Chapter 340 The Emperor With Dragon Qi Bodyguard

The sound of the fierce ape traveled through the air at an extremely fast speed, but when it reached Begett's ears, it was almost inaudible.

"Curse? If the curse works, what are the police doing?" Vegett couldn't help but chuckle.

He was in a good mood after obtaining a whole pool of spiritual fluid, and he was still humming a little song along the way.

Bai Suzhen asked a little strangely: "What is a police officer?"

"It's the arrest in the government." Vegett replied casually.

"Oh." Bai Suzhen seemed to understand, and then asked: "My son, where are we going next?"

Vegett thought for a while and said, "Find a place to refine the spiritual liquid."

Xiao Bai Xiaoqing was very familiar with this area, and soon helped Veget find a hidden cave.

Although there is no practice method, as long as you drink it directly, or sit in the spiritual liquid pool, you can increase your spiritual power on its own.

Although this method was a bit wasteful, Vegett didn't save it. Anyway, it was the white things that could be improved.

And he was not stingy either, and gave Xiaobai and Xiaoqing a part respectively.

The two snakes were grateful to him, and after drinking a few sips of spiritual liquid, they fell into a long dormant state. It is said that it will take a long time to finish the refining.

Vegeta didn't consume all the spiritual liquid, and stopped after drinking about half of it.

He threw the two little snakes into the space and time, and went on the road alone, and then started his mission.

The originally planned routine can be changed slightly after obtaining spiritual power, and the process should be much easier.

Qingxia Country.

With Vegett's current skill, the human world can easily go anywhere.

He gave himself a simple make-up, but the monkey image was not hidden.

However, after dressing up, it looks a bit immortal and righteous, even if a mortal sees him, he won't be scared.

Of course, he had his own plan, and he didn't directly appear in the human world. Instead, he hid his body and sneaked into the palace of Qingxia Kingdom.

The emperor of the Qingxia Kingdom was called Xia Shuang, a strong middle-aged man with a white face and three beautiful beards.

When Vegeta found him, the other party was reading the memorial.

Vegete entered the palace, and after thinking for a while, he took advantage of the distraction of the other party, preparing to instill a ray of aura into the other party's head, causing a migraine.

Headache is a disease that, once it strikes, is more unbearable than other pains.

When the time comes, he will definitely look for famous doctors everywhere, and even post lists.

Then Vegett can come to life as a genius doctor and heal the emperor’s headache.

In this way, the preliminary goal was achieved.

Veget can use some simple rules and methods in this world. He used to learn the technique of planting fairy beans in the Dragon Ball world. A little improvement can also be a means of curing diseases and saving people.

He intends to use this method to let the people of Qingxia Kingdom believe in him.

As for the action against the emperor, of course, it was because of the other person's status as a superman. As long as he was saved by himself, and then a simple publicity, Vegett's name in the Qingxia Kingdom could be instantly started.

This can save him a lot of time, which is the celebrity effect.

However, when Vegett blew a breath of spiritual energy and rushed straight to the emperor's eyebrows, something he hadn't expected happened at all.

Along with a dragon roar that only he could hear, a golden dragon phantom emerged from the emperor, extinguishing the aura that Vegett had blown out, and looked over coldly.

"Dragon Qi Bodyguard? Or National Destiny Bodyguard?" Vegett frowned slightly.

I tried several more times, but every time I was stopped by the golden dragon phantom.

However, the golden dragon phantom only guarded the emperor, but did not take the initiative to attack Vegeta.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, you should rest." A beautiful woman in palace dress walked in.

"A dazzling effort, this afternoon passed." The emperor smiled, stood up, hugged the woman and said: "My queen, follow me and drive into the Shang Palace."

Seeing this scene, Vegett's eyes lit up, and then he blew aura at the woman.

Since the opponent is a queen, the effect is the same.

The golden dragon phantom that hovered on the emperor looked at all this expressionlessly, completely indifferent to it.

As long as it doesn't hurt the emperor, it seems to be completely motionless.


With aura in her head, the queen suddenly let out an exclamation and fainted to the ground with her eyes turned.

Vegete just wanted to take the opportunity to make his name known, but he didn't mean to hurt the queen, so let her pass out directly without any pain.

"Queen, queen, what's wrong with you?"

The emperor hurriedly helped the queen, shook it a few times, and shouted again and again: "Summon the emperor!"

Not long after, a doctor in an official gown with white beard and hair rushed over with two entourages and carefully checked the queen's situation, but a surprised look appeared on his face.

"Doctor, how is the queen?" the emperor asked quickly.

The imperial physician shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, according to the inspection of the ministers, everything in the Queen's body is normal, her pulse is smooth and smooth, her breathing is long and strong, and fainting shouldn't happen."

The emperor immediately grabbed his neckline and said angrily: "Don't tell me this, I only ask you to heal the queen!"

The imperial doctor smiled bitterly: "The minister can't find out what the queen is, how can it be treated? Please come down!"

The emperor let go of the imperial doctor in despair, and said distressedly: "Your medical skills are already at the top in the country, and you can't even find the reason. Isn't my queen, no one can cure it?"

The doctor sighed and stopped talking.

However, Vegeta was helpless and scolded inwardly: A group of idiots, don't you know how to post the imperial list, looking for the capable folks?

No way, they couldn't think of this, but Vegett had to ask them to do it.

With a move of divine thought, he used the power of the soul to simply affect the thinking of the imperial physician, causing him to speak: "Your Majesty, there are many strange people and strangers in the world. If I can not cure the queen, it does not mean that hope is cut off. I also hope that your majesty will post the emperor's list. , Invited the great physician into the palace to see the queen."

After ordering people to carefully carry the empress to Shang Palace, the emperor wrote the emperor list that night and posted it urgently.

Early the next morning, the imperial list in front of the palace attracted the attention of countless people. A group of literate people read it to the illiterate, and the illiterate passed it down through words and told more people who didn’t know about it.

In just one morning, the entire imperial city basically knew about it.

Hundreds of healers who had confidence in their own medical skills flocked to the palace to compete for the imperial ranking.

When the emperor learned about it, he invited everyone to the palace and allowed them to see the queen one by one.

It's just that although these people have good medical skills, they are all mortals. Where can I find the cause of the queen? As a result, all were driven out of the palace by the irritable emperor. *

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