Chapter 343 Beget the Genius Doctor

Time passed, and five days passed in a flash.

At this time, the name of Vegett's genius doctor has quietly resounded throughout Qingxia, and even spread to other countries.

Since his fame, every once in a while, the people of Qingxia Kingdom would hear where he was and healed a patient who was sentenced to no medical treatment.

So that everyone in Qingxia Kingdom is eagerly looking forward to the fact that the genius Doctor Veget can travel to his town.

Those who are sick want to be cured, and those who are not want peace of mind.

So, half a year later...

A certain city in Qingxia Kingdom, in an old Taoist temple.

A cyan Confucian robe, wearing a jade crown, his face covered with golden hair, like a man with a beard, kneeling on a yellow futon, holding a green fan, slowly fanning the medicine stove in front of him.

He was naturally Vegett who had been in Qingxia for half a year and had a reputation as a genius doctor.

Not far from him, Ren Shou, carrying a long sword, stood under a big tree and looked at him quietly.

Through a period of contact, he now has a complicated sense of Vegett.

To say that Vegeta takes care of the world, but he does everything with purpose.

And no matter what good deeds are done, they will spread through the mouth of the storyteller throughout the Qingxia country in more exaggerated language, just like the scene that was directed and acted in the palace half a year ago.

Even though Vegett is doing the job of saving people now, it is only for his own reputation and to be able to make people believe in him.

Otherwise, how could he ignore countless patients and only save five people every day?

"There are so many patients, you can change their destiny and turn them from danger to safety. Why don't you save a few more people? This will enable you to complete the task quickly, right?"

After struggling for a while, Ren Shou couldn't help but ask.

In fact, he also knows some medical skills, and at the beginning he will help treat some patients that Vegett is unwilling to treat.

But as Vegett’s reputation spread, more and more people came to him, and Ren Shou alone could not save a few.

The main reason is that Vegett treats the disease very casually. He often gives the patient a so-called holy water to cure the disease.

But Ren Shou wants to save people, but it takes a lot of time and energy, and the medicinal materials may not be available.

If he had the ability like Vegett, he would definitely heal all the patients who came to him.

In his view, this is the real boundless merit.

Beijit didn't turn his head back, his eyes just stared at the medicine furnace in front of him, and he whispered softly: "You are very dissatisfied with me, right? I think I treat five people every day and ignore lives?"

Ren Shou paused, nodding slightly.

Vegett looked up and said, "Have you ever noticed, what is my method to save people?"

Ren Shou was taken aback, thought about it for a moment and said, "There are all kinds of methods, including medicines, pills, herbs, and the so-called holy water."

Beijit said: "It seems that you are not blind, so don't you think about how these things come from, how valuable is it, how much is left?"

"Then... how did they come from? How much are they worth and how much is left?" Ren Shou's tone suddenly became much weaker.

Vegett briefly checked the spiritual fluid in the time and space. There was originally half a spiritual pond left, but now it was about to bottom out.

Even if he was willing, he couldn't support him to treat more people.

"You see that the items I used to treat patients are all my life in exchange for their worth. Otherwise, they will not have the effect of reversing yin and yang and saving the wounded. As for now, these items are about to run out."

Vegett exaggerated a little bit, but he was right.

Although the process of obtaining these spiritual fluids is very simple, if something goes wrong in the middle, it is likely to be life-threatening.

Of course, Vegett can't die naturally, he can only change his body at most, but the loss is also very large.

What he used to treat patients, although there are various things, but it is also injected with life energy, using the technology of planting fairy beans.

Before he practiced this technique, the spiritual energy he had consumed had been unable to make ends meet, and he could only make up for it with those spiritual liquids.

Even if each patient consumes very little, but the accumulation of small amounts to a large amount, over the years, his treasures are almost exhausted.

If accomplishing the task is more important, why is Vegeta willing to use up all these things? Even if you don't use it, wouldn't it be fragrant to keep it for Xiaobai Xiaoqing?

"You are dissatisfied that I only save five people every day. Then you know that if I save everyone, these resources for saving people will have been used up long ago. How can we continue now?"

"And, don't you think that compared to a child, an old man is more worth saving?"

When Vegett finished speaking calmly, he no longer cared about this iron man, and stared at the furnace for himself.

Over the years, he has also learned some pharmacological knowledge by the way.

If you can prescribe the right medicine and use life energy to assist in catalysis, it will save a lot of spiritual energy.

When Ren Shou heard what Vegett said, it was like being struck by lightning, and scenes flashed in his mind. Only then did he notice that all that Vegett ignored were elderly people who were very old, and most of them were treating young children.


After a long time, Ren Shou gradually came back to his senses, bowed deeply at Vegeta, and said, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

Vegett waved his hand and said, "I hate that others are sorry for me, so don't do anything I'm sorry for in the future. Go ahead, call in the kid called edamame, and his medicine is ready."

Ren Shou stood up straight, glanced at Vegett with complicated eyes, and turned to leave the Taoist temple.

Soon, Ren Shou came to the door with a three or four-year-old boy, and a middle-aged couple with a pale complexion followed him.

When the couple saw Vegett, they knelt down and touched the ground with their foreheads.

"Meet the genius doctor Bei!"

Beijit waved his hand and said, "Get up, Ren Shou, take the edamame."

The couple stood up and followed Ren Shou to the medicine furnace, looking at the medicine furnace with hope and expectation.

What's inside now is the hope of the husband and wife.

The edamame that Ren Shou is holding has its five internal organs congenitally damaged since birth.

After struggling to the present, it has almost shrunk, and is dying.

Unless it is a great supernatural power, even if the ordinary practitioner encounters it, they are powerless.

Veget's furnace medicine has added a lot of precious medicinal materials, refined a lot of spiritual liquid, and added his own life energy.

Just to treat the child in front of him, the consumption of Vegeta is extremely great, where Ren Shou can imagine.

But Vegeta didn't feel distressed at all. For him, everything he is doing now is similar to playing a game with Krypton Gold. Only by giving will be rewarded.

And now, the harvest is not far away. *

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