Chapter 334

"Do you know him?" Beijit asked Mingyue in a low voice, and at the same time stuffed her with the beckoning chicken in his hand, so as not to be missed by others.

Mingyue seemed to have the same idea. He hid the chaffinch wrapped in the lotus leaf behind him, and then said to the other party: "I have seen the true monarch Erlang!"

In doing so, she can be regarded as answering Vegett's question at the same time.

It's just that she is holding the chicken in both hands, hiding behind her, just like this, it's a bit impolite, and the action also seems a bit funny.

Of course, according to her age, no one would care about it unless it was a small belly or a stubborn person who values ​​etiquette very seriously.

The person on the opposite side obviously didn't care, but he bowed his head slightly with curiosity, and then looked at Vegett with curiosity.

It turned out to be Yang Jian, the god of Erlang. No wonder he hadn't seen him in Fang Cunshan before. He was not a disciple of Fang Cunshan at all.

When Vegeta heard the name Jiro Zhenjun, his heart moved slightly, and he looked at him curiously.

As expected, this guy was handsome and tall as in the legend.

But unlike in the TV series, he stared at three eyes and walked around, his sky eyes were closed.

There is only a faint trace of lightning on the center of his eyebrows, which is really hard to find if you don't look closely.

"Are you a monkey monkey?"

Yang Jian didn't stare at the question of the chicken, but instead explored Vegett's roots and feet.

"Is there any problem?" Vegett didn't mean anything respectful.

This guy suddenly rushed out and stopped in front of the two of them. One did not report and the other did not take the initiative to salute. He also spoke like Long Aotian.

Although Vegett also knew that the other party had a big backing, this approach still made people quite uncomfortable.

Yang Jian was obviously stunned because of Vegett's tone, then he shook his head and laughed, "But I took the liberty, but you reminded me of a past."

"But Yuan Hong, the leader of the Meishan Seven Monsters?" Mingyue's eyes lit up, as if he knew who he was talking about.

Fearing that Beijit didn't know, she quickly explained: "In the past, Zhenjun Erlang encountered a group of monsters whose animals turned into spirits in Meishan. They called themselves the Meishan Seven Monsters, and they were headed by Yuan Hong."

"According to the ancestor, Yuan Hong is also an ape monkey. He has extraordinary supernatural powers. He is proficient in eight or nine profound arts, seventy-two changes, and many sorceries. Comparable."

This allusion came from the Romance of the Gods, and Vegett naturally knew it.

It's just that Yuan Hong is an ape with gibbons, but it's a speculation that is based on misrepresentation. In the original book, it's just that the white ape becomes a fine.

Unexpectedly, in this world, Yuan Hong had already been characterized as a gibbous ape, but it was a bit beyond Vegett's expectation.

But it didn't matter, he couldn't fight him.

"Ashamed to say, Yuan Hong's strength is indeed not weaker than mine." Yang Jian said modestly: "If the Nuwa Empress did not help, I really couldn't subdue him."

"But that time was also the most heart-warming battle for me in so many years. I always hope to meet the same opponent again, but it's a pity..."

He glanced at Vegett and said, "I think you should be new to the Fangcunshan gate. Fangcunshan’s Taoism is profound and profound. If you practice well, you will surely be able to reach that height in the future. Please allow it then. I will play with you."

Vegeta was taken aback. It turned out that he meant it.

Is this the so-called high altitude?

Think about it, too, with Yang Jian's strength, there are very few people in the Three Realms who can be his opponents.

However, because of his identity and the identities of other people, it is basically impossible to do it.

If he wants to find someone to fight, it is indeed extremely difficult, and it is reasonable to have this idea.

It's just that since he sees that Vegeta is a new beginner disciple, isn't it a bit too early to mention this now?

Mingyue seemed to be worried that Vegeta was under pressure, and quickly changed the subject: "By the way, the real-kun Jiro suddenly came to visit, is there anything urgent? If you need to meet the ancestor, I will go and pass on for you."

Yang Jian saw Mingyue's thoughts, but he didn't pierce him. He smiled slightly and said, "Then take me to see Master Subhuti."

With a flick of Mingyue, he threw the beckoning chicken into the space bag, and then made a please gesture to Yang Jian.

This magical power made Yang Jian a little surprised. Of course he could see that it was not a magic weapon, but a real magical power.

Unexpectedly, even a little boy would know this kind of magical powers, which surprised Yang Jian very much, and the secret path was indeed the right one.

Where did he know that when the incident happened just now, Mingyue didn't think of it for a while, and it was not good for him to display it at will in front of outsiders, so that he hid the pheasant and saluted him.

But now Yang Jian actually said that he would fight with Vegeta in the future. In order not to put Vegeta under pressure and affect Dao Xin, she only thought about taking Yang Jian to see Bodhi Patriarch immediately. Where could she hide it?

Vegeta was also a little curious about Yang Jian's intentions, so he followed along pretending to be silly.

Yang Jian didn't seem to deliberately avoid others, but instead discussed some cultivation experience with Vegett.

Even if it's just some very superficial introductory experience, it has benefited a lot for Vegett.

Although he was once considered a great power, he still didn't know much about the power system of this world. Even now, the Bodhi Patriarch hadn't taught him Dao.

Therefore, what Yang Jian said is also very helpful for him to embark on the road of spiritual practice in the future.

"Here, Mr. Erlang, please wait a moment!"

At this time, Mingyue stopped and bowed slightly to Yang Jian, and then took the lead into the Dongfu to report.

Not long after, she walked out again: "The Patriarch invites you in, please come here, Mr. Erlang!"

Mingyue glanced at Vegeta slightly, seeming to be a little puzzled why Vegeta should follow.

But since the Patriarch didn't mention Veget when she informed her earlier, she pretended that there was no such thing.

Soon the three of them came to a cloud bed with rising clouds and saw the ancestors of Bodhi sitting on it, all bowing to salute.

"Don't be polite! Yang Jian, why are you looking for me?"

The ancestor Bodhi glanced at the bone spirit, but didn't mean to throw him out.

Yang Jian stood up straight, with a solemn expression on his face: "I'm here to use the ancestor's heaven and earth to make one hundred and eight supernatural powers to make up for the flaws in the eight or nine profound arts."

The ancestor Bodhi trembled his fingers and said, "I will let you down. The law is not spread."

"I can promise the three conditions of Patriarch, and if I can do it, I will try my best to complete it." Yang Jian gave his utmost sincerity.

The ancestor Bodhi shook his head and said: "I didn't mean to bargain with you, I really told you seriously, no!"

[The thirty-six changes and the seventy-two changes in Journey to the West are just pure changes, not supernatural powers. It’s like other books written by other people with different names. The kind is called Tiangang thirty-six changes and earth evil seventy-two changes. But in Journey to the West, when the ancestor Bodhi mentioned it, he said, "There is a general number of Tiangang, the thirty-six changes, and there is a general evil number, the seventy-two changes." So his name is just The thirty-six changes and the seventy-two changes are just different from the previous ones. But here I am writing according to a variety of magical powers. The reason for saying this is to popularize science for those who don't know, so as not to confuse you. 】*

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