Chapter 342 You Are Too Young

"I heard that you are the one who unveiled the emperor's rankings. Why is it that he is the master now?"

The two had just entered the palace. When they saw the emperor, the emperor looked at the two with a skeptical expression, but said to Ren Shou.

As the emperor, someone will naturally tell him about the previous events.

Ren Shou stepped forward and saluted: "I saw your Majesty the emperor. We just met in front of the palace gate. After talking, we learned that both of them came to treat the empress empress. It’s just because this senior is a disciple of the fairy family. Both Taoism and medical skills are above me, so I am willing to strike a hand, and it is considered that the seniors have given me a chance to learn."

Although Ren Shou was young, he looked handsome, upright, and gentle. He was easy to give people a good impression, so the emperor didn't doubt it after hearing about it.

"That's the case!" After the emperor suddenly said, he hurriedly bowed to Beijit: "I have seen the immortal master, it is the honor of my Qingxia country to see the immortal master, and the empress's illness has caused the immortal master Lao."

"Take me to see the Empress Empress!" Vegett just slightly nodded, with a plain look on his face.

He is now a disciple of the Xian Family, and in the future, he will become the genius doctor of Qingxia Kingdom, so he still has to hold the air.

Too approachable, but it is not easy to achieve the purpose he wants.

Soon, they were taken to the Shang Palace where the queen was.

Although Vegeta knew the situation a long time ago, after all, this was caused by him, but he still pretended to check it.

Ren Shou was also observing the situation closely, and soon he also saw the situation clearly, and confirmed that what Vegett had said just now was true, he was relieved immediately, and his guard on Vegett was more relaxed.

But even so, he still had to stare at Vegett until Vegett fulfilled his promise completely.

"Master, how is the queen? Can you heal it?"

When Vegett finished checking, the emperor leaned in anxiously.

Vegett didn't make it too complicated, nodded and said, "It's nothing serious, it's just contaminated with some evil aura. Ordinary medicine stones are hard to save, but as long as the practitioner simply uses spiritual energy to purify it."

Hearing that there was a rescue, the emperor was overjoyed. He didn't study why the evil spirits were present in the palace. He immediately asked, "I also ask the immortal master to treat the queen. As long as the queen is ill, I will pay a lot of money."

However, Ren Shou heard the corners of his mouth twitch slightly beside him, and he started the treatment by himself. Of course, it was simple, he could do it with him, but he wouldn't do this kind of thing.

At the same time, Ren Shou was also very curious, as the disciple of the Beget Fairy Family, why it is necessary to come to the world to act like this, it is impossible to just tease the emperor and queen of Qingxia Kingdom.

"Heavy money is unnecessary." Vegett waved his hand and said, "Just issue me a medical certificate afterwards. Within a short period of time, I will stay in Qingxia to practice medicine."

The emperor was even more overjoyed when he heard the words, and promised again and again: "There is absolutely no problem with this. The fairy master is willing to stay in Qingxia Kingdom, even if it is only a short time, it is also the honor of Qingxia Kingdom. If the fairy teacher is willing, I can arrange a clinic for you. , Even if you want to live in the palace."

"No need!" Vegett said lightly: "My Taoism pays attention to letting the flow go. As long as the emperor can open the door of convenience for me, so that I can be unimpeded in Qingxia. Then I will go to practice medicine. Well, everything is about fate."

"Yes, yes!" The emperor's attitude towards Vegett became more respectful. This is the real fairy family style.

The healing process is really simple, Vegett just makes a little light effect to fool people, and then sucks out the aura from the queen's head.

Of course, he hadn't forgotten to say to compensate the queen.

But it doesn't have to be too much trouble, just use your own spiritual power to simply comb the queen's body.

Eliminate the toxins accumulated in her body over the years, and then she will be disease-free and disaster-free, and it is not impossible to live a long life.

For Vegett, this is just a matter of effort, but for a mortal, it is a good thing that can't be asked for.

Just a simple illness, to get such an opportunity, this queen is simply lucky.

Ren Shou was also very satisfied with this, and all the grievances in his heart disappeared completely.

Of course, this does not mean that he agrees with Vegett's approach.

For him, it was always a bit unfair for Vegett to act like this.

But everyone has his own style of behavior, as long as his character is okay, he can't blame anything.

"The matter is over, what are you doing with me?"

The two refused the emperor and queen's rewards, and left after obtaining the medical certificate, but Ren Shou still followed Vegett all the way.

Ren Shou said with a serious face: "I just know that the queen is indeed safe, but I still don't know your purpose. Therefore, at least until you leave Qingxia Kingdom, I will always follow."

"Whatever you want!" Vegett shrugged and didn't care about the stubborn child.

Before he went down the mountain, he had already thought about every step he had to do.

Other tasks are easy to say, the only belief that needs to be collected, although simple, is a time-consuming and laborious trouble.

What he is doing now is preparing for the gathering of faith.

What happened to the palace before was a foreshadowing, and then I will start to exert my strength.

Of course, he didn't really go where to practice medicine.

If you want to achieve your goal in the shortest time, you need to launch a fishing reel offensive like a star, let everyone know that he is a genius doctor.

So the first step Vegett did was to write a book!

That's right, it's writing a book.

The ups and downs and twists and turns of his writing about saving the queen in the palace, almost entirely fantasy writing, highlighting his own image of Guangzhengwei.

Standing beside him, Ren Shou's mouth twitched as he watched his storytelling, and his face was almost paralyzed.

After a long time, seeing Vegete writing more and more evil, Ren Shou couldn't help but say: "What is the situation with the billowing black gas coming out of the pores of the queen? Where is the poisonous gas being forced out like this? You are completely making up nonsense. ."

Vegett blew the ink, put the written story away, and said to him: "My child, you are still too young and you don't understand many things, so watch and listen more and think about doing more, don't talk too much. "

"..." Ren Shou was quite speechless about this.

The person in front of him looked like a senior man, but after getting acquainted, he didn't feel any superior demeanor at all. Instead, he often did things that were more naive than him.

Do you not blush at all if you make up stories like this and make yourself so powerful?

If Vegeta knew what he was thinking, he would definitely roll his eyes.

Therefore, Ren Shou is still too young. *

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