Chapter 344-The Power of Refining Faith

"After drinking this bowl of medicine, edamame's body will gradually recover to health, but you and your husband must remember that you are only allowed to feed him liquid porridge within three months, otherwise his life will be easily destroyed."

Vegett poured out the medicine from the furnace, let Ren Shou feed it to the child to drink, and then told his parents.

"Thanks to the genius doctor Bei, thank you to the genius doctor Bei."

Seeing Edamame's complexion obviously improved, the husband and wife were ecstatic and fell to the ground again and kept bowing.

After feeding the elixir, he sent the Edamame family away. After they left, Vegett let out a sigh of relief, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Unknowingly, we have traveled across the entire Qingxia country and treated countless mortals with terminal illnesses. Now is the time to pick the fruits of my hard work."

After packing up his things and following him out of the Taoist temple, Ren Shou hesitated and asked, "Actually, you are a good person, right?"

This silly boy!

Vegett chuckled and shook his head and said, "Of course not! I remember what I told you before? There is no good or bad in my heart, only benefits. When there are benefits, such as now, I am a good person and a kind-hearted genius doctor. Without benefit, even if this child dies in front of me, it will not make waves in my heart."

Ren Shou frowned: "I don't believe you are such a person."

Beget teased: "Tell you another secret!"


"I am not a human being, but a fairy!" Beget smiled: "I have been a fairy for hundreds of years.

"What kind of identity has what kind of xinxing, expect a fairy to have kind thoughts, wake up. You didn't take the initiative to harm others, because doing this thing will not only cause no benefits, but will produce karma. I don't want one day. , Will be slain by you so-called young knights."

Ren Shou was struck by lightning and froze in place, staring blankly at Vegett's back.

"What's the matter? I want to cast down demons and exorcise demons now?" Seeing his abnormality, Vegett turned and asked.

Ren Shou was silent for a long time and shook his head: "I just didn't expect you to have such an identity."

Vegett nodded, turned around and continued walking, and said: "If you hate fairies or are dissatisfied with me just telling you about this now, you don't need to follow along."

Seeing him drifting away, Ren Shou said loudly, "Are we... friends?"

Vegeta had a meal before he thought for a while and replied: "Since you have been my attendant for more than half a year, I can barely treat you as a friend."

Ren Shou smiled slightly and strode forward: "That's enough. I care if you are a human or a demon. As long as you are my friend, you will not be alienated because of your identity."

Vegett spread his hands: "It's up to you, I don't care."

For Vegett, this was just a small event in his life during the long years.

After a long time in the future, it is very likely that Ren Shou will never be remembered again.

However, Ren Shou's character always made him unconsciously think of the young swordsman in the Legend of Sword and Fairy, like Xu Changqing and Murong Ziying.

They all have strong principles, and they have been instilled in more pedantic ideas by their elders.

But as I walked into the society and into the world, from the ups and downs, the good and the evil, the beauty and the ugliness, I gradually learned what reality is.

In many cases, there is no clear dividing line between good and evil.

Immortals are not necessarily sacred, and monsters are not necessarily evil.

When Vegeta said these things to him, he wanted him to understand the truth.

Speeding all the way, the sky was getting dark, and the two finally failed to enter the Qingxia Capital City before the city gate was closed.

Fortunately, Vegett, who already possessed spiritual power, could easily do it even if he could not fly long distances.

He clutched Ren Shou's collar, leaped over the high city wall, and came to the genius doctor temple built for him by the emperor.

There is a temple blessing in charge of incense in the temple, a male, about forty years old, with a fair face, smiles first when everybody, and a kind face.

His real name was Shi Yushan, and he was carefully selected by the emperor from countless temples and blessings in the country.

His ability is really good, and he keeps the temple of the gods and doctors in order, praised by the neighbors.

At this time, Shi Yushan was sitting cross-legged in front of the jade body in the temple, studying medical books.

Hearing the footsteps, he raised his head and looked up. He suddenly got up, bowed and said: "Meet the genius doctor Bei."

Vegett waved his hand to him: "Sit down and tell me about the current situation."

Shi Yushan took out two futons from under the table and placed them in front of the two of Vegeta. After they sat down one after another, he sat down cautiously.

"In the past six months, we have stepped up our fishing boats and publicity efforts in accordance with your instructions. Everyone you rescued and every disease you have treated has spread throughout the Qingxia country, making everyone admire and worship. "

"In addition, because of the rumor that where the incense is the most abundant, you may appear wherever you are. Now in the entire Qingxia Kingdom, your temple has been spontaneously erected in various places, and countless people have incense to worship."

After hearing Shi Yushan's words, Begett smiled and said: "This is not a rumor, but a fact. I will go there wherever the incense is the most prosperous. Otherwise, this rumor would have long since been broken."

Shi Yushan smiled and nodded: "I feel that your incense in the Qingxia Kingdom is only stronger than ordinary gods and Buddhas. If this continues, it will definitely not be possible for incense to confine the gods thousands of years later. questionable."

"The incense seals the gods?" Vegett shook his head and smiled: "I wouldn't sit on this kind of god position, but now that I have managed to gather the beliefs of all people and enjoy the incense of all families, then I should also refine my beliefs. The power of jade has made jade psychic."

The statue of the genius doctor in this temple of genius doctor was made by Vegett with the spirit spar.

The spirit spar was the spiritual pool used to hold the spirit fluid when the spirit fluid was stolen.

This kind of spirit spar also has an auxiliary effect for future cultivation, but the most important thing for Vegeta at the moment is to complete the task.

Collecting the beliefs of the people is the third thing that Bodhi Patriarch gave him.

After thinking about it, Vegeta prepared to complete it together with the third item of the first thing, which is to make the stone psychic.

Gathering the beliefs of the people, Vegett did not intend to refine the power of these beliefs for his own use.

If it is to become a god by the power of faith, the road will become narrower and narrower in the future.

So he used the spirit spar to create his own idol to carry the power of these beliefs.

When the power of faith was enough, he just used these powers of faith to make jade psychic after refining, and at the same time, he completed the third sub-item of the first task.

Once these two tasks are completed, the rest is easy, that is, it is time for Vegett to return to Fang Cunshan to find the Bodhi ancestor for compensation. *

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