Chapter 338 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

"We were swept in by the whirlpool when we went in, and we were in the same situation when we came out, and we couldn't tell the direction at all."

Xiao Bai's words made Vegeta a little disappointed, thinking that he could go and experience it like a fantasy world.

"But..." Xiaobai seemed to feel that he should hand in a certificate, thought about it and said: "I heard that in the Baiduan Mountain ahead, a Dark Demon King got a drop of Eight Treasure Spirit Pond Liquid from Half of Guanyin. If the immortal master can get that thing, it will be of great benefit to your practice."

"Half Guanyin?" Beget always felt that the name was familiar.

Xiaobai explained: "It was a golden-nosed white-haired mouse spirit who used to steal incense flowers and candles in Lingshan to be psychic, and then changed its name to Banji Guanyin."

When Xiao Bai said that, Vegett remembered it.

It turned out that it was the mouse that was trapped in the bottomless pit of the Kongshan Mountain during the catastrophe of Journey to the West. He called himself Mrs. Diyong and seemed to be Li Jing's goddaughter.

Doesn't the original book say that she has only a few hundred years of Taoism? Is this era already born?

However, Vegeta also knows that this Journey to the West is somewhat different from the original, and it cannot be measured according to the original setting, otherwise one day it will suffer.

"What's the root of that Dark Lord?" Vegett didn't entangle half of Guanyin.

Xiaobai said: "He was born after an ancient corpse psychic. He belongs to the type of corpse demon. He has been doing things for hundreds of years. In this area, only one fierce ape can match him, and that The fierce ape seems to be playing the idea of ​​the Eight Treasure Spirit Pond Liquid. If the immortal master wants to go, he must be careful."

After probably understanding the situation, Vegett had an idea in his mind.

This Eight Treasure Spirit Pond Liquid is very beneficial to him now, allowing him to lay a solid foundation before practicing, and even refining some spiritual power in advance.

This is very helpful for what he will do later, and Vegett will naturally not miss it.

Moreover, the other party was a corpse demon, and the things were obtained from others, and Vegett just went to steal it directly, and it was no big deal.

So Vegett asked Xiaobai to show him the way.

"By the way, don't call me the fairy teacher anymore. Since you are following me, you are my concubine. My name is Vegett. You will call me son in the future."

Xiaobai was taken aback, and said, "Okay, son. But why is it a concubine, not a maid?"

She seemed to find that Vegett was not a difficult person, and gradually let go of her words.

Although Xiaoqing hadn't spoken, but also relaxed a lot.

Vegett grinned and said: "After you are transformed, if you look good, you are a concubine, and if you become disabled, you are a maid."

A white snake and a green snake also have an inexplicable affection for Vegeta.

Hearing that, Xiao Bai and Xiao Qing couldn't help being a little speechless, the master they newly recognized seemed to be raunchy.

But whether it is a maid or a concubine, they have no objection.

After all, it has not been transformed, and has not been exposed to the human world, so naturally it will not have the kind of moral concepts of human beings.

After thinking about it, Beijit said again: "I'll give you names separately, Xiaobai Xiaoqing will be your nickname, Xiaobai, your full name is Bai Suzhen, if Xiaoqing, you will be Cen Biqing."

Suddenly having names, Xiao Bai and Xiao Qing both seemed very happy. Although they weren't as exaggerated as Son Goku, they were overjoyed.

"My son, do these two names have any meaning?" Bai Suzhen asked.

Vegeta didn't even bother to explain to them the origins of the two names, and shrugged: "Whatever you make, it just sounds nice."

"All right!"

Although the two snakes were a bit disappointed, they were not disappointed.

In any case, it was Begett who specially started it for them, and it proved to be taking them to heart.

Under Bai Suzhen's guidance, Vegett unknowingly came to the depths of the mountains and entered a vast forest.

"My son, a fierce beast is here."

Bai Suzhen suddenly reminded him, and then he saw a huge ape-shaped beast pushing across countless trees and moving forward.

Vegete was also taken aback by this huge beast, which is at least ten meters high, it is simply a prehistoric beast.

Although in this world, Vegett can't sense strengths and weaknesses with aura, but with this aura alone, he knows that it is a fierce beast of the Great Demon level.

Fortunately, Vegeta's body is relatively small, so he can find a tree to hide it, and then keep his breath, he won't be easily spotted by the other party.

"My son, this is the fierce ape I just mentioned. Seeing his direction, he should be going to grab the Eight Treasure Spirit Pond Liquid." Bai Suzhen said a little anxiously.

Vegett calmly said: "Don't be nervous, he rushed over with such a big fanfare, he will definitely be found, then he must have had a fight with that dark lord first. We just happened to pass by quietly at this time, maybe we can not disturb them. Under the premise, take things away."

Bai Suzhen froze for a moment, and praised: "The son is really smart."

"That's, or how come I am the son." Vegeta boasted somewhat proudly, and then said: "But you are really sure that the strength of the Dark Lord and this fierce ape are in the middle? Looking at the vigor of this fierce ape, how do I feel that he is the overlord in this neighborhood."

Bai Suzhen hesitated for a moment, and said, "Maybe this fierce ape has made a breakthrough recently? It didn't have such a strong aura before."

Vegett sighed: "It seems that the fierce ape has taken a lot of natural treasures by cleverly, but it is a pity that he was wasted, if it would be good for me."

Bai Suzhen and Cen Biqing: "..."

Vegett followed carefully behind the fierce ape, only a short distance away, so that he would not be lost or found out.

After a full half an hour, the fierce ape finally stopped.

His destination was indeed the location of the Dark Lord, which was consistent with their goals.

At this moment, the fierce ape didn't know when there was a giant tree-like iron rod in his hand, and he looked at a huge grave ahead with cold eyes.

The powerful aura radiated from his huge body, causing all the creatures here to bow their heads.

Veget has a powerful soul quality, and he is not deterred, but the two little snakes on his body are trembling with deterrence.

If it weren't for Vegett, I'm afraid they would just turn around and ran when they felt the breath.

Vegett did not rush up for the first time, but hid in a chaotic wood, quietly looking ahead, waiting for the outbreak of the war.

Before long, the fierce ape didn't say a word, raised the huge iron rod in his hand high, and smashed it down towards the grave ahead. *

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