Chapter 345

Vegett came to the jade body placed in the shrine and put his hand on the jade body's abdomen.

Billowing spirit energy followed his palm into the jade body, turning into a blazing white flame, burning the power of faith in it.

Under the flames of spiritual energy, the power of faith quickly condenses into a cluster, and over time, it is gradually refined into a small blastoderm.

This blastoderm is a spiritual fetus refined by the power of faith, which is similar to the situation of the fairy fetus of Sun Monkey, except that there is a huge difference between the origins of the two.

Vegett split up a trace of divine thought and merged into his spiritual womb.

On the blue and clear jade, the brilliance was radiant for a while, and there was a lingering celestial aura in the jade body.

A weak but clear breath of life radiated from the jade body.

With a movement of Beijit's mind, there was a field of vision seen by the jade body.

In this situation, it is similar to making his own clone, the psychic jade body can also exist as his clone.

It's just that when the jade body moves, it is obviously not as flexible as the flesh and blood body.

If it weren't for the task assigned by Bodhi's ancestors, Vegett wouldn't need to be so troublesome.

Taking the jade body into the space of time while waving his hand, Vegett turned around and said to Ren Shou: "My mission has been completed. It's time to return to Fang Cunshan. Where are you going?"

Ren Shou was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't have a goal yet. I should continue to travel. I have no fixed place."

Vegett nodded and said: "Then let's separate here, the mountains and rivers will always meet, and there will be a day when we meet again in the future. At that time, I will discuss one thing for you."

"Discuss things?" Ren Shou asked questioningly, "Can't you tell me now, do you have to wait until the next meeting?"

"Even if I tell you now, I don't have time to do that with you." Vegett waved his hand and said, "That's it. I'll leave first, and rush back to Fang Cunshan in a hurry."

Ren Shou reluctantly said: "Well then, I look forward to our next meeting."

Waved goodbye to Ren Shou and Shi Yushan, Vegeta walked out of the temple, melted into the darkness, and flew quickly in the direction of Fangcunshan.

Don't look at Vegeta who only completed the third task and the third item of the first task, but in the past six months, he has already done the preparations for other tasks.

Now back to Fang Cunshan, he can hand it in all in a short time.

In just half a year, all the tasks have been completed, and the ancestors of Bodhi will be very surprised by that time.

Now there is only one thing that makes Vegeta a little puzzled, and that is Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, who have been sleeping in time and space after eating the spiritual liquid.

Because time and space are involved in time, living things can also be taken in. There is no problem with Xiaobai and Xiaoqing staying in it.

However, the two snakes only drank a sip of the spiritual liquid each, and they were not awake after sleeping for half a year, which was a bit beyond Vegett's expectation.

If it weren't for the sense of their vitality, Vegett would really think they would sleep forever.

I originally planned to find a place to temporarily settle Xiao Bai and Xiao Qing before returning to Fang Cun Mountain.

On the eve of dawn, the sun only showed a golden edge, and Vegeta, carrying darkness and light, stepped to the front of Fangcun Mountain.

Although he came back this time, he didn't want to hand in the task for the first time.

But after all, after leaving for such a long time, I always have to report to the ancestor Bodhi first when I come back.

"I came back in less than a year. Which task did I complete?" The ancestor Bodhi sat on the cloud bed and asked with a smile as he watched Vegett coming step by step.

In the depths of his eyes, a glimmer of expectation flashed vaguely, but it was caught by Vegett.

Vegett bowed his hands and said in salute: "I have completed the stone psychic and belief collection for more than half a year. The other tasks are also ready and can be completed at any time, but the second task will take some time. ."

"This time I come back to finish the second task. Therefore, please wait a little while for Patriarch, and then submit it together."

"Oh?" When Bodhi ancestor heard this, he was surprised: "There is only one task left? You really surprised me as a teacher."

This is the first time he has called himself a teacher in front of Vegett. Obviously, he has already recognized Vegett as a disciple.

In this regard, Vegeta didn't seem too happy, for so many years, he has been in honor and disgrace for a long time.

Besides, if it weren't for prying into the origin of this world and entering the world of Journey to the West, Bodhi Patriarch would want to become his master, it would still be a little worse.

"So, then you can withdraw. When you are ready, come and find me again." Bodhi was very satisfied with Vegett's performance, and after a slight nod, he waved his hand to make him leave.

"The disciple retire!"

Withdrawing from the ancestor of Bodhi, Vegett first went to find Mingyue.

In fact, when he returned to the mountain gate, many disciples had already received news, and the disciples who were not in retreat were all talking about him, and discussions about him could be heard everywhere.

After all, almost all Fang Cunshan disciples don't want to become the disciples of Bodhi Patriarch.

It is a pity that Fang Cunshan has only a few authentic disciples, who have received personal guidance from the Bodhi ancestor and a small number of authentic disciples.

In addition, the rest are basically three generations of disciples, and those true disciples teach skills for generations.

The difference between the three generations and the true biography, the difference between the true biography and the entrance to the room, is a heaven and an underground, which can not be compared at all.

Now that Veget has obtained the approval of Bodhi's ancestors, as long as he completes three tasks, he can get the quota of disciples. I don't know how many people secretly envy and hate.

For this reason, although the Vegeta is not in Fangcunshan for more than six months, the topic about him has not been interrupted.

Now that he is finally back, everyone wants to know how well his mission has been accomplished.

Mingyue naturally also heard the news of Vegett's return from those disciples, so he waited in Vegett's residence.

Beijit also guessed that this Nizi must be uncontrollable, and she found her easily.


When Mingyue saw him, she immediately smiled like a flower, Dang Even rushed over.

Just as Vegeta opened his arms and was about to take her into his arms, the latter suddenly stopped in front of him and stretched out a small white hand to him.

"Bring it!" Mingyue Qiaoxiao Yanran stood there, a smile flashed under her eyes.

Obviously, she made this action deliberately, and when Vegeta misunderstood, she changed it immediately, and then waited to see the joke. *

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