Chapter 339

boom! !

Black lights appeared from the top of the tomb, forming a dazzling magic array, blocking the front of the iron rod.

But in a moment, accompanied by a violent roar, it shattered into light.

The big iron rod slammed directly on the tomb, knocking out a big hole.

There is a treasure light projected from the hole, intertwined with dazzling light.

"court death!"

A loud roar came from the grave.

The pitch-black black mist radiated from the big hole, and a huge humanoid with two horns and steel body came out from the black mist, and fisted at the fierce ape.

The devilish energy is rolling, sweeping on all sides, like a frantic sea, going against the sky.

The fierce ape quickly retracted the iron rod, swiped a circle in mid-air, and violently slammed into the black devil.

The two fierce beasts are like two giant spirit gods, culling each other madly in the forest.

Life and death battle, endless, as if with a terrifying hatred, suddenly exploded at this moment.

"Yuan Guang, why are you crazy for no reason?!"

After a long time of fighting, I felt that the opponent was more and more courageous than before. The Dark Lord roared loudly, but he felt a little timid in his heart.

The fierce ape forced the Black Demon away with a stick, with a sound like thunder: "The Black Demon, I heard that you got a drop of Eight Treasure Spirit Pool Liquid from Half of Guanyin?"

The Dark Lord's eyes changed, and he screamed: "Nonsense, pure rumors."

The fierce ape chuckled and said, "If this is the case, then let me come into your house and see how about it? If it is really not there, I will apologize to you."

"Even if it is, it is mine. What's the matter with you? Hearing some wind, come over and fight me hard, really when I am so bullied?" The Dark Lord gritted his teeth.

"The weak eat the strong, the treasures live in the strongest, this is the principle of heaven and earth. I am stronger than you, and even your life is between my thoughts. What do you say bullying and not bullying?" The fierce ape laughed wildly and brandished an iron rod. Attack again.

Seeing that the two were once again in a stalemate battle, although the fierce ape had an absolute advantage, but desperately, there was nothing to do with the Black Demon for a while.

"it's time!"

A light flashed in Beijit's eyes, looking at the broken tomb emitting a shining light, he flashed directly, and quickly swept over there.

In fact, it would be much safer for him to go directly with the power of the soul at this time.

But now this body has been assimilated by him, as if the power of the soul escapes, it is easy to cause physical death, which is not worth the gain.

Unless it is the last helplessness and the need to escape, you really can't easily use the method of soul separation.

Of course, when you learn this aspect of supernatural powers in the future, it will naturally be different.

The two demon gods in the battle had never thought that someone would dare to approach the black tomb under such circumstances.

Even if they pay a little attention to the surrounding environment, they will not notice the small size of Veget.

Soon, Vegeta came to the cemetery without any risk, and simply swept around with the power of his soul. After finding that there were no other creatures, he jumped into the cemetery.

There is a huge palace inside, but the place is empty and there are no winding passages or other obstacles.

So soon, Vegeta discovered that there was a huge spiritual pool made of high-grade spirit crystals in front of him.

There was half of the water in that Lingchi, which was constantly exuding spiritual energy fluctuations.

"Didn't it mean a drop of spiritual pond liquid? There is still half a pond of spiritual water?" Vegett was a little puzzled.

Could this so-called drop come from the shape of the Dark Lord?

But even so, there shouldn't be so much, this half of the pool can be used for the Dark Lord's bath.

Even Vegett can be used as a small swimming pool.

"I think it was the Dark Lord who blended the spirit liquid with the rest of the spirit water, turning it into a pool of spirit water." Bai Suzhen's slightly excited voice sounded.

On the other side, Xiaoqing Cen Biqing rarely spoke, but said in a nervous tone: "My son, how are you going to take away these spiritual fluids? If you don't move faster, the fierce ape will come over soon."

They could all see that the Dark Lord was just stubbornly resisting the fierce ape, and it couldn't last too long.

But everyone can understand that, after all, the dark lord got it.

The fierce ape just hit the door to grab it, and no one can directly hand it over.

"Hey, show you a trick!"

Vegett looked at the crystal clear spiritual fluid, resisted the urge to bathe, smiled, and put his hand on the edge of the spiritual pond.


The spiritual fluid in the spiritual pond instantly disappeared, leaving no drop.

And the one that disappeared along with the spirit fluid was the spirit pond created by the spirit crystal.

This is a good thing, similar to the Lingshi written in fantasy novels.

Although the practitioner cannot directly absorb the spiritual energy inside and refine it for his own use, putting it by his side while practicing can speed up the gathering of spiritual energy.

Since being met by Vegett, there is no reason to let it go.

"Wow!" Bai Suzhen and Cen Biqing's eyes widened suddenly, and they couldn't help exclaiming.

Then he thought of what was going on, and quickly closed his mouth.

"Okay, the things are already in hand, let's leave here first."

Vegett sensed the fighting outside, and seemed to have a tendency to gradually calm down, thinking that the fierce ape had already begun to suppress the Dark Lord.

So he didn't dare to stay for a long time, and he was cautious immediately, but left the tomb of the Dark Lord at the fastest speed.

Regardless of whether the fierce ape or the dark lord, it is not what Vegett can handle now, and now he can only develop wretchedly.

Fortunately, he obtained a pool of spiritual liquid in this way. As long as it was refined, even if he had not practiced the exercises, Vegett would be a serious practitioner.

By that time, based on his previous combat experience, he would definitely be able to have a certain amount of combat power, so he wouldn't have to be stubborn like he is now.

I don't know if the protagonist's aura was turned on, and the smooth journey made Vegeta surprised.

When he left the scope of the tomb and Sa Yazi ran away, the fierce ape had just suppressed the Dark Lord and rushed to the tomb.

However, after jumping into the tomb with excitement and looking around the entire palace, he did not find the slightest trace of spiritual liquid.

An ugly face was suddenly pulled down, and it became extremely terrible.

The fierce ape immediately flew out of the tomb, came to the Black Demon who was coughing up blood, and lifted it up with one hand.

"Where is the Lingchi Liquid?" the evil ape roared irritably.

The Dark Lord was startled when he heard the words, and then burst into laughter: "Hahaha, what a mantis is catching cicadas, and the oriole is behind, this kind of situation will happen to us. Idiot, you have been taken advantage of!"

The Fierce Ape twitched his cheeks, grabbed the shoulders of the Dark Lord with both hands, and tore it in half.

He looked up to the sky and screamed: "Damn thieves, I curse you to die without a place to be buried!"*

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