dressed in a white shirt, as if he had his own holy light, let people know that this person is extraordinary at first glance.

He couldn't help but froze slightly when he saw the two arguing, then shrugged his nose and said, "It's delicious, what kind of food do you cook?"*

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